In three dimensional view the molecule of tRNA is
(a) L-shaped (b) S-shaped
(c) Y-shaped (d) E-shaped.

1 Answer

Answer :

(b) S-shaped

Related questions

Description : In three dimensional view the molecule of tRNA is (a) L-shaped (b) S-shaped (c) Y-shaped (d) E-shaped.

Last Answer : (a) L-shaped

Description : Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning translation of the mRNA message to protein synthesis? a. An adaptor molecule, tRNA, recognizes specific nucleic acid bases and unites them ... and the free amino acid occurs in the free cytoplasm d. Complete protein synthesis takes hours

Last Answer : Answer: a, b The synthesis of protein involves conversion from a four-letter nucleotide language to one of 20 chemically distinct amino acids. This process is referred to as ... translation and be moving down the mRNA molecules simultaneously, thus increasing the rate of protein synthesis

Description : Which cannot be represented by a set of attributes? a) Program b) Three-dimensional configuration of a protein molecule c) Agents

Last Answer : b) Three-dimensional configuration of a protein molecule

Description : Translation results in the formation of (A) mRNA (B) tRNA (C) rRNA (D) A protein molecule

Last Answer : Answer : D

Description : Peptidyl transferase activity is located in (A) Elongation factor (B) A charged tRNA molecule (C) Ribosomal protein (D) A soluble cytosolic protein

Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Degeneracy of genetic code implies that (A) Codons do not code for specific amino acid (B) Multiple codons must decode the same amino acids (C) No anticodon on tRNA molecule (D) Specific codon decodes many amino acids

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : The T ψ C arm in the tRNA molecule possesses the sequence (A) T, pseudouridine and C (B) T, uridine and C (C) T, dihydrouridine and C (D) T, adenine and C

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : In tRNA molecule, the anticodon arm possesses (A) 5 Base pairs (B) 7 Base pairs (C) 8 Base pairs (D) 10 Base pairs

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : The acceptor arm in the tRNA molecule has (A) 5 Base pairs (B) 7 Base pairs (C) 10 Base pairs (D) 20 Base pairs

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : In tRNA molecule D arm is named for the presence of the base: (A) Uridine (B) Pseudouridine (C) Dihydrouridine (D) Thymidine

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : The approximate number of nucleotides in tRNA molecule is (A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 75 (D) 100

Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : During translation initiation in prokaryotes, a GTP molecule is needed in (a) formation of formyl-met-tRNA (b) binding of 30S subunit of ribosome with mRNA (c) association of 30S mRNA with formyl-met- tRNA (d) association of 50S subunit of ribosome with initiation complex.

Last Answer : (c) association of 30S mRNA with formyl-met- tRNA

Description : .The first phase of translation is (a) binding of mRNA to ribosome (b) recognition of DNA molecule (c) aminoacylation of tRNA (d) recognition of an anti-codon

Last Answer : (d) recognition of an anti-codon.

Description : .During translation initiation in prokaryotes, a GTP molecule is needed in (a) formation of formyl-met-tRNA (b) binding of 30S subunit of ribosome with mRNA (c) association of 30S mRNA with formyl-met- tRNA (d) association of 50S subunit of ribosome with initiation complex.

Last Answer : (c) association of 30S mRNA with formyl-met- tRNA

Description : The first phase of translation is (a) binding of mRNA to ribosome (b) recognition of DNA molecule (c) aminoacylation of tRNA (d) recognition of an anti-codon.

Last Answer : c) aminoacylation of tRNA

Description : GTP is not required for (A) Capping L of mRNA (B) Fusion of 40S and 60S of ribosome (C) Accommodation of tRNA amino acid (D) Formation of tRNA amino acid complex

Last Answer : Answer : D

Description : A characteristic of protein synthesis in both the archaea and eukarya is A.transcription and translation are coupled B.translation is inhibited by diphtheria toxin C.proteins are synthesized from D-, ... L-, isomers of amino acids D.the initiator tRNA is charged with N-formyl- methionine

Last Answer : C.proteins are synthesized from

Description : A characteristic of protein synthesis in both the archaea and eukarya is A- transcription and translation are coupled B- translation is inhibited by diphtheria toxin C- .proteins are synthesized from D-, rather than L-, isomers of amino acids D- the initiator tRNA is charged with N-formyl-methionine

Last Answer : .proteins are synthesized from D-, rather than L-, isomers of amino acids

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Last Answer : If length ‘L’, force ‘F’ and time ‘T’ are taken as fundamental quantities, what would be the dimensional equation of mass and density?

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Last Answer : Time period of a simple pendulum depends upon the length of pendulum (l) and acceleration due to ... expression for time period of a simple pendulum.

Description : Set of L-dimensional blocks called the _______of the vector quantizer. a. Group b. Codebook c. Coding d. Index

Last Answer : b. Codebook

Description : A three dimensional array in C' is declared as int A[x][y][z]. Here, the address of an item at the location A[p][q][r] can be computed as follows (where w is the word length of an integer): (A) &A[0][0][0]+w(y*z*q+z*p+r) (B) &A ... *q+r) (C) &A[0][0][0]+w(x*y*p+z*q+r) (D) &A[0][0][0]+w(x*y*q+z*p+r)

Last Answer : Answer: B

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Last Answer : a) A V- shaped gorge

Description : Which switch should be used in the DIR command to view files in all directories ? 1) /P 2) /W 3) /S 4) /L

Last Answer : 3) /S

Description : Which switch should be used in the DIR command to view files in all directories ? 1 /P 2 /W 3 /S 4 /L

Last Answer : 3 /S

Description : How do you measure an L-shaped room for new flooring?

