Where can I purchase diabetic socks?

1 Answer

Answer :

Diabetic socks are available pretty much everywhere. You can purchase them online or at retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen, CVS and Kmart. You may also be able to get them from your doctor or a medical supply store.

Related questions

Description : Where can I purchase soccer socks on-line?

Last Answer : Fun colored socks can be really fun to find. Many times if I'm looking for these soccer socks I would try Dicks sporting good stores online for good prices.

Description : Where can I purchase diabetic needles?

Last Answer : Diabetic needles can be purchased from your local pharmacy. You will need a prescription from your doctor to allow you to purchase these needles. Your doctor will also tell you what size you need to purchase.

Description : Where can I purchase diabetic supplements?

Last Answer : Diabetic supplements can be purchased from pharmacy's that specialize in diabetic care. One such store in Knoxville, Tennessee is Apple Discount Drugs.

Description : Can wearing socks heal cracked heels, and how do you walk to prevent cracked heels? See detail.

Last Answer : Wearing socks all the time (even during the summer) helps keep your feet from drying out. I think it also helps to slather it with moisturizer. Not sure about walking. But you're not supposed ... legs crossed for too long either. Though it could also be related to other health issues like diabetes.

Description : Why do some basketball player wear high knee socks?

Last Answer : Mostly style I’d guess, but they do help keep your calves from cramping. I’d guess most folks you see on television don’t have that problem.

Description : Do you like to wear socks ?

Last Answer : I’m barefoot now and usually have nothing on my feet in the house.

Description : Does it make much of a difference what manufacturer makes compression socks/garments?

Last Answer : There may be a difference in their longevity. There may be coupons online available for that brand. Worth a shot….

Description : At what age do I need to start wearing the jumpsuit and loafers with white socks? (MBDT)

Last Answer : Twenty minutes past never. Eyuch. although my answer may be different if you live in Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Miami Beach, Phoenix, or Rancho Mirage, California

Description : When and how is it acceptable for an adult male to wear socks with sandals/flip flops?

Last Answer : Whenever the hell he wants. Unless he is severely mentally deficient, he had some idea of how he will be viewed and judged by some, and so makes decisions with full awareness of potential social consequences. ;-)

Description : Why are socks softer and smoother on the outside than on the inside?

Last Answer : answer:I haven't noticed this - maybe it's you. I wear mostly Gold Toe fluffy socks - they're smooth inside and out. My sweat socks - don't remember what brand name they are, one of the ... and out. So I honestly haven't experienced the issue you are complaining about. Where do you get your socks?

Description : Which do you prefer, knee socks, thigh high, ankle socks, calf socks, or no socks?

Last Answer : Totally depends on the weather or the occasion/situation. However, in general, since I like barefoot the best….I’ll go with the “no socks” option.

Description : How should you wear crew socks with athletic shoes?

Last Answer : And, at what age do I need to start wearing black socks with them?

Description : Why are many basketball players wearing socks that come up past their knees?

Last Answer : I think it’s just fashion.

Description : How can I keep my shoes from eating my socks?

Last Answer : answer:There’s always the tried-and-true pom pom. http://www.discountgolfworld.com/nike-dri-fit-pom-pom-women-s-golf-socks-p4173

Description : Do you wear socks?

Last Answer : answer:I wear socks almost all the time because I wear a variety of shoes and each pair fits/wears on my feet differently. No-shows to mid-calf socks in different colors all find a place. Of course, ... -ons and a couple of other pair that I wear sockless. Just depends on the weather and my mood.

Description : Socks/Shoes/Trousers: Which foot/leg do you put in first & do you alternate or always do this?

Last Answer : Socks seem to be left foot first. Pants… I don’t know! Will post again once I have stripped and re-dressed.

Description : Worth "fighting" for or just stick with regular socks?

Last Answer : LDRSHIP Do you need them for a specific reason? Have you been injured or have weak ankles? If not, why spend the extra money?

Description : Where do socks go?

Last Answer : answer:I dunno. But when I find socks I like, I buy two or more pairs. I like to think it works out to my advantage in the end.

Description : What are the warmest socks?

Last Answer : Try a pair of thick hiking socks from Smartwool.

Description : Where do all the lost socks go?

Last Answer : In college, I used to think there was a sock goblin, because I always lost one sock every time I did my laundry! I haven’t lost any in a while, though, so I think the sock goblin didn’t follow me! Maybe your washing machine needs an exorcism.

Description : What to wear with socks and sandals?

Last Answer : I’d pass on the Adidas and go with leather moccasins.

Description : Is it okay to wear socks that do not match?

Last Answer : answer:It’s definitely not ok. (sarcasm)

Description : Why does my 10 year old cat drag around my husband's socks and meow desperately?

Last Answer : This is highly possible. Carrying the socks may resemble her carrying a kitten, in her past.

Description : What do you cold weather runners wear? Do you have special winter shoes, socks, etc?

