Could this really be true about the Healthcare bill?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.

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Last Answer : I'll go out on a limb and predict that they will split the whole issue into two bills. One will be to include more people, and to ensure some consumer protections. It will not address a Public Option. ... . The right will shriek and scream for a bit, and soon we will wonder how we did without it.

Description : Have you read the House bill for healthcare reform?

Last Answer : I’ve not been following this as closely as I should, so please forgive my question if it sounds ignorant. Isn’t there more than one version of this bill going around right now?

Description : Canadians, I heard your healthcare system is terrible, is that true?

Last Answer : You hear that propaganda from the AMA and the insurance industry. The Candian system works well. The US heathcare system is what sucks.

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Last Answer : To take the cynical side of this: Some Republican party supporters - mostly Tea Party and fiscal conservatives, would not have made any effort to prevent these people from commiting murder-suicide. Their rationale: ... come up to address these dead peoples' needs,, I wouldn't trust it for a second.

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Last Answer : It’s called Scandinavia (consistently some of the happiest people on Earth). They still use money though I don’t think there’s any way of avoiding it.

Description : There may be testimonials, but I would be curious if you knew anything about this.

Last Answer : The main reasons: They don't pay enough The infrastructure is bad They are overwhelmed, they are too few The better ones go abroad

Description : Can Arduino be used for building a smart healthcare system?

Last Answer : Yes, Arduino can be used for building a smart healthcare system by using sensors to measure various physiological parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure, and by using communication modules to transmit data to a control system to optimize healthcare management.

Description : Can Arduino be used for building a smart healthcare monitoring system?

Last Answer : Yes, Arduino can be used for building a smart healthcare monitoring system by using sensors to measure various parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature, and by using communication modules to transmit data to a mobile app or a control system to optimize healthcare management.

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Last Answer : Improving healthcare requires addressing a number of issues, such as increasing access to care, controlling healthcare costs, and improving the quality of care. Solutions include increasing funding for public health programs, implementing healthcare reform, and investing in new medical technologies.

Description : Is it a good idea to open new hospitals and train more healthcare workers?

Last Answer : They’re closing hospitals down as we speak due to funding issues.

Description : Do EMTs and other healthcare workers know that some people choke lying flat on their backs?

Last Answer : Maybe a medic alert bracelet would be the solution for you?

Description : What is the best state in the U.S regarding social healthcare?

Last Answer : Alaska is a good one.

Description : Those of you in countries with socialized healthcare systems, how are your COVID vaccinations being given?

Last Answer : It's working pretty well in the UK. People are sent letters giving them a date and a time for their jab and you just turn up at your vaccination centre and it is done very quickly and with ... haven't been contacted yet you can book an appointment at a pharmacy (drug store) or a vaccination centre.

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Last Answer : Beer and Brauts

Description : What age would you have retired if you didn’t have to worry about healthcare costs?

Last Answer : *laughs in universal healthcare

Description : Do you consider the American military healthcare system socialized medicine?

Last Answer : It's definitely single-payer healthcare. Calling military medicine socialized' is a little bit of a stretch, however. Boiled down, it's employer-supplied health care, similar to what you would get if ... the case of the military, the insurance company hassles don't exist because it's single payer.

Description : Why would Trump put off the Republican vote on healthcare until after the 2020 elections?

Last Answer : Because he was told to, I suspect. It’s not an issue the Repubs can win on and some of them know it.

Description : Do you think that the USA healthcare system is MUCH expensive? If so, why? (my opinion follows)

Last Answer : The US medical system is a good system in terms of Doctors and equipment, the bad part is a 55 million or so us citizens can't access that system. As for drugs the drug companies hold a ... Affordable health care should be a right of every human on earth regardless of what country they are from.

Description : Should I get an HSA healthcare plan?

Last Answer : Sounds to me like a low deductible plan might be worth it this year since you should qualify for extensive subsidies to offset the higher premium. That's kind of a high-level suggestion though without ... to pay 10% coinsurance until I hit the out of pocket max. I avoid coinsurance like the plague.

Description : Is this healthcare change a significant loss?

Last Answer : Wait it will only change more in the next couple of years. And that is not for the better.

Description : If you want socialized healthcare, and are disgusted by the huge profits in healthcare, do you try to make sure you don't own stock in healthcare companies?

Last Answer : It would seem to be a conflict of interest, at the least.

Description : Will the healthcare mess undo the Republican Party?

Last Answer : Let’s freaking hope so!

Description : Do you think healthcare and prescription meds in USA are still unaffordable for most people? How do we fix it?

Last Answer : answer:The only way it gets fixed' is by legislation and price controls, and that will never happen. The problem with price controls is that it takes any incentive away from the ... and unplanned for consequences which sometimes work perversely to kill the principle they are trying to save.

Description : Have you been satisfied with the Affordable Healthcare Act so far?

Last Answer : It doesn’t affect me personally but I am over the moon that so many people who did not have health care now have coverage and that health costs over all are going down. I really hope the Republicans don’t screw things up.

Description : An "Ebola Czar" with no healthcare credentials or experience? WTH? Why?

Last Answer : answer:For anyone interested, there is an impressive article on Pronovost and his views on infection control written by Laura Landro of the Wall St. Journal. Just putting his name and WSJ into search should bring it up.

Description : Do you think that someone's ability to access healthcare (including emergency situations such as accidents) should be based upon their ability to pay, for example if they have no health insurance?

Last Answer : Nah, base it on race. White's only hospitals, black only hospitals, yellow only hospitals, etc. I'm in rare form today. My apologies. Didn't the guy that figured out blood transfusions die outside of a ... back some other way. @jca I'm waiting for someone to hand me my head for that answer. :)

Description : Does a US citizen residing in Canada pay the tax penalty for not having a healthcare plan?

