Does anybody have a favorite brand of deck stain/sealer?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t have a deck, so I personally don’t have a favorite; but, I do know that Thompson’s Water Seal is considered the Cadillac in my neck of the woods. They have a clear & a stain depending on your need.

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Last Answer : Ooh, I want to know the answer..... if anyone has it....

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Last Answer : Club Soda and Baby Powder

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Last Answer : Start with some Automotive Wax and Grease Remover. Available at Automotive Paint Stores.

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Last Answer : Try Oxyclean.

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Last Answer : there are materials out there that protect and seal paint finishes. Some of them make it really easy to wipe off dried bug guts and bird poo. Check with a local detail shop. It runs about $300. To have it put on.

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Last Answer : I’ve heard Mr. Clean sponge is really good at removing stains. How deep is the pile?