Was Gulliver’s Travels banned?

1 Answer

Answer :

it hasn't been banned.

Related questions

Description : Why is Gulliver’s Travels considered a classic?

Last Answer : I don't know that's why I asked!

Description : Who is the narrator of Gulliver’s Travels?

Last Answer : By the end of Book II in Gulliver's Travels, it is very clear that the character of Gulliver is not the same man who wrote the letter in the beginning of the story. In fact, he is not ... and his perception of people, for the central theme of this story is how human nature and reason reflect society

Description : What is the theme of Gulliver’s Travels?

Last Answer : There is more than just one theme. Such themes that are found are; science, technology, satire and psychological development. Science covers the areas and mistakes of scientists in human society, ... use of satire. Psychological development is about how Gulliver develops and adapts to who he is.

Description : What is the plot of Gulliver’s Travels?

Last Answer : Lilliput May 4, 1699 - April 13,1702Brobdingnag - June 20, 1702 - June 3, 1706Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg, and Japan - August 5, 1706 - April 16, 1710A Voyage to Houyhnhnms - September 7, ... be given to you by :http://www.answers.com/Gulliver's+Travels?gwp=11&ver=

Description : Is Gulliver’s Travels a movie?

Last Answer : If you like original story of Gulliver's travel, you have to watch the movie as different story. Seeing it as a comedy movie, hmm... so-so.

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Last Answer : The body uses NAC to make glutathione. It's safe and it works. it's also an excellent antioxidant, and is great at breaking down mucus. NAC has long been used as a treatment for acetaminophen overdose ... the future it probably won't be available at all. People who use it regularly are stocking up.

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Last Answer : I think it’s a mistake for them to get involved with curating truth. The one possible exception would be when there is health-related misinformation that could lead to someone being seriously harmed (e.g. drinking bleach can cure COVID-19).

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Last Answer : “Me So Horny” 2 live crew

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Last Answer : I was hoping to reach the mansion before I hit my expiration date. I don’t see how that is possible with the mansion crumbling before my eyes. Sigh.

Description : Can wearing masks in public be banned?

Last Answer : zenvelo IMHO all hoods and face coverings need to be banned! Starting immediately. Our country is being vandalized by hoods and thugs!

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Last Answer : Italy, France, or Spain. I very well may retire in one of those countries. Civilized, beautiful, congenial, rational.

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Last Answer : Well. First off, lots of antidepressants, can't just be discontinued. The person needs close/frequent contact with a doctor. Some have extreme personality changes, when even minor dosage changes are made ... if they took the drugs ,as directed by a competent physician, they might better their lives

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Last Answer : answer:@flo It's not the so called burkini; it's the burkini. Whether you like the name or not, that's what the person who invented it and trade-marked it calls it. And yay for the high court ... is only in one town so far. I totally fail to see how Nazism has anything to do with the issue.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, reusable totes for the grocery. But for home, I buy small (4 gallon) garbage bags at Dollar Tree, 50 to a roll. They're even lavender scented. And unlike grocery bags, they don't ... As far as newspaper, my hubby works in construction, so we always have rolls of painter's plastic around.

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Last Answer : from a public health perspective it is probably the best thing that could happen to Russia.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know if they actually do, but they should. More than once, something that was thought to be a weed has turned out to be a farmable, profit-making plant that has commercial ... that the political correctness lobbyists would not stand in the way of storing seeds for unpopular' plants.

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Last Answer : Annoying video link that was describing Swaziland and Rhino horn trafficking when I clicked on it.

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Last Answer : answer:No, we should just take anyone who uses them on cats who hate them, and put them in a machine that turns them into cat food. Failing killing everyone responsible, yes, they should be banned.

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Last Answer : Banned Books Week is an event organzied by the American Library Association - when they are not too busy shelving books. It doesn't just mean books that have been banned by the US government; ... that have been taken off of library shelves because of patron or parents or school board complaints.

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Last Answer : I thought this issue was resolved decades ago! No, baring a breast to feed ones infant is not a sexually provocative gesture. Babies need to eat when they need to eat and if that means they get hungry in ... deal with it. Good grief, you mean to tell me is still a controversial issue in 2014? Bah!

