Concerning germ layers and the presence of coelom how are arthropods characterized?

1 Answer

Answer :

Arthropods are triploblastic (they have three germ layers) and coelomate beings.

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Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: cockroaches, flies, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, spiders, scorpions, mites. Basic morphology: segmented body (metameric), articulated limbs, chitinous exoskeleton, ... crustaceans, metamorphosis in some insects, no larval stage in arachnids. Phylum Mollusca Review

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Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: protochordates (ascidians, amphioxus), vertebrates. Basic morphology: branchial clefts, notochord, neural tube. Type of symmetry: bilateral. Germ layers and coelom: ... in vertebrates. Types of reproduction: sexual, with or without larval stage. Fish Review

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Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: ascaris, hookworms, filaria, pinworms. Basic morphology: cylindric (round) body, not segmented. Type of symmetry: bilateral. Germ layers and coelom: ... ganglial chord, primitive cephalization. Types of reproduction: sexual. Phylum Annelida - Q&A Review

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Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: planarias, schistosomes, taenias. Basic morphology: flat worm. Type of symmetry: bilateral. Germ layers and coelom: triploblastics, acoelomates. Digestive system: ... , beginning of cephalization. Types of reproduction: asexual and sexual. Phylum Nematoda Review

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Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, hydra. Basic morphology: polyp or medusa. Type of symmetry: radial. Germ layers and coelom: diploblastics, acoelomate. Digestive ... of reproduction: asexual and sexual with larval stage and metagenesis. Flatworms - Study Them Here

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Last Answer : Example of representing beings: sponges. Basic morphology: tubular or globular body with spongocoel, sessile; choanocytes, pinacocytes and amoebocytes. Type of symmetry: not established. Germ layers ... Types of reproduction: asexual and sexual with larval stage. Cnidarians - Questions and Answers

Description : Ascaris is characterized by (a) presence of true coelom but absence of metamerism (b) presence of true coelom and metamerism (metamerisation) (c) absence of true coelom but presence of metamerism (d) presence of neither true coelom nor metamerism.

Last Answer : (d) presence of neither true coelom nor metamerism.

Description : How can the endoskeleton of echinoderms be characterized in comparison to analogous structures present in vertebrates, arthropods and molluscs?

Last Answer : The echinoderm skeleton is internal, i.e., it is an endoskeleton. It is made of calcium carbonate (calcareous). Vertebrates also have internal skeleton made of bones and cartilages. Arthropods ... of chitin, a chitinous exoskeleton. Some molluscs present a calcareous shell that works as exoskeleton.

Description : Three germ layers are formed during which stage of embryonic development :-

Last Answer : Three germ layers are formed during which stage of embryonic development :- A. Morula B. Blastula C. Gastrula D. In any two stages

Description : What are ectoderm and endoderm germ layers?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How are animals classified according to the germ layers present in their embryonic development ?

Last Answer : Cnidarians are diploblastic, i.e., they present only endoderm and ectoderm. With the exception of poriferans, all remaining animals are triploblastic. Poriferans do not present differentiated tissue ... not classify regarding germ layers (although sometimes they are mentioned as diploblastic).

Description : What are the three types of germ layers that form tissues and organs in animals ?

Last Answer : The three germ layers are the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. 39. How is the mesoderm (third germ layer) of triploblastic animals formed? The mesoderm appears from differentiation of endodermal cells that cover the dorsal region of the archenteron.

Description : How are animals classified according to the germ layers present in their embryonic development ?

Last Answer : Cnidarians are diploblastic, i.e., they present only endoderm and ectoderm. With the exception of poriferans, all remaining animals are triploblastic. Poriferans do not present differentiated tissue ... not classify regarding germ layers (although sometimes they are mentioned as diploblastic).

Description : What are the three types of germ layers that form tissues and organs in animals ?

Last Answer : The three germ layers are the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. Image Diversity: germ layers

Description : How many germ layers originate the body of platyhelminthes? In relation to this characteristic how are these animals classified?

Last Answer : Platyhelminthes are the first triploblastic animals (remember that cnidarians are diploblastic), i.e., they present three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

Description : Which are the germ layers present in cnidarians? Which tissues of the animal do they originate?

Last Answer : These beings present ectoderm and endoderm, two germ layers. Animals with only two germ layers are called diploblastic animals. The ectoderm gives birth to the epidermis and the endoderm originates the covering of the digestive cavity. Image Diversity: germ layers

Description : How are the main classes of arthropods classified according to the presence of larval stage in their embryonic development?

Last Answer : In crustaceans there are species with direct and others with indirect development. In insects there are species without larval stage (ametabolic insects), others undergoing indirect ... while holometabolic insects undergo complete metamorphosis. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: metamorphosis

Description : How does the presence of exoskeleton explain the general small size of arthropods?

Last Answer : Since they have exoskeleton and periodic ecdysis, the growth of arthropods is limited to avoid the animal becoming vulnerable to environmental harm. There are however some arthropod species with relatively large-sized individuals, like “giant” cockroaches, crabs and spiders.

Description : Considering the presence of segmentation (metameres) in their body to which other already studied phylum are arthropods proximal?

Last Answer : Considering their metameric feature arthropods are proximal to annelids that also have segmented bodies. In the embryonic development of some arthropods there are fusions of metameres forming ... example, the cephalothorax of arachnids. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: athropod cephalothorax

Description : Concerning digestion how are poriferans characterized?

