How often do you watch films?

1 Answer

Answer :

Personally, I watch Horror films all the time even though they scare me.

Related questions

Description : How often do you watch films?

Last Answer : Personally, I watch Horror films all the time even though they scare me.

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Last Answer : Mommie Dearest.

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Last Answer : Napoleon Bonaparte

Description : How often do you watch movies?

Last Answer : I really love to watch movies.Watching movies is one of my biggest forms of entertainment. I can watch on TV, PC and even mobile. I grew up in a family of movie freaks and right from my formative ... again and I'll do just that. Movies are great for relaxing over popcorn or a cup of coffee.

Description : Why not show films in original language?

Last Answer : I almost always watch foreign films in their original language. Most people I know prefer dubbed versions. I am sure they are trying to appeal to the masses.

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Last Answer : Not to everyone's taste, but I was always tickled by the Pink Panther movie series, with Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau. Some of them are available for free, I think, on You Tube. One of ... murder. I also like F Troop and Gilligan's Island. The slap stick action between Gillagan and Skipper.

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Last Answer : Well he’s old now.

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Last Answer : It’s called the 9:00 p.m. showing, loli.

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Last Answer : Not really. I tend not to get emotional about artist’s death. If I wanted to see it before, I would.

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Last Answer : I watched two of his films: A Man Escaped and The Devil Probably. It seems like the wooden performance is his trademark. I don't know about Pickpocket but the style works quite well in ... main character, someone who is burning with hope throughout the movie, also has the same souless expression.

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Last Answer : Link?

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Last Answer : Possibly, if they wore the same mask.

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Last Answer : Patrick Stewart.

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Last Answer : I don't know if I can recall 25 right now but here are some favorites: Grand Illusion The African Queen A Night at the Opera Cinema Paridiso La Strada The 400 Blows The Man Who Knew Too ... Baby The Night of Shooting Stars Fantasia Seven Samurai Wild Strawberries The Blue Angel There - that's 20.

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Last Answer : The big fuss that was created by all of the whiners last years absolutely tainted the Oscars this year. Who can really say why anyone gets a award now?

Description : Is there a way to send large files, such as 3GB films or a folder full of PDFs from one person to another on the net?

Last Answer : You could post them on Dropbox, and then share.

Description : What are some of your favorite foreign language films?

Last Answer : Jurassic Park, Terminator 1&2, Predator, Birdman, and so many others

Description : Can I use Schubert's Winterreise album in one of my films?

Last Answer : Although the music is public domain, the performances themselves are likely to be protected under copyright. I’m not a copyright attorney, but I think you would have to pay at least a license fee to use a particular performance.

Description : Have you seen these two fascinating indy films?

Last Answer : I have seen another earth but not sound of my voice. I’ll check it out. I was not that impressed with another earth.

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Last Answer : I don't know enough about Star Wars in general, let alone the specific plot line you reference in your question, but I know enough about movie making to assure you the producer, writer and director ... If that means sticking to old characters and plotlines or dumping them, that's what they'll do.

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Last Answer : The Talented Mr. Ripley with Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow. I tried watching it recently and it drug on and on. I still haven’t finished it.

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Last Answer : I very much doubt you’ll like my choice, based on your details, but whenever anyone asks for foreign movies worth watching I invariably choose this fine little movie.

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Last Answer : answer:rebbel ;-) Shasta (Delaney)

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Last Answer : They both were fairly original in their approach to film making and were well scripted and directed. 1, 2, 3 combination for a successful film.

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Last Answer : answer:Deliverance and Cool Hand Luke. I’d like to thank my husband for introducing me to these movies.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Jetpacks. We were promised jetpacks, and I want my jetpack. I’d personally like one of Dr. McCoy’s medical tricorders.

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Last Answer : answer:For books, I never read reviews. Either I get something by an author I'm familiar with or I buy something I know nothing about and hope for the best. Music: Same with books. Movies: I don't buy movies I ... I know I want, (Fallout 3, Fallout: NV) then I stay far away from it until I buy it.

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Last Answer : enough to live comfortably :P It is probably an on-going income because the star wars franchise is huge You can buy the Star Wars sound track online.

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Last Answer : I’m not a big zombie movie fan but I loved Shaun of the Dead. It’s hilarious.

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Last Answer : Alive (1993) Uruguayan rugby team stranded in the snow swept Andes are forced to use desperate measures to survive.

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Last Answer : That someone could screw up 3 amazing films with 3 completely shit films. It’s beyond comprehension.

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Last Answer : try

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Last Answer : There is one film that had to do with the zombie theory (specifically in Haiti) and it was based on true events in the life of Wade Davis who is an ethnobotanist and his research of psychoactive plants. It was called “The Serpent and the Rainbow” and it was a really good movie, in my opinion.

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Last Answer : I think it’s influenced, but it doesn’t spring from it by far. The #1 cause of a child’s behavior is the way they were parented. Case in point: there were bad kids (bad eggs if you would) long before there was mass media.

Description : Snuff films?

Last Answer : do not know and I would rather not find out for sure, I know they did a CSI episode about this though

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Last Answer : try as well

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Last Answer : Children of Men. Awesome film.

Description : Any other films similar to 'The Fountain' in your knowledge?

Last Answer : OK, I just ordered it form Hope it’s as good as you say!

Description : Do you think the new star trek film will help boost sales of previous star trek films/seasons?

Last Answer : Yes I think so. I just saw the movie and loved it. I hope they make more. It does make me want to watch a few series as well.

Description : Why are we allowed to copy our music off our CDs to our PCs but we are not allowed to copy our films off our DVDs to our PCs?

Last Answer : I thought it was legal, as long as you don’t share or sell copies of it.

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Last Answer : Defending Your Life—Albert Brooks The Stunt Man

Description : Which are your favourite films Directors for the Gothic, Fantasy & Intellectual Genres?

Last Answer : Spontaneously, only Tim Burton comes to mind.

Description : How do 3D films work?

Last Answer : On a simple level: -They film (or create the animation) from two different angles, similar to how our eyes see things from two lenses, rather than one. -Then, when they project the image, they display two ... , have her close the open eye and open the close done. She will see that the finger jumps

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Last Answer : I misunderstood the tags bit :S

Description : How do animated films get shown on TV?

Last Answer : First you make an animatic demo, which is basically a self-produced ,crude , short version of your idea with far fewer drawn cells, but with a complete audio track. This is then shown to the network( ... that were shown to network execs. I know Family Guy season 1 and Sealab 2021 season 1 have them.

Description : Who does the voice of Yoda in the Star Wars films?

Last Answer : Frank Oz

Description : Are there any films featuring African Americans as IT professionals?

Last Answer : Office Space?

Description : Name the authority that certifies films in India? -Geography

Last Answer : India is the largest producer of feature films in the world. Short films, video feature films and video short films are the various categories of films produced. The Central Board of Film certification certifies both Indian and foreign films in India.

Description : Name any two films which were produced in USA on Vietnam War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Green Berets – John Wayne’s. (ii) Apocalypse Now – John Ford Coppola’s

Description : “Bombay films, have contributed in a big way to produce an image of the city as a blend of dream and reality, of slums and star bungalows.’ -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Film industry : Bombay (Mumbai has always been associated with the film industry, and is popular as a city of dreams. The film industry provides employment to more than 10 lakh ... film producers, heroes and rich people live in sprawling spacious bungalows which attract large number of people.