when natural selection occurs?

1 Answer

Answer :

natural selection occurs when animals need it

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Last Answer : a. Instrumentation

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : Natural selection is the process by which individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to the evolution of a species.

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : Natural selection is the process by which organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to evolutionary change in populations, and is an important concept in biology and ecology.

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : Natural selection is a process by which certain traits or characteristics that provide an advantage in a given environment become more common in a population over time, while other traits or characteristics become less common, and is a key mechanism of evolution.

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their favorable traits to future generations.

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : A: Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

Description : What is natural selection?

Last Answer : A: Natural selection is a process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than those that are less well adapted.

Description : Can adaptation and natural selection be considered acts separate and distinct from the process of evolution?

Last Answer : answer: to what end? An individual's adaptation has either a positive or neutral effect on evolution, by either allowing it to breed more that it otherwise would without the adaptation, or ... that adaptation to sufficiently alter the species' population, that is the very definition of evolution.

Description : Could natural selection, science or God, bring forth a new reality for life (Details Inside)?

Last Answer : answer:It’s like asking if were we to discover a limitless, easy to access power source, would we develop interstellar travel. The answer is: perhaps. It all depends on the people’s will to change, and people generally tend to resist change.

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Last Answer : answer:The use of the word beta in the header suggests a sloppy web developer is working on another site on that site. Otherwise it is a case of inapproriate redirection and should be reported to google. Have you ever heard of this furniture store before? Try this

Description : Does the fact that natural selection is inclined to bring about positive traits, prove a designer?

Last Answer : The process of natural selection by itself is not a no-nonsense indicator of God. Example: there are four coyotes on the prairie, in the middle of winter. This is a wild prairie with no human ... has decided that God instituted the process rather than chance, so in his mind, it points to God.

Description : What human attributes were necessary to make it through natural selection?

Last Answer : Cute and stupid seems to be pro-survival. Lord knows there’s no shortage of them.

Description : Do we still have insticts related to 'natural selection' (or whatever it is)?

Last Answer : Humans are instinct driven animals. The urge to reproduce. The aggression towards others and people who intrude one's personal territory. The urge to compete with others. The urge to protect things that ... hubris that makes us believe that we are above instincts, that we have left them behind.

Description : Is natural selection legit?

Last Answer : Darwin wasn't and isn't the only person who ever observed natural selection. Alfred Wallace, for one, was a poor naturalist in the 19th century who came up with pretty much the ... and evolution. So yeah, natural selection is pretty legitimate as scientific explanations for observable phenomena go.

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Last Answer : I don’t think natural selection had anything to do with it. We were created with human awareness and emotions.

Description : Should we be protecting endangered species or should we just let natural selection take its course?

Last Answer : Oh… I like the controversy. I would say if WE have screwed up their environment, then save them. But if they are dying of other reasons, then let them go out. I completely believe that everything happens for a reason.

Description : Explain the terms: (i) Speciation (ii) Natural selection -Biology

Last Answer : (i) Speciation is the evolution of reproductive isolation among once-interbreeding populations, i.e. the development of one or more species from an existing species. (ii) Natural selection is the process, according to Darwin, which brings about the evolution of new species of animals and plants.

Description : With the help of suitable examples explain natural selection. -Biology

Last Answer : During sexual reproduction, a female gamete or egg cell fuses with a male gamete or sperm cell which are haploid to form zygote. Zygote is diploid which contains 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 ... In this way, an equal genetic contribution of male and female parents is ensured in the progeny

Description : Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Darwin'

Description : Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who was the author of the book 'Origin of Species by Natural Selection'? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : On the Origin of Species (or, more completely, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life ), published on ... work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin that is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.

Description : A small number of finches live in a protected bird area. They are given as much food as they need and have plenty of space. Why would natural selection not occur in this population?

Last Answer : There is no need for it to occur. Only if the environmentchanges and less food is found would there be a change. Theenvironment selects the birds that do the best under the newconditions and the others will die.