Last Answer : AFAIK the requirement is to have a plan while resident in the USA, so no.

Description : What, in your opinion, makes a good healthcare provider?

Last Answer : I think you might like this radio story about hospice nurses and how they handle dying people and the families. I listened earlier today, and was awed at the personal skills and calm empathy. It’s like watching Olympic athletes. That sounds hyperbolic, but really, the nurses are amazing. Link

Description : Who claimed the website was HIPAA compliant?

Last Answer : HIPAA

Description : A question about Canadian healthcare?

Last Answer : Nope, you can’t jump the que. But you might be able to pay for it in the states, submit the bills and Canadian health care MIGHT pay for it. but that is a BIG MIGHT if it wasn’t life threatening.

Description : Has anybody else found the Affordable Healthcare Act to be anything but?

Last Answer : I have a few friends who say it’s working really great for them actually, deductible low, etc…, and I’m a Republican, so I’ve really been paying attention to the effects for real people.

Description : With the Affordable Healthcare Act, what happens if there is a gap in my coverage?

Last Answer : answer:Can you (or his HR people) contact the Insurance Agent for his company to get a copy of the forms? Or can they send them to you in PDF format? Your situation is not likely to be ... ACA, but Consumer Reports has a site to help with some of the questions:

Description : Have the rollout problems forever wrecked progressive's enthusiasm for governing?

Last Answer : Without reading the article, that seems patently ridiculous. I am pretty dismayed at Obama and his administration and it will suck if our chance for healthcare reform is blown - which is still ... But I still believe in fighting for parity, universal health care, and truly compassionate government.

Description : Why is the government having such a damn hard time with their website?

Last Answer : Because government has to award contracts to the lowest bidder.

Description : I've just come from and I am confused and extremely suspicious, all at the same time. Can anyone add some insight?

Last Answer : answer:We've about debated Obamacare to death here, but your situation illustrates exactly what I was afraid of, and I never have gotten a straight answer about what happens to the poor soul who ends up having to ... you don't have it to begin with, it puts it in a whole different light, doesn't it?

Description : Does any one desire to comment on the Affordable Healthcare Act and Obama's speech?

Last Answer : I would like to comment! I have no idea but I lived there before Obamacare and it was bad, So, I think it’s gonna take time to iron it out people!! Gah give it a chance, it’s a brand new thing!!

Description : What do you think about the online healthcare like the website MDlive?

Last Answer : Years ago, while on vacation in Hawaii, I got a really bad sunburn. They had what they called dial a nurse who basically did just that. Asked questions, and did an evaluation over the phone ... sink-voodoo and witchcraft are everywhere. I will have to check it out to really give a final opinion.

Description : How can the US fix its dysfunctional healthcare system?

Last Answer : The people in the U. S. are too split right down the middle between wanting it and not wanting it. Unfortunately, with such a disparity, it will not happen any time soon.

Description : How and why did healthcare and insurance become tied to employment?

Last Answer : In America during the depression and into World War II the Government was heavily involved with setting wage restrictions and regulations. Healthcare Insurance was relatively new, some companies started to ... to ask for in negotiations, and the government encouraged it by favorable tax treatment.

Description : What other industries can someone with 20 years in healthcare finance move into?

Last Answer : What about the other side? Have you thought about looking for a job with Medicare or Medicaid? Medicare/Medicaid has audit/reimbursement departments (on the east coast as well as the west) and they always have positions open.

Description : What factors are taken into account when pricing "work" done on the human body as it pertains to healthcare?

Last Answer : Consumer Reports recently released an eye-opening article on healthcare costs. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason.

Description : Is it standard to give healthcare benefits to the first employee at a 2-founder startup?

Last Answer : Rarely but it would help you get better candidates.

Description : Is the new universal healthcare in America going to be good? Are people happy about it?

Last Answer : I think many of us are unhappy that it is not true single payer universal health care and many others are unhappy that socialism is running rampant so I don't think anyone is really happy. And no- ... t think there is great glee throughout the land.. But I do think it is an important first step.

Description : Why are so many people enraged by the Affordable Healthcare Act?

Last Answer : answer:Because he's black. No, not really, but so much of vitriol that I see just makes no sense. I don't understand it. Screaming and moaning about a marine holding an umbrella? What about Bush's lies ... t rely on overt racism (have you seen the If Obama showed up at your barbecue meme?!? ).

Description : Would you please help me understand how the new healthcare laws will work?

Last Answer : See if this helps.

Description : Turns out our privately run healthcare system is wasting $750 billion a year, how do the politicians frame that?

Last Answer : answer:I think few politicians other than Bill Clinton would dare attempt to frame it. No. That's not true. Republicans would frame it, but they would lie. I'm not sure how, but ... ample evidence to suggest politicians are right in believing the electorate has only enough attention for sound bites.

Description : Does Obamacare force parental retiree healthcare plans to cover children?

Last Answer : seekingwolf Do you mean does medicare cover the children also? That is an interesting question. I’m betting it doesn’t, but I have no real knowledge on the topic. Or, you mean health coverage offered by a company to retirees?

Description : Should healthcare be a right reserved for the rich?

Last Answer : answer:First go Elizabeth Warren! Second - are you really asking this question? People still believe that they represent their interests. Blame corporate media or just some kind of mental illness, but these ... consumption. Do Democrats want to give your kids the gay? You decide. More at 11

Description : What is the Difference between a healthcare and a welfare?

Last Answer : answer:i am going to assume you mean “universal healthcare” or “Obamacare” or whatever people choose to call it. I also assume you mean welfare provided by the United states government… please be a bit more specific, specially sense it could be a controversial topic.

Description : What are some good jobs in the healthcare field?

Last Answer : Would you like it to be related to sports? I’d say try something in rehabilitation.