What type of front occurs when warm air and cold air are next to each other but are at standstill?

1 Answer

Answer :

A stationary front.

Related questions

Description : Which type of front is a boundary between warm and cold air masses of equal strength?

Last Answer : stationary front

Description : What front is it called when a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass?

Last Answer : An occluded front.

Description : What front is it called when a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass?

Last Answer : An occluded front.

Description : When a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass its called a front?

Last Answer : Cold

Description : When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass, the result is often a front?

Last Answer : occluded

Description : When a warm air is lifted off the surface in temperature depression it is called ----? A. An occlusion (Answer) B. A cold front C. An anticyclone D. A warm front

Last Answer : A. An occlusion (Answer)

Description : If a warm front occurs in the winter what type of snow storm would it bring?

Last Answer : It would bring deep cold air

Description : What occurs when a warm air mass is stuck between two cold air masses?

Last Answer : a lot of HEAT ;)

Description : In a 15 HP induction-type motor with a cage rotor, the current required at standstill to produce starting torque is approximately ____________. A. half the full load current B. equal to the full load current C. five times the full load current D. ten to twenty times the full load current

Last Answer : Answer: C

Description : When a warm front goes over a cold front?

Last Answer : That's called an 'occluded' front.

Description : When a warm front goes over a cold front?

Last Answer : That's called an 'occluded' front.

Description : A geostationary satellite appears standstill to a viewer on the equator of earth.

Last Answer : Ans: Because the distance remains the same.

Description : A geostationary satellite appears standstill to a viewer on the equator of earth.

Last Answer : Because these satellites are in the geosynchronous orbit (an orbit around the Earth with an orbital period matching the Earth's sidereal rotation period) Geostationary orbit is a type of geosynchronous orbit that is directly above the equator

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Last Answer : (a) 2 to 3 times greater

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Last Answer : Option D

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Which of these effects generally occurs as the result of a warm air mass and a cooler air mass converging at Earth's surfaceGroup of answer choices?

Last Answer : flash flooding

Description : In North America most winter storms form when cold dry air from what interact with warm moist air from?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What causes warm air to rise and the cold air to sink?

Last Answer : The warmer the air is the more energy the molecules have. The more energy the molecules have the more they vibrate. When the molecules vibrate they bounce into each other and push apart from ... fit into one space (because they are not bouncing off each other).Read more: Why_doesn't_cold_air_rise

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : When warm air overtakes a cold air mass it forms?

Last Answer : it forms

Description : What are Warm air mass takes over cold air mass?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : When air is warm, it rises and leaves an area of low pressure which becomes filled with sinking cold air. After a hot, sunny day, the land cools faster than the sea. What is likely to happen after a hot, sunny day on the sea shore?

Last Answer : When air is warm, it rises and leaves an area of low pressure which becomes filled with sinking cold air. After a hot, sunny day, the land cools faster than the sea. What is likely to happen after a hot, sunny day on the sea shore?

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Last Answer : B. Evaporation (mixing) fog (Answer)

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Last Answer : a) Heavier

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Last Answer : d. The cold air side of the core

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Last Answer : c. He turns back before the aircraft loses maneuverability 

Description : In which zone of a jetstream is the strongest CAT to be expected? a. The warm air side of the core b. Exactly in the center of the core c. About 12,000ft above the core d. The cold air side of the core

Last Answer : d. The cold air side of the core

Description : How does a pilot react to heavy freezing rain at 2,000ft/AGL, when he is unable to deice nor land? a. He ascends to the cold air layer above b. He continues to fly at the same altitude c. He turns back before the aircraft loses maneuverability d. He descends to the warm air layer below

Last Answer : c. He turns back before the aircraft loses maneuverability

Description : When the difference in the temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer and dry-bulb thermometer is large, what does it indicate about the air? w) it is very dry x) it is nearly saturated y) it is very warm z) it is very cold

Last Answer : ANSWER: W -- IT IS VERY DRY

Description : A wealthy man lives alone in a small cottage. Being partially handicapped, he had everything delivered to his cottage. The mailman was delivering a letter one Thursday when he noticed that the front door ... mail. The police officer suspects it was foul play. Who does he suspect and why? -Riddles

Last Answer : The police officer suspects the newspaper delivery person. The absence of Tuesday's and Wednesday's newspaper indicates that the delivery person knew there was no one there to read it.

