The ideal speed of wind for production of wind energy is between

1 Answer

Answer :

8m to 22m per second.

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Last Answer : Wind energy

Description : In the production of wave energy ________ form of energy is used. a) Potential energy b) Kinetic energy c) Solar energy d) Wind energy

Last Answer : wind energy

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Last Answer : Ans: (b)

Description : The earth’s atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of -----? A. Air pressure B. Air temperature (Answer) C. Air density D. Wind speed

Last Answer : B. Air temperature (Answer)

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Last Answer : A. minor or no damage (Answer)

Description : In general, wind speed of 10 –13 kph caused----? A. minor or no damage (Answer) B. considerable damage C. severe damage D. extreme damage

Last Answer : A. minor or no damage (Answer)

Description : Can wind travel faster than the speed of sound? -Geography

Last Answer : Yes, wind can travel faster than the speed of sound. Wind is just the bulk movement of a mass of air through space and is in principle no different from a train speeding along or a comet zipping through space.The speed of sound just describes how fast a mechanical wave travels through a material.

Description : Which speed changes the wind and ocean currents ?

Last Answer : As a result of diurnal motion changes the wind and ocean currents.

Description : What kind of wind has higher speed of sound ?

Last Answer : The speed of sound is higher in wet air.

Description : Can wind speed be measured ?

Last Answer : Wind speed can be measured with an anemometer.

Description : Which planet has the highest wind speed ?

Last Answer : Neptune has the highest wind speed.

Last Answer : If the wind speed is higher than the sound, it is called shockwave.

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Last Answer : Rain is falling vertically with a speed of 35 m/s. Wind starts blowing at a speed of 12 m/s ... should a boy waiting at a bus stop hold his umbrella?

Description : What type of measurement us a wind speed of 25 miles per hour?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What is the maximum wind speed for crane with man basket attached?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What would happen to wind speed if there is an increase in cloud cover?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How does wind speed and direction affect the weather?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : If A plane is flying north at a speed of 200 miles per hour. The wind is blowing at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour from the east. What is the resulting speed of the plane calculated to the near?

Last Answer : It is 203.96 mph. The question does not specify the degree ofrounding required.

Description : If A plane is flying north at a speed of 200 miles per hour. The wind is blowing at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour from the east. What is the resulting speed of the plane calculated to the near?

Last Answer : It is 203.96 mph. The question does not specify the degree ofrounding required.

Description : Which weather technology is used to gather pressure wind speed and other first-hand observations of hurricanes that are out at sea?

Last Answer : reconnaissance aircraft

Description : Which weather technology is used to gather pressure wind speed and other first hand observations of hurricanes that are out at sea?

Last Answer : reconnaissance aircraft

Description : What is the minimum wind speed needed for a wind power generator to produce electricity?

Last Answer : You will need at least 10 miles per hour wind speeds to generate power with a turbine. Look for an open spot in your garden that is away from other structures or above the roof line.

Description : What was the wind speed of the joplin tornado?

Last Answer : In excess of 200 mph at the peak, possibly as high as 250 mph.

Description : Crops, which protect another crops from trespassing of animals or restrict the speed of wind and are mainly grown as border

Last Answer : Ans.Border/Guard Crops

Description : Speed of wind is measured by – (1) barometer (2) hygrometer (3) thermometer (4) anemometer

Last Answer : (4) anemometer Explanation: An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station instrument. The term is derived from the Greek word anemos, meaning wind, ... aerodynamics. The first known description of an anemometer was given by Leon Battista Alberti around 1450.

Description : Anemometer is used to measure – (1) wind direction (2) wind velocity (3) pressure gradient (4) wind speed and time

Last Answer : (2) wind velocity Explanation: An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station instrument. The first known description of an anemometer was given by Leon Battista Alberti around 1450.

Description : The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is – (1) Altimeter (2) Anemometer (3) Chronometer (4) Dosimeter

Last Answer : (2) Anemometer Explanation: An anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station instrument. The term is derived from the Greek word anemos, meaning wind, ... aerodynamics. The first known description of an anemometer was given by Leon Battista Alberti around 1450.