Description : Who is the promoter of the doctrine of natural selection ?

Last Answer : Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory of natural selection.

Description : Assertion (A) `:` Natural selection is the outcome of difference in survival and reproduction among individuals that show variation in one or more tra

Last Answer : Assertion (A) `:` Natural selection is the outcome of difference in survival and reproduction among ... If both the assertion and reason are false.

Description : Assertion :- Branching descent and Natural selection are the two key concepits of Darwinian theory of evolution. Reason :- Darwinism is able to explai

Last Answer : Assertion :- Branching descent and Natural selection are the two key concepits of Darwinian theory of ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Last Answer : In which type of natural selection two peaks are was : A. Stabilizing selection B. Directional selection C. Disruptive selection D. Both (1) & (3)

Description : Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred to as Or Random unidirectional

Last Answer : Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. ... flow C. Genetic drift D. Random mating

Description : Who published the book "Origin of species by Natural Selection" in 1859

Last Answer : Who published the book "Origin of species by Natural Selection" in 1859 A. Lamarck B. Darwin C. Wallace D. Oparin

Description : Assertion: Population ecology is a link of ecology to population genetics and evolution. Reason: Natural selection operates at population level to evo

Last Answer : Assertion: Population ecology is a link of ecology to population genetics and evolution. Reason: Natural ... and Reason are false, then mark (4).

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Which best summarizes the concept of natural selection?

Last Answer : The fittest organisms survive and reproduce

Description : What is factor that controls natural selection?

Last Answer : the fitest survive

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How does natural selection enhance or reduce the variability of a species?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Why must there be variations in the population in order for natural selection to occur?

Last Answer : Without the subtle differences on organisms phenotypes whatwould natural selection select from?All organisms in a population are variants and some survive andreproduce better than other against the background of the immediateenvironment and these are selected by that environmentalpressure.

Description : What is factor that controls natural selection?

Last Answer : the fitest survive

Description : why are vestigial structure not removed by natural selection?

Last Answer : Vestigial structures do not harm the organism. Nature selects against only harmful traits.

Description : why are structures not removed by natural selection?

Last Answer : Vestigial structures do not harm the organism. Nature selects against only harmful traits.

Description : Condition #2 of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection by Descent with Modification states?

Last Answer : Most of the differences found within a species are passed down from parents to their offspring.

Description : Condition #1 of Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection by Descent with Modification states?

Last Answer : Individuals within a population have differences.

Description : What’s is the theory of natural selection?

Last Answer : The non-random survival of randomly varying replicators. According to Richard Dawkins.

Description : Natural selection allows a species to change in response to its environment. What is the process by which a species becomes better suited to its environment called?

Last Answer : Adaptation

Description : Which is part of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Last Answer : Animals that survive cannot pass along their adaptation

Description : What is the difference between sexual and natural selection?

Last Answer : Natural selection is survival of the fittest, while sexual selection is a preference for a given trait made by the limiting sex. It is strangely, but usually in opposition to natural ... peacock's tail feathers that garner attention from predators and prevent the peacock from fleeing well).

Description : What's the difference between evolution and natural selection?

Last Answer : Evolution simply means change occurring over time, especially a gradual change. You can, for example, speak of an evolution in architectural styles, or in music.The evolution that biologists talk about is ... is a process of slow change in a group of organisms, natural selection is the means by

Description : How is natural selection related to evolution?

Last Answer : Natural selection is the driving force for evolution. Evolution was not first proposed by Charles Darwin. There had been many observations found pointing to the idea long before Charles Darwin. His ... each species. Second, there must be a high enough Death Rate to prevent the variations wh

Description : How does environmental pressure affect natural selection?

Last Answer : When nothing happens to exert strong population pressure on that population, natural selection favors the allele frequency already present. When mutations cause new traits, natural selection weeds these traits out because they're not as efficient as the others.

Description : Theory of evolution through natural selection was given by

Last Answer : Ans. C.Darwin and A.R.Wallace (1858)