Description : what is warm front?

Last Answer : A warm front is where advancing warm air displaces cold air. Because the air ahead of a warm font moves more slowly than does an advancing cold air mass, the warm air encounters less friction ... pointing in the direction of the front's motion.Warm fronts are air masses that have warm temperatures.

Description : What does a warm front mean?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : a. Thunderstorms

Description : Do space heaters blow cold air out the back while blowing hot air out the front?

Last Answer : no

Description : If you're tired and cold, I'll cover you gently, but it won't be warm, it will be deadly. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Snow.

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Last Answer : You think probable to magnesium.

Description : Pick out the wrong statement. (A) The controlling resistance in case of heating of air by condensing steam is in the air film (B) The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) for ... a pure fluid at a given pressure from liquid to vapor or vice-versa occurs at saturation temperature

Last Answer : (C) In case of a 1 - 2 shell and tube heat exchanger, the LMTD correction factor value increases sharply, when a temperature cross occurs

Description : Moist air is cooled along the line of constant __________ , when it is passed over a cold & dry cooling coil, such that no condensation occurs? (A) Enthalpy (B) Relative humidity (C) Wet bulb temperature (D) Dew point temperature

Last Answer : (D) Dew point temperature

Description : Should I use warm or cold water to help my tired eyes?

Last Answer : I’ve tried both, and I find warm t be most soothing. If you are trying to revive, and be active, I suggest cold, but warm is best for getting to sleep.

Description : If a layer of fat under the fur keeps a animal warm when it's cold, will a layer of fat help keep a human warm?

Last Answer : Most of the chunkier people I know (myself included) seem to run warmer than skinny friends.

Description : Warm beer or cold beer?

Last Answer : Depends where you go to drink your beer. Most brew pubs and breweries I frequent serve at about 40 to 45 * F. The will not serve in a frosty mug either. Stay out of bars that serve there beer in frosty mugs just out of the freezer, health reasons and taste too!

Description : Which plays a better role in calming down inflammation: Warm water or cold water?

Last Answer : What kind of inflammation are you dealing with? Different organs have different treatments.

Description : Does the human body favor drinking hot-warm drinks versus frozen-cold beverages?

Last Answer : I was told that it takes energy to cool down or warm up liquids that are consumed, and that drinks at body temperature are absorbed faster.

Description : If the sun is closer to Earth in the winter, then why is it so cold? And if the sun is farther away in the summer, then why is it so warm?

Last Answer : answer:If the sun's rays hit the Earth straight on then it will be warm. This happens during the summer. If the sun's rays hit the Earth at an angle then the same amount of ... winter. The change in distance between the seasons is relatively slight and thus has negligible effect on temperature.

Description : What drink do you like to warm up with on a cold, snowy wintry day?

Last Answer : A good cup of fresh brewed hot coffee is my go to for warming up on a cold morning. This last weekend I camped with the scouts and we woke up to frost on the ground and a dad had toughed it out got up early and brewed a pot of coffee that was liquid heaven sipping next to the fire!

Description : What are your favourite and worst things about the warm months and cold months of the year?

Last Answer : answer:It's been a long time since I lived somewhere that had real seasons. I miss the smell most of all - the spicy scent of a pile of freshly raked autumn leaves the crisp smell of snow, when ... 's always hot, and dusty, and there's always pollen in the air. And the mosquitoes never go away.

Description : I don't feel cold (I feel warm) at all (except for my hands) all my life, what is it?

Last Answer : Just one note: Otherwise I’m ok, I was never ill (fewer, cold, flu) only physical accidents (broken leg, etc.). It’s not a problem, except for hot summer, I’m walking in shadows, and still my brain is overheating or something. For a lack of better description.