Last Answer : All the major athletic clothing companies (ie Puma, Nike, Under Armour, etc) make clothing appropriate to the climate. They have the technology to make lightweight clothing that keeps you warm, wicks ... better-than-naked-cool-s_s.html http://www.zappos.com/the-north-face-ear-gear-parachute-purple

Description : Do battery-operated socks work and where can I buy them?

Last Answer : Here ya go, John. I used to use ones like these while cross-country skiing and they were pretty effective.

Description : What incident or occurence just "knocked your socks off"?

Last Answer : I was installing sodium lighting fixtures outside over a group of trailer doors, high up in my boom lift when a shipping supervisor yelled up to me and signaled for me to come down. It was 9/11. I thought ... joking at first but I never forgot that day and what I was doing on it when I first heard.

Description : Do your socks have to match?

Last Answer : answer:It doesn’t matter to me either way. Different ribbing, different color.. meh. What’s the difference? (If wearing pants) Now if I were wearing shorts they’d match.

Description : Can you get away by wearing black socks with sandals?

Last Answer : Still sounds pretty bad, sorry.

Description : Socks OR Sandals ?

Last Answer : Complete edit of the original answer due to misreading the question and details.

Description : Are foot socks for running any good?

Last Answer : Foot socks?

Description : Socks and sandals... what's your opinion?

Last Answer : Looks dorky, I guess. Fortunately, I’m of an age where I no longer have to worry about looking dorky. I can indulge my preference for comfort.

Description : What's your best one liner I can use to knock the socks off my inlaws' feet at a family gathering?

Last Answer : It’s hard to pull out a random example, we would need context, or you would just be saying random things that would not make any sense. You have to think of witty things to say that are relevant the next time you are with them, and say them loud. What do they talk about?

Description : Why do new socks come in "zip lock" type bags?

Last Answer : Oh, my. The only thing that I could potentially come up with is for travel - if your luggage gets wet, you'll still have dry socks. But I suspect it's more a case of economics. ... , somehow, a company employee found (or decided) that these particular bags were cheaper that other options available.

Description : What commercial had a woman looking in her clothes dryer for socks?

Last Answer : Could you provide any more details?

Description : Do your white socks become left and right after you've worn them a few times?

Last Answer : All my socks are lefties.

Description : Do sandals look bad if someone is wearing socks?

Last Answer : No, it looks AWESOME.

Description : What kind of socks should I wear with flats?

Last Answer : All of the above should work fine.

Description : Do you wear socks with your TOMS Shoes?

Last Answer : no, that would look weird i think

Description : Why can't I buy a pack of brown dress socks that are all the same color?

Last Answer : Because Mr. Monk isn’t enough of a consumer to support this manufacturing decision. :-)

Description : Do electric socks really keep your feet warm?

Last Answer : Apparently they still exist. Another. And another. I had never heard of them before. Interesting.

Description : Do people generally wear shoes or socks when doing yoga, or are they barefooted?

Last Answer : Barefoot is preferred. Socks make your feet slippery and therefore dangerous. Shoes keep you from using your balancing muscles and ligaments properly. Plus, barefoot allows you to interpret sensation/feedback about your pose.

Description : For the ladies; Socks on or off for your pelvic exam?

Last Answer : LOLLLL…..what a humorous question. I leave them on. Those stirrups are cold enough!

Description : Why do clothes driers eat socks?

Last Answer : It’s not the drier. It’s a furry little monster that lives underneath it. That’s what my grandmother told me and, so far, I have not been able to disprove her statement since none of my socks have ever returned.

Description : Do girls normally sleep with socks on?

Last Answer : I generally do, but that’s because my feet get really cold. Even when it’s warm out my feet can get freezing. It’s just a preference for some people, I really wouldn’t look into it too far. ;)

Description : Should your socks match your shoes or your pants?

Last Answer : Socks should match your shoes and your shoes should match your belt. You might want to pickup the book “Details.” cheers, Christopher

Description : How many different pairs of socks do you own?

Last Answer : I don’t wear socks twice. My sister gets me the same thing for Christmas every year. 300 pairs of socks. And I do wash them and save them so I can donate them.

Description : How can I keep my socks from falling down in my boots?

Last Answer : Garters? :)

Description : Would you leave the house with mismatched socks?

Last Answer : It probably depends on the work environment. In a highly professional environment I’d probably change if it was obvious and I had time. In a more casual environment, I would roll with it. I work in a ridiculously casual environment, so I wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. It happens.

Description : Is it hard for you to fall asleep if you're wearing socks?

Last Answer : I CAN’T fall asleep if I’m wearing sox. But then, I also MUST have my feet OUTSIDE the covers.

Description : Is putting your socks on before anything else weird?

Last Answer : Yes. It is weird. In some places it is punishable by a fine of $50. You should, at least, put your underwear on first, unless you don’t wear any. Then you can put your shirt on first. Don’t be upset, though. There are support groups for people with this problem. Socks Anonymous.