Ear Congestion Clicking and Ringing Ears?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Sending this to our resident audiologist. Squirtingt water into ears can easily induce dizziness but is unrelated to eardrum issue. Can you see an ENT (ear, nose and throat specialist)? He’s in charge of eardrums. Aka Otolaryngologist.

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Last Answer : If I were you, I would go to an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist. Your hearing nothing to fool with.

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Last Answer : It could be but doubtful. I'd have to ask if the darker ear wax is the ear you sleep on more regularly, which is a common factor. the left is that you favor sleeping with the right side ... heat created with your ear against the pillow favor a wax buildup in your right ear canal. www.inquirer.com

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Last Answer : answer:This has worked for me in the past. It's low-tech, non-harmful and won't hurt or make things worse. I take two squares of toilet paper and fold them twice to stiffen the squares just a little. ... . Don't go too wild, though. There's always a risk when you're putting something into your ear.

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Last Answer : answer:No A survey of 122 otolaryngologists identified 21 ear injuries resulting from ear candle use. Ear candles have no benefit in the management of cerumen and may result in serious injury. - source ... inherent danger to hearing.-C. Christopher Smith, MD, FACS, Dover, New Hampshire - source

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Last Answer : How to Clean Your Ears Hygiene is very important in preventing diseases. Our ears, just like any part of our body, need regular cleaning. Here are some tips you can follow to safely clean your ... a perforated eardrum. For more information regarding this article, read how to get rid of ear wax.

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Last Answer : No, I’m ready though. Just dont stick them all the way in.

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Last Answer : Qtips are not designed to go in the ear. By pushing them in you are packing down the wax into the ear canal making things worse. You also risk perforating your ear drum which is bad.

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Last Answer : answer:The medical community seems to concur that “nothing” should go in your ear. I heard one Dr. say “the only thing that should go in your ear is your elbow. ” Eventually, you can push gunk into the ear,causing painful infections. They do make a few extraction devices for ear wax.

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Last Answer : answer:Get some vaseline, neosporin, or even lube just to get it wet. Either that or ice it up to numb it a bit. Then take the gauge, and twist it as you push it through. That’s usually what I do whenever I’m going up a size. One question though. How long have you had the 2g in?

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Last Answer : answer:It means you should go and see a doctor. Swimmers ear is inflamation of the outer ear canal. If that’s what you have then whatever you put in your ear probably just irritated it more.

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Last Answer : Do you hear a sound accompanied with the problems in that ear? If so, perhaps tinnitus?

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Last Answer : Go to doctors office – have ear syringed.

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Last Answer : covid test

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Last Answer : It looks like a tool I've seen doctors use, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable using it on myself. I'd be more comfortable if the guard could be adjusted to an individual's personal ear canal length. ... doctor to teach you how to use it safely or to teach someone else how to use it safely on you?

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Last Answer : I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it listed as a symptom of panic attacks, but I can say that they seem to go hand in hand for me. I’m assuming by vertigo you mean the sensation that the room is spinning, and not just general dizziness. Dizziness is commonly related to anxiety and panic.

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Last Answer : I have it. It only lasts for a few minutes and only happens a few times a month. It doesn’t bother me enough to look into solutions. It is actually one of less worse problems I have with my ears.

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Last Answer : I only have my earlobes done, and I waited until I was 21 to get them and then keep them.

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Last Answer : have u tried pushing one of the flares in sideways, and then rotating it in? (does that make sense?) did u try vaseline? since they're healed you could gauge one larger and then put them ... the wide end of the chopstick and followed the chopstick through.. try to find something like that but larger

Description : There's a high pitched ringing in my ears at all times... what is it?

Last Answer : It could be many things. If it’s happened all your life, it’s most likely normal. If this is a new occurrence you need to see a doctor. It can be a symptom of many ailments.

Description : Ringing Ears?

Last Answer : Tinnitis! Many people experience an occasional ringing (or roaring, hissing, buzzing, or tinkling) in their ears. The sound usually lasts only a few minutes. Ringing in the ears that does not get better ... It's pretty much harmless usually. Just irritating. Get it checked out if you're worried. :)

Description : Will olive oil stop the ringing in your ears?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : One of the potential health effects of exposure to high levels of noise is called tinnitus (pron: ti - NI - tes), which means: w) a permanent loss of hearing. x) a persistent ringing ... ) a temporary loss of hearing, especially of upper frequencies. z) abdominal discomfort from low frequency noise.


Description : Has anyone ever got ringing in one ear after sinus infection?

Last Answer : answer:Two separate issues. Usually the anxiety triggers the bruxism and not the other way around. The Mayo clinic white paper I linked above talks about causes. Call the doc. who prescribed the ... Monday morning, however. These issues always seem to emerge at the beginning of the week-end.

Description : My right ear is clogged and ringing?

Last Answer : Okay, you had a cold. That causes congestion. You can get water behind the eardrum when that happens. The solution is to take a decongestant. With me, when I take decongestants, it also ... a vinegar/hydrogen peroxide mix. And seeing the doctor is always a better idea than asking people online.

Description : Has one person out there cured their ear ringing (Tinnitus)? How did you do it?

Last Answer : I cut out sodium nitrate (yeah, my favorite foods – BACON, pastrami, polish sausage, ham). My ears have been fine for 2 years now.

Description : I have this ringing in my right ear. Should I be concerned?

Last Answer : Tinnitus that sounds like someone's heartbeat can be caused by normal or abnormal blood flow in the vessels near the ear. This type of tinnitus should be brought to the attention of your physician, because there are various rare conditions that cause it that may require medical intervention.

Description : Ear congestion and vertigo...ear infection?

Last Answer : If it is an ear infection and it is left untreated, it could go into the mastoid bone requiring surgery. Go to a doctor.

Description : How to get rid of ear congestion?

Last Answer : It’s probably due to nasal congestion. Try taking a nasal decongestant (provided you are okay to do so) and see if it gets any better.

Description : Ear congestion remedies?

Last Answer : Stop putting any kind of medicine or solutions in your ear, right away. Because you're getting dizzy and certain noises hurt, you could very well have a broken eardrum. You do not want to get it wet, ... and would get dizzy, along with certain sounds hurting my ears, which is why I urge you to go.)

Description : How do I relieve ear congestion?

Last Answer : Get yourself some debrox at the local pharmacy if the issue is ear wax (or other debris). For inner ear issues, I suggest a decongestant, like Sudafed. FYI, I’m a doctor, for what its worth.

Description : How can I get rid of ear congestion that I've had for a month?

Last Answer : Welcome to the collective. It is helpful if you pose a shorter question, and then put all the pertinent additional information in the Details section. I recommend you see your doctor or an ENT ... In that case, you would likely have some pain, a slight fever, or symptoms beyond lightheadedness.

Description : What should I do if I have ear congestion and I need to fly in an airplane?

Last Answer : I get the same thing even when healthy. My ears are fucked. My old roommate suggested these. Not perfect but helped a lot. And normally on every landing I went deaf and it hurt like hell. Even with those it still sucks, but it sucks a lot less. edit :: drunk

Description : I'm a kid with ear congestion and home alone.. Help?

Last Answer : You seriously need to be seen by an ENT. Yesterday. Use technology to text them both until one of them realizes this is important, because if your eardrum ruptures you could wind up with permanent hearing loss. Insist on going to an urgent care center, or last resort the ER.