What is the body temperature of snakes?

1 Answer

Answer :

Snakes are cold blooded, their body temperature is that of their surroundings. However, to be active they need to get warm and will sun themselves to do this. Their body temperature would change with the airs temperature.

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Description : content:

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Last Answer : Snakes are more common in the forest. Where there is a lot of vegetation. Snakes are more common in hilly areas.

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Description : People are said to be divided into 3 groups. -that who love them -that who is afraid of them -that who doesn't care It is said to be similar to spiders. VOTE (for registered users): I love snakes (1 points, 33%) I'm afraid of snakes (2 points, 67%)

Last Answer : I'd say I don't care, but when I think about it, I don't, I have a blind man in my family: and I also like a snake: I just don't need a cobra:

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