Last Answer : It sounds like you’ll need to know the square footage. If so, just divide the room into two rectangles, get the area for those rectangles (length x width, as you say), and then add those two areas together.

Description : What connector is L-shaped in a computer?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Can I get a good l shaped computer desk at Ikea?

Last Answer : Ikea sells many types of computer desks online and in their stores. They do offer a L shaped desk as well.

Description : Do "L" shaped computer desks save space?

Last Answer : "L" shaped computer desks do maximize the space available. They also maintain a professional look.

Description : What is the standard size of an l shaped desk?

Last Answer : The standard size of an L-shaped desk is 31" tall, 72" wide and 71" deep at the deepest. You can purchase most of them for under $600.

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Last Answer : The only real con to using a straight desk would be the amount of workspace available. As long as the employee has enough room to work comfortably, they should able to be productive.

Description : What are the benefits of an L shaped desk?

Last Answer : L shaped desks are purchased for a variety of reasons. They can be an excellent way to maximize space and utilize a corner that may otherwise be wasted space. It also provides additional surface storage and ... area to be dedicated to a computer set up and the other hald dedicated to a work space.

Description : IKEA l shaped computer desk?

Last Answer : They currently only have one L-shaped or corner desk listed. It is the Galant and can be purchased in a right or left style. It ranges in price from $160-$210 depending on the style of ... model computer workstation. You can purchase these at Ikea stores, online at and sometimes on ebay.

Description : For the dumb bell shaped orbital, the value of l is (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 2

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : If the average revenue is a horizontal straight line, marginal revenue will be - (1) U shaped (2) Kinked (3) Identical with average revenue (4) L shaped

Last Answer : (3) Identical with average revenue Explanation: The price of a good is also known as the Average Revenue of the firm. Average Revenue (AR) or Price and Marginal Revenue (MR) are identical. ... demand curve. Hence, the competitive demand curve is a horizontal straight line parallel to the OX axis.

Description : For operating rotavator in trashy soils, which lines are better? (a) L-shaped (b) Hook shaped (c) Backward curved (d) Straight blade

Last Answer : (a) L-shaped

Description : Select the incorrect match. (a) Lampbrush – Diplotene bivalents chromosomes (b) Allosomes – Sex chromosomes (c) Sub-metacentric – L-shaped chromosomes chromosomes (d) Polytene – Oocytes of chromosomes amphibians

Last Answer : (d) Polytene – Oocytes of chromosomes amphibians

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Last Answer : Answer: Option C

Description : shaped blades are best suited for i. Minimum tillage of trashy land at shallow depths j. Dried hard soils k. Cutting and pulverisation in wet sticky clay soil l. Working under normal field conditions

Last Answer : i. Minimum tillage of trashy land at shallow depths

Description : For operating rotavator on trashy soils which tines are better: A L-shaped B.Hook shaped C.Backward curved tip twist blade D.Straight blade

Last Answer : A L-shaped

Description : The isoquants in Input Output model is (a) convex to the origin (b) concave to the origin © l shaped. (d) straight line.

Last Answer : © l shaped.

Description : Select the incorrect match : (1) Lampbrush – Diplotene bivalents chromosomes (2) Allosomes – Sex chromosomes (3) Submetacentric – L-shaped chromososmes chromosomes (4) Polytene – Oocytes of amphibians chromosomes

Last Answer : (4) Polytene – Oocytes of amphibians chromosomes

Description : If the average revenue is a horizontal straight line, marginal revenue will be (1) U shaped (2) Kinked (3) Identical with average revenue (4) L shaped

Last Answer :  Identical with average revenue 

Description : Write four requirements of good formwork and draw a sketch showing cross section of formwork for a L-shaped column.

Last Answer : i. It should be strong enough to resist the weight of concrete, workers and machinery. ii. It should be economical compared to total cost of construction. iii. It should be possible to use the ... available. vii. It should be rigid enough to retain its shape without deflection or bulging.

Description : We translate a two-dimensional point by adding a.Translation distances b.Translation difference c.X and Y d.Only a

Last Answer : d.Only a

Description : Which one of the following statements in not correct? [CDS 2003] (a) India is the highest oil-seeds and vegetable oil producing country in the world (b) India is the second largest exporter of ... silk in world (d) India is the second largest producer of three-wheeler motor vehicles in the world

Last Answer : Ans: (c)

Description : Erythromycin binds to 50 S ribosomal sub unit and (A) Inhibits binding of amino acyl tRNA (B) Inhibits Peptidyl transferase activity (C) Inhibits translocation (D) Causes premature chain termination

Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Binding of formylmehtionyl tRNA to 30 S ribosomal subunit of prokaryotes is inhibited by (A) Streptomycin (B) Chloramphenicol (C) Erythromycin (D) Mitomycin

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : Peptidyl transferase activity is present in (A) 40 S ribosomal subunit (B) 60 S ribosomal subunit (C) eEF-2 (D) Amino acyl tRNA

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : eIF-1A and eIF-3 are required (A) For binding of amino acyl tRNA to 40 S ribosomal subunit (B) For binding of mRNA to 40 S ribosomal subunit (C) For binding of 60 S subunit to 40 S subunit (D) To prevent binding of 60 S subunit to 40 S subunit

Last Answer : Answer : D