Will doing too many yoga poses hurt you?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:It is certainly possible to injure yourself by doing yoga asanas incorrectly, including over-doing past your limit. I say incorrectly because part of proper asana practice is developing and exercising self-awareness. Yoga is not at all competetive, and while you want to do the best asana that’s possible for you and your body in the moment, that never means pushing beyond a limit where you’ll get hurt. There are several “styles” of yoga these days that encourage pushing yourself and being competitive. They are not true to the classical intention and practice of yoga asana.

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Last Answer : Better than if you don’t do anything with your body, yes.

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Last Answer : I like the yoga sessions on hulu.com I do the lower body one. It’s 20 minutes long and very effective.

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Last Answer : Here is a good article on scoliosis. Do make sure you tell your instructor about your back issue too!

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Last Answer : Depends on your condition, and what yoga practice you are considering. If you have a cold then a standard round of asanas will help clear congestion throughout the body. And pranayama is good for you in ... . Some sun-salutes can loosen up the body enough to help relax and help you get to sleep.

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Last Answer : I suggest you find a local class. Doing yoga online can be dangerous if you’re not experienced. You need someone to guide you so you will understand proper alignment and online your instructor can’t see you and correct your alignment

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Last Answer : Three times a week will be fine. There is no need to ask the same question twice in a row by the way.

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Last Answer : answer:About 200 hours of training, or 6 months to a year of work. Google Hatha Yoga teacher Training and you'll get over 400,000 hits. Then just choose the facility nearest you ... American Yoga Association certification or certs from some comparable organization. Good luck. Welcome to ask-public.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m only an occasional yoga dabbler, but challenge frakking accepted. I’ll set one up at my new house. That gives me a few weeks to up my yoga game. I’m naturally good at balancing (though you’d never guess as I’m still a hopeless klutz). This would make good bragging rights.

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Last Answer : answer:Yoga, in sanskrit, means union; the sun and the moon, the internal and the external, the past and the future. The goal of yoga is integration of the self through self-discovery. Classical ... from a Phys Ed point of view but they contribute nothing to accomplishing the core goals of yoga.

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Last Answer : answer:For me, I started yoga for the physical benefits, but I found the mental benefits akin to what @thorninmud explains on your meditation question. Yoga is undertaken as a practice, it is something that ... it can do and accept what it can't have also been beneficial to my overall well-being.

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Last Answer : answer:Whenever it suits. I now encorporate the yoga breathing with many of my post-op knee exercises and do it in late afternoon. Many busy people do it at home first thing in the AM before they start their day.

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Description : Yoga for seniors?

Last Answer : Have her check with her physician. But it should be good for her or have her try Tai Chi for low impact exercise, stretching and balance improvement.

Description : Is yoga your only exercise?

Last Answer : answer:What is this exercise of which you speak? Seriously, though, I don't exercise verb, I get exercise noun. That is, if I feel like running about, I'll take my son to the ... trees. Or something like that. A workmate is a yoga instructor. She also jogs several miles a day. Overachiever.

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Last Answer : It just means the poses themselves; body positions.

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Last Answer : I never heard of such a thing. I don’t do yoga, but if I did surely my period would not stop me. Do yoga teachers actually skip teaching during the month? Not that I know of. What would be the reason?

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Last Answer : answer:Just a mild hallucination brought on by wishful thinking. I'm sorry it sounds harsh, but there's quite frankly no such thing as a chakra , and I'm sure your yogi would be hard ... breathing is fantastic exercise and great for your physical and mental health, but it doesn't make you magical.

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Last Answer : answer:According to this: The two main types of hot yoga are Moksha and Bikram. Both use a series of Hatha yoga postures, each held for 30 to 60 seconds. In Bikram yoga, all postures are ... poses. Classes are 60 to 90 minutes long and are suitable for beginners as well as more advanced students.

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Last Answer : answer:Hero's pose, pigeon, warrior I, II or III, chair pose and I would also work your hips to help maintain a strong lower body to help engage more muscles in the legs to help take stress off ... your body will help your knees just as much if not more than a focused approach to just the knees!

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Last Answer : http://local.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=yoga+near+Palo+Alto,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.176059,54.140625&ie=UTF8&hq=yoga&hnear=Palo+Alto,+CA&ll=37.436975,-122.146511&spn=0.031759,0.052872&z=14&iwloc=A

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Last Answer : Yoga is a set of spiritual practices originating in India. In Hinduism, the predominant belief system in India, it is believed that practicing Yoga can lead a person to deeper physical, personal, and ... of the matter, yoga doesn't require anything but an open mind and a willingness to learn.

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Description : Yes it's 3:00 time to go see the jogging mom. Do you think I should get a life?

Last Answer : C’mon – what do you think? You know the answer.

Description : Is she an exhibitionist?

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Description : What are the benefits of meditation in our life?

Last Answer : answer:Hatha Yoga, postures and breathing exercises, and meditation, are each one of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga (Royal Yoga) practice. Yoga is a philosophical system with the goal of ... meditation, and there are groups that focus heavily on meditation without any of the physical practice.

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Last Answer : Well, I’ve been meditating for 26 years and I’ve never seen a blue (or any other color) flash. I would be wary of anyone who told me to expect any kind of “special effects” in meditation. The expectation alone sets you on the wrong path.

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Last Answer : answer:Have you tried guided meditation? A friend suggested it to me not that long ago, and it works much better for me than when I try to do it by myself. When it's just me, my mind wanders, ... /user/TheHonestGuys Just be careful if you do the cleansing white light one I ended up bawling ;)

Description : Astrocartography: I have some questions...can you help? (Details)

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Does anyone do Meditation?

Last Answer : I meditate simply use the cool down techniques you do in Shavasana in your yoga classes. Sitting in Lotus is not required sit on a pillow close your eyes, relax and focus on your breathing. You ... what works for you. Find a quiet peaceful area free from distractions .and turn off the phone. Enjoy

Description : Do you find a particular type of meditation to be helpful for you?

Last Answer : I like to use a circular breathing pattern meditating on words.

Description : Do you do P90X?

Last Answer : I like the plyometrics. I haven’t gotten all the way through for one reason or another. It’s pretty challenging.

Description : How to find and suggestions for affordable personal retreats?

Last Answer : answer:Homeaway.com I had a business trip to Charleston SC. Someone tried to book me into an airport hotel for $125/night. Instead I found a tiny cottage with a garden, 100 yds from the beach, $79/night.

Description : What Does Being Mentally Centered Mean?

Last Answer : Being mentally centered can mean many things: Being confident, not insane, able to handle the daily stresses of life etc. When running or working out, some people do not know how to breathe properly, for example when lifting weights, you exhale as you push the weight up.

Description : Where can I do a 5-day Vipassana retreat in the US in December?

Last Answer : The best thing to do is contact a Vipassana center in the U.S.. I don't practice Vipassana, so I can't recommend a good center, and I also don't know what state you're in. But here is a list ... won't know if it was because you don't like Vipassana or because you didn't like that group. Good luck!

Description : Have you ever experienced a kundalini awakening?

Last Answer : i haven’t but i recently met a guy who cancels people who basically freak out due to yoga-induced spiritual awakenings. he said people often hallucinate but that its normal…...

Description : Are easy yoga poses less effective?

Last Answer : Results? Depends on why you are doing yoga… It wasn’t intended to flatten your abs.

Description : What is the reason for certain yoga poses?

Last Answer : Yoga asanas (postures) start the process of opening up the body in order for the prana (internal energy) to increase its flow thru the meridians of the body. These meridians connect with ... mind and body, to find calmness within,seek stillness within and understand your relationship with humanity.