Is it worth the cost of braces to get one tooth straightened?

1 Answer

Answer :

Its not really worth it to repair one crooked teeth. I would say the smartest choice is to repair/ get braces for all your teeth. Because the cost of one tooth would probably be 500 dollars, the cost of your whole mouth is about 4000 dollars.

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Last Answer : answer:My treatment ended up costing $3,675. I’m sure a lot of things such as insurance and age may change that price some. I was around 13 years old or so when I started my treatment. From my knowledge I did not have any insurance or anything else to help with the cost of having braces.

Description : how much it cost to get braces ?

Last Answer : Depending on your circumstances braces can cost between $1500 -$5000

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Last Answer : Braces can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket both with and without insurance. But the cost to pay for braces is well worth it if it saves your child the embarrassment of having bad teeth for the rest of their lives.

Description : How much do normal braces cost?

Last Answer : The cost of braces is determined by the amount of work that needs to be done on your teeth. Anywhere from $4,500 - $10,000, but if you have dental coverage much of the cost could be covered.

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Description : What to Expect When Getting Braces?

Last Answer : I had them. Putting them on was the easiest thing in the world. Getting used to them took about two weeks. Teeth got sore occasionally. If it was as awful as you imagine, nobody would do it, they would all DOR and you would never see anybody in braces. Just another self improvement project.

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Last Answer : answer:How does she feel about it? Braces, in addition to being expensive, are pretty uncomfortable at times. Can you ask the orthodontist if she can get them at a later date if you do not get them now? It ... now but we didn't used to. Some of us don't have perfect bites and live just fine anyway.

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Last Answer : Why haven’t you been to an orthodontist in two years?

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Description : Getting my braces out. Retainer help!

Last Answer : My orthodontist told me to keep it in for six YEARS but to only wear it while sleeping. I’m sure different dentists will have different recommendations. I’d ask him again, also is it a plastic one?

Description : What is the process of getting braces?

Last Answer : He'll make the impressions and talk to you about getting braces. Once the need for braces is identified and you agree to getting them, they put in spacers. Spacers go between your back teeth. You'll have those ... for 2 years. If you need any more information, I'd be glad to help. I had braces :(

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Last Answer : Eat popcorn or chew gum.

Description : How long do you have to wear braces?

Last Answer : from 10 to about 28 months, depending on how severe your crowding problem is.

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Last Answer : I am sure you are just nervous because you’ll be more prettier without them I am sure you are pretty with them too. It’s maybe just because you are now used to them and you feel anxious:D

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Last Answer : answer:Well, personally, I wouldn't want to pull out the 4 adult teeth but that's just because I'm afraid I'll have no teeth when I'm old, or they'll all fall out too soon or something. Anyways, ... just re-read the question, I don't think I answered your question, but I have no idea how to either.

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Last Answer : I think it depends on who the braces are on 8)

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Last Answer : Did it blister and the top layer of skin is coming off (like when you burn the top of your mouth and it pops and there’s some loose skin) or does it seem more serious?

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Last Answer : The only problem is the crazy places you might get your teeth stuck in if you drink to much beer!

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Last Answer : Very very sore… I got mine in 6th grade, and I actually thought they were cool. Until, I saw pictures of myself a couple years later.

Description : Out of curiosity. :)

Last Answer : The removable braces should be cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste. It does not need to be soaked in any liquid at all. After cleaning, it should be placed in a dry place to allow it to dry.

Description : Hi, I've been wearing braces for a long time and now I've got the removers so that my teeth don't go and after about a month then my gums start to bleed terribly, at first only a little and now it's ... well nwm. . I'm bleeding from all corners, well, is it because of these braces? )

Last Answer : Probably nothing terrible is happening just used until then mouth water ... or we tell us to have those at the Herbadent pharmacy >>> link here

Description : Thanks a lot in advance

Last Answer : No, it's not possible. You have them somewhere in bed, on the floor, in your pajamas. Deformed, broken.