Last Answer : Sponges are different from other animals since they present only intracellular digestion. They do not have a digestive system nor do they release digestive enzymes in the spongocoel to cause extracellular break down of nutrients.

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Last Answer : Cervical vertebrae are characterized by the presence of `:-` A. Long neural spine B. Odontoid process C. Vertebro-arterial-canals D. Flat centrum

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Last Answer : Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae; insects have one pair; arachnids do not have antennae.

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Last Answer : Crustaceans and arachnids do not have wings. Most insects have wings.

Description : Organisms characterized by the presence of a notochord are called

Last Answer : chordates.

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Last Answer : Capillary buds and fibroblast

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Last Answer : the presence of an intramolecular bridge structure.

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Last Answer : a) A disease of the airways characterized by destruction of the walls of overdistended alveoli. Emphysema is a category of COPD.

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Last Answer : C Chitin

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Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : In the given table which phyla is correctly matched with its levels of organisation, symmetry and coelom ?

Last Answer : In the given table which phyla is correctly matched with its levels of organisation, symmetry and coelom ?

Description : True coelom appeared first in the course of evolution in

Last Answer : True coelom appeared first in the course of evolution in A. Echinodermata B. Annelida C. Chordata D. Aschelminthes

Description : In the fist course of evolution, true coelom appeared for the first time in

Last Answer : In the fist course of evolution, true coelom appeared for the first time in A. Annelida B. Chordata C. Aschelminthes D. Echinodermata

Description : Select incorrect matching of animlas, their body symmetry , and coelom.

Last Answer : Select incorrect matching of animlas, their body symmetry , and coelom.

Description : Do jellyfish have a coelom?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is coelom ?

Last Answer : To which structures do coeloms give birth? Are all animals coelomate? Coeloms are cavities delimited by mesoderm. Coeloms originate the cavities where the internal organs of the body are ... animals, there are acoelomate animals, like platyhelminthes, and pseudocoelomate animals, like nematodes.

Description : What is coelom ?

Last Answer : To which structures do coeloms give birth? Are all animals coelomate? Coeloms are cavities delimited by mesoderm. Coeloms originate the cavities where the internal organs of the body are ... animals, like platyhelminthes, and pseudocoelomate animals, like nematodes. Image Diversity: coelom

Description : There is a restriction endonuclease called EcoRI. What does “co” part in it stand for? (a) colon (b) coelom (c) coenzyme (d) coli

Last Answer : (d) coli

Description : Blastopore is the pore of (a) archenteron (b) blastocoel (c) coelom (d) alimentary canal.

Last Answer : (a) archenteron

Description : Which of the following characters is absent in all chordates? (a) Diaphragm (b) Coelom (c) Pharyngeal gill clefts (d) Dorsal nerve cord

Last Answer : (a) Diaphragm

Description : The figures (A - D) show four animals. Select the correct option with respect to a common characteristic of two of these animals. (A) (B) (C) (D) (a) (A) and (D) respire mainly through body wall. (b) ... . (c) (A) and (B) have cnidoblasts for self-defence. (d) (C) and (D) have a true coelom

Last Answer : (d) (C) and (D) have a true coelom.

Description : Coelom is found between (a) body wall and ectoderm (b) ectoderm and endoderm (c) mesoderm and body wall (endoderm) (d) mesoderm and ectoderm.

Last Answer : (c) mesoderm and body wall (endoderm)

Description : Alveolar membrane found in (a) Lung (b) Tooth (c) Coelom (d) None

Last Answer : (b) Tooth

Description : A 55-year-old renal transplant patient has been hospitalized in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit, receiving a prolonged course of antibiotics following an attack of acute cholecystitis. The ... suggest a dosage reduction in immunosuppressive agents until the infection can be adequately controlled

Last Answer : Answer: a, d Infections due to fungal pathogens have become increasingly common during the past decade, frequently occurring in patients undergoing prolonged hospitalization in the Surgical ... agents should be discontinued until evidence of infection is absolutely controlled or is eradicated

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Last Answer : Answer: a, c, d Oxygen consumption is usually elevated in the infected patient. The extent of this increase is related to the severity of the infection, with peak elevations reaching 50% ... suggest that the metabolic rate increases 10% to 13% for each elevation of 1°C in central temperature

Description : True statements concerning hypoadrenal shock include which of the following? A. Adrenocortical insufficiency may manifest itself as severe shock refractory to volume and pressor therapy. B. ... test should be performed to help establish the diagnosis of acute adrenocortical insufficiency.

Last Answer : Answer: AD DISCUSSION: Shock due to acute adrenocortical insufficiency is relatively uncommon but must be considered when shock refractory to volume replacement and pressor therapy is present. ... and it is the corticosteroid of choice while the ACTH stimulation test is being performed

Description : Concerning the presence of nucleus what is the difference between animal and bacterial cells ?

Last Answer : Animal cells (cells of living beings of the kingdom Animalia) have an interior membrane that delimits a cell nucleus and thus they are eukaryotic cells; in these cells the genetic material is located ... so they are prokaryotic cells and their genetic material is found dispersed in the cytosol.

Description : Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? [IAS 2003] (a) Black cotton soil of north-west India was formed by the weathering of basaltic lava rocks (b) Sedimentary rocks are distinguished ... feldspar and mica in it (d) A metamorphic rock is softer and less compact than its original type

Last Answer : Ans: (d)