Description : What is the name of the sand mound formed by high speed of wind

Last Answer : Dune

Description : Hygrometer is used to measure a. Pressure b. Humidity c. Wind speed d. Solar radiation

Last Answer : Humidity

Description : Indian Meteorological Department declared “Super Cyclone” (a) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 216 kmph (b) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 220 kmph (c) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 194 kmph (d) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 172 kmph

Last Answer : (b) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 220 kmph

Description : Mapping method used for tracking wind speed and direction is a) Hazard mapping b) Mind mapping c) Speed mapping d) None of these

Last Answer : a) Hazard mapping

Description : If A is the projected area of a vehicle in square metres, V is speed of the vehicles in kilometres per hour and C is a constant, then the wind resistance R to the moving vehicles, is given by (A) R = CAV (B) R = CAV2 (C) R = CAV3 (D) R = C 2AV

Last Answer : Answer: Option B

Description : ATC will only report wind as gusting if:  a. Gust speed exceeds mean speed by >15kts  b. Gusts to over 25kts  c. Gusts exceed mean speed by 10kts  d. Gusts to under 25kts

Last Answer : c. Gusts exceed mean speed by 10kts 

Description : A constant rate of climb in an aeroplane is determined by: a. Wind speed b. The aircraft weight c. Excess engine power d. Excess airspeed

Last Answer : c. Excess engine power

Description : Shortly after take-off, the altitude of the aeroplane suffers an abrupt pitch-up and IAS rapidly decreases followed quickly by a decrease in altitude. Engine indications are normal. You should suspect what ... to gain airspeed d. Local clear air turbulence; reduce speed to VRA and ride it out

Last Answer : b. Loss of head wind or an increase in tail wind; apply full power

Description : ATC will only report wind as gusting if: a. Gust speed exceeds mean speed by >15kts b. Gusts to over 25kts c. Gusts exceed mean speed by 10kts d. Gusts to under 25kts

Last Answer : c. Gusts exceed mean speed by 10kts

Description : A train locomotive whose mass is 1 x 106 kilograms is traveling EAST at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. A NORTHERLY wind is applying a force of 100 Newtons on the locomotive. How much work is the wind doing ... 10 meters it travels? w) 0 joules x) 1,000 joules y) 10,000 joules z) 100,000 joules

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- 0 JOULES

Description : Which of the following pairing is incorrect? (1) Hygrometer Water vapour content of the atmosphere (2) Lactometer Specific gravity of liquids (3) Anemometer Speed of the wind (4) Seismograph Earthquakes

Last Answer : Lactometer Specific gravity of liquids

Description : Anemometer is an instrument meant for measuring (1) velocity (2) air masses (3) wind speed (4) temperature

Last Answer :  wind speed

Description : An anemometer measures which of the following ? (1) Speed of light (2) Speed of wind (3) Speed of water current (4) Speed of satellites 

Last Answer :  Speed of wind

Description : Anemometer is used to measure (1) wind direction (2) wind velocity (3) pressure gradient (4) wind speed and time

Last Answer : wind velocity

Description : The instrument used to measure the speed of the wind is (1) Altimeter (2) Anemometer (3) Chronometer (4) Dosimeter

Last Answer : Anemometer

Description : Speed of wind is measured by (1) barometer (2) hygrometer (3) thermometer (4)anemometer

Last Answer : anemometer

Description : Identify the sensors for the following : i) Wind speed ii) RPM of generator shaft iii) Temperature in generator iv) Cable untwisting v) Vibration vi) Wind direction

Last Answer : i) Wind Speed : Anemometer. ii) RPM of Generator Shaft: Accelerometers. iii) Temperature in Generator: Thermistor, thermocouple, RTD. iv) Cable Untwisting : Cable Twisting sensor. v) Vibration : Accelerometer, piezoelectric. vi) Wind direction: Wind vane.

Description : The speed of sound in an ideal gas varies as the (A) Temperature (B) Pressure (C) Density (D) None of these

Last Answer : (A) Temperature

Description : Speed of sound in an ideal gas depends on its (A) Temperature (B) Pressure (C) Specific volume (D) None of these

Last Answer : (A) Temperature

Description : In case of isentropic flow, the speed of sound in an ideal gas is proportional to (where M = molecular weight of the gas). (A) 1/√M (B) √M (C) 1/M (D) M

Last Answer : (A) 1/√M

Description : In case of isentropic flow, the speed of sound in an ideal gas is proportional to (where, T = absolute temperature). (A) 1/√T (B) 1/T (C) √T (D) T

Last Answer : (C) √T