Description : Please don't know if it's for weeks or months? Thanks

Last Answer : Depending on what defect you need to level - but it will definitely not take weeks, rather tens of weeks ...: o The normal time for comparing lighter defects is around 1.5 years, for heavier ones (eg including tooth extraction) several years .

Description : Or are they going fixed? Thanks for the answer Majka

Last Answer : Some take off, some, and most of them, are put on for the night. There are also braces on the fixed. Depending on the type of damage, they will determine which braces will be suitable for you and will also teach you how to use them

Description : I have two front crooked teeth. Can the dentist give me braces? Or are they just on the whole jaw? Martin

Last Answer : Probably not, because the two crooked ones have little space. Therefore, they are crooked. The orthodontic braces move the teeth so that the two can be aligned.

Description : Do I need braces?

Last Answer : Sounds awful. I would get one. Talk to your dentist again.

Description : Does Teeth Alignment Works the Same as Braces?

Last Answer : In some cases, this can actually work if a person doesn't have a lot wrong with their teeth. However, there are more cases that this is not a solution to having braces and having your teeth corrected. ... However, if you just have a few teeth that are not perfect this technique could be fine to use.

Description : What is your personal story of having braces for your teeth?

Last Answer : Having braces is difficult at the beginning, but as time passes on it will be okay to stay with braces as we are used to it by then. Eating foods will be little difficult mainly that are ... time to clean properly. Overall will be a different experience, but a need for problems in oral health.

Description : How can I remove the yellow stains around my braces? What kind of food will be helpful?

Last Answer : When you first get your braces, the orthodontist will warn you about yellow stains appearing around your brackets if you don't brush your teeth correctly and several times a day. Here are a few ... teeth more often during the day. This will prevent the stains from appearing around your brackets.

Description : How can tongue thrust affect my braces treatment?

Last Answer : Your time with braces will probably be longer. But in order to avoid wasting time and money, it is always a good Idea to look for a professional orthodontist to help you solve this issue first. When you ... in mind that solving tongue thrust takes a while (months to a couple years). *I had the issue

Description : What's the price difference between invisible braces and the regular ones?

Last Answer : The prices is usually about double that of normal braces. Normal braces cost around $2,000-$4,000. There is no real difference in results.

Description : How often do you have to go to the orthodontist when you have braces?

Last Answer : I used to have braces when I was a teenager. I had to go in every single month for adjustments.

Description : At what age should your child see an orthodontist for braces?

Last Answer : The best time to go to the orthodontist for your child and braces is from the ages of eight to twelve.

Description : What is the customary fee for a full set of braces in Tacoma, WA?

Last Answer : You don't say how long it's been since you signed the contract. If it was recently, there should be a cancellation clause that lets you cancel in three to five days. If you have missed ... through an automatic draft, call your bank to avoid problems with that until you get the matter rectified.

Description : can a grandparent pay for and insure their grandchild for braces, if so how?

Last Answer : I believe that if you have legal custody of your grandchild and/or reside in the same house than yes you can. Also, another alternative is a dental discount plan that will offer savings on braces.

Description : Knee braces - unloading?

Last Answer : Alternate NamesUnloading braceOsteoarthritis of the KneeWhen most people talk about the Arthritis in their knees, they are referring to a type of arthritis called osteoarthritis.Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear inside ... reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

Description : How long can you use invisible braces?

Last Answer : Invisible braces should be treated like regular braces. You have to keep them in at all times and only take them off for eating and brushing.

Description : Prices For Braces: Orthodontic Treatment Costs?

Last Answer : Orthodontic treatment is usually not covered by most health insurance plans because it is considered a cosmetic procedure. This means that people who want to wear braces will have to pay for the ... is a much better solution than placing more than five thousand dollars up front before treatment.

Description : What are the typical prices for braces?

Last Answer : It would be best to consult with a doctor. This will allow your doctor to evaluate this and find out why it may be occuring. The doctor can also provide solutions that can help.

Description : is invisalign more expensive than braces?

Last Answer : Invisalign is more expensive than braces and can almost be twice the amount. The price of them also depend on how bad the state of your teeth are. They can get to prices as high as 6,000 or more.