What is the difference between warm blood and cold blood?

1 Answer

Answer :

cold blood animals are cold when they in cold temperature and hot when they are in hot temperature; they didn't need high amount of food to maintain their energy into fats. warm blood animals require high amount of food to convert energy into fats.

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Last Answer : Polar Bears are mammals and thus warm-blooded.

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Last Answer : a) Heavier

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Last Answer : b) Cold booting is starting the computer from the power off position and warm booting is the restarting the computer with CAD command or reset button when it hangs

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Last Answer : I’ve tried both, and I find warm t be most soothing. If you are trying to revive, and be active, I suggest cold, but warm is best for getting to sleep.

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Last Answer : Most of the chunkier people I know (myself included) seem to run warmer than skinny friends.

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Last Answer : Depends where you go to drink your beer. Most brew pubs and breweries I frequent serve at about 40 to 45 * F. The will not serve in a frosty mug either. Stay out of bars that serve there beer in frosty mugs just out of the freezer, health reasons and taste too!

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Last Answer : What kind of inflammation are you dealing with? Different organs have different treatments.

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Last Answer : I was told that it takes energy to cool down or warm up liquids that are consumed, and that drinks at body temperature are absorbed faster.

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Last Answer : answer:If the sun's rays hit the Earth straight on then it will be warm. This happens during the summer. If the sun's rays hit the Earth at an angle then the same amount of ... winter. The change in distance between the seasons is relatively slight and thus has negligible effect on temperature.

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Last Answer : A good cup of fresh brewed hot coffee is my go to for warming up on a cold morning. This last weekend I camped with the scouts and we woke up to frost on the ground and a dad had toughed it out got up early and brewed a pot of coffee that was liquid heaven sipping next to the fire!

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Last Answer : answer:It's been a long time since I lived somewhere that had real seasons. I miss the smell most of all - the spicy scent of a pile of freshly raked autumn leaves the crisp smell of snow, when ... 's always hot, and dusty, and there's always pollen in the air. And the mosquitoes never go away.

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Last Answer : Just one note: Otherwise I’m ok, I was never ill (fewer, cold, flu) only physical accidents (broken leg, etc.). It’s not a problem, except for hot summer, I’m walking in shadows, and still my brain is overheating or something. For a lack of better description.

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Last Answer : I love the cold, in fact I was outside earlier in shorts and a t shirt in the snow :-)

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Last Answer : That’s why Canadians, over the generations, have become so tolerant and yes, friendly.

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Last Answer : Room temperature, and fresh. What they really like best is running water. I bought a little circulating fountain for my cat. He loves it.

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Last Answer : I imagine that it’s the same principle that you can’t feel the heat when you’re soaked in cold water. (gawd, I know what that’s like.) It probably is something to do with direct contact, but that doesn’t stop me from sitting up close to a heater.

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Last Answer : It's an old wives tale if you can tell how your dog is feeling by feeling his nose. Dogs' noses feel differently depending on activity, weather, etc. You can read more about dogs and their noses here in The Pet wiki article: Dogs and Cold, Wet Noses

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Last Answer : Snow.

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Last Answer : Go into the corner. It's always 90 degrees.

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Last Answer : Death.

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Last Answer : Water/ice.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : warm its a mmammal

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Last Answer : The warmer the air is the more energy the molecules have. The more energy the molecules have the more they vibrate. When the molecules vibrate they bounce into each other and push apart from ... fit into one space (because they are not bouncing off each other).Read more: Why_doesn't_cold_air_rise

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Last Answer : Warm blooded

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Last Answer : stationary front

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Last Answer : Panthers are warm blooded.

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Last Answer : A stationary front.

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Last Answer : a lot of HEAT ;)

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : An occluded front.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : it forms

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Last Answer : That's called an 'occluded' front.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : An occluded front.