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Last Answer : answer: One of the worst questions I have seen here, for several reasons. It's never going to happen, ever, it's too large an industry with countless different companies. Yes, it pollutes, ... of other things a government could do to reduce pollution, bottled water is nothing compared to a lot.

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Last Answer : Are these homework questions? Maybe designed to get some inputs you are supposed to discuss for an essay?

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Last Answer : No, never, pushing the envelope is the only way to open limitless boundaries.

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Last Answer : I think it’d ridiculous. All of it. Yes, should be banned.

Description : Banned in Massachusetts! - Are you still going to drive during the storm?

Last Answer : I definitely wouldn’t drive (if I had a car). I just got back walking to and from the grocery store. It’s nasty out there. Didn’t stop a lot of people from driving, though.

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Last Answer : answer:In chapter 22, the famous explanation of the title. It might or might not be germane to the reason for banning the book, but it’s a start.

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Last Answer : I don’t understand; if they were loaned to him, how did it change to him stealing them? especially if he willingly gave them back?

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Last Answer : answer:I say let it expire. Yes, it’s terrible, but a part of history and important insight nonetheless. I wouldn’t want that censored any more than I want slavery taken out of educational textbooks. Plus, I’m half Jewish, so I feel like a have at least a little stake in this. ;)

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Last Answer : answer:Cigarettes. MTV, and all programming associated with it (I think MTV is responsible for Jersey Shore, for example).

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Last Answer : January 1, 2001, the German Parliament banned corporal punishment for children. Judicial corporal punishment in Germany was abolished after the revolution of 1848. The article said this is because ... protections, until finally adults got around to treating them as well as prisoners were treated.

Description : Can you help to describe the events, people, etc, surrounding Lolita (the book) NOT being banned in the US?

Last Answer : answer:I was going to Catholic school when the book was published and the Pope or whoever is in charge put it on the condemned list. That being the case made it imperative that I find a copy. I ... us. The most shock books I read were written by Robert Heinlein. I like them much more than Lolita.

Description : Should babies, age 4 and under, be banned from commerical air flights?

Last Answer : Most of the safety devices in use for adults would be pointless anyway if the plane were to crash. People gotta travel with their kids.

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Last Answer : hold it in

Description : Should all smoking in vehicles be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke?

Last Answer : Ugh. Leave us alone. I don’t smoke around non-smokers, I don’t smoke around children, I certainly don’t smoke in my car with someone that doesn’t smoke, I’m not hurting anyone but myself, and it should be my fucking right to do whatever I please with my own body.

Description : Is selling banned articles in a yard sale a law violation?

Last Answer : Depends on state, some banned items include “lead painted toys”. But it not enforced in my state.

Description : What does it take to get banned or suspended from Fluther?

Last Answer : I was just wondering the same thing.

Description : Why was calcium cyclamates banned from soda use?

Last Answer : Calcium cyclamate was a widely used artificial sweetener in the 1970s, commonly used in diet soft drinks. However, in 1969, studies on rats showed that high doses of cyclamate caused cancer in the ... has classified it as a possible human carcinogen, though it is still widely used in some countries.

Description : Are there any banned books out there?

Last Answer : Wikipedia has this, which may be helpful.

Description : Should beauty pageants be banned?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think they serve any good purpose, but I also don't believe in banning things just because I personally dislike them. Maybe the people who participate in them enjoy the sense of camaraderie and competition they ... it's fun. Who knows. Who cares. If you don't like em, don't do em.

Description : Are we still exporting pesticides used in agriculture that have been banned in the US to other countries?

Last Answer : Yes more

Description : Katy Perry's video with Elmo has been banned from Sesame Street. Don't you think this is kind of silly?

Last Answer : Sounds like your classic knee jerk reaction from the PC brigade. Besides, Elmo looks like he has his genitals stuck on his face, does he not? Double standards methinks :¬)

Description : Should this UK teen be banned from US for life?

Last Answer : You’re getting your news from The Sun? Really?