What is cardiac ablation and what occurs?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cardiac ablation is a procedure where they remove a faulty electrical pathway from the heart. They do this by inserting a is advance a flexible catheters into a blood vessel.

Related questions

Description : Has anyone had experience with a cardiac ablation?

Last Answer : My 83 year old mom just had it 2 months ago. Her strength had been going downhill for 6 months, needed a walker to get around. It took twice as long as the doctor estimated. They went up both femoral ... is getting stronger every day. => you don't need all of your heart muscles, only the good ones.

Description : Should I be concerned about cardiac ablation?

Last Answer : Cardiac albation a method of correcting your heart rhythm problems. If you are experiencing heart problems then for sure ask your doctor about it. If your heart is fine and you haven't experienced irregular heart beats or 'skipping a beat' then you shouldn't worry about it.

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Last Answer : Even a close friend or family member, someone you know very well…?

Description : Anyone had a uterine ablation? Would you recomend the process?

Last Answer : I know of two women who have had it, one close to my age (I'm 23) and one close to my mothers age (in her early 40s) Both women said it was the best thing they ever did, ... would try to find the cause if you can. My mother had a sonohysterograph and that helped discover her female problems.

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Last Answer : : Yes , there is a possibility of recovery.

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Last Answer : Some rare complications of uterine ablation are: infection, bleeding, tearing of the uterus, or burn injuries with laser or microwave ablation procedures. It has been very rare that one can get fluid in the lungs.

Description : What is uterine ablation and why would one opt for it over birth control or a hysterectomy?

Last Answer : A uterine ablation os probably not an option that you want to consider if you want to have a child. When performing a uterine ablation the surgeon actually detroys the uterine lining. As a ... procedure, scar tissues forms. It is not usually possible to become pregnant after a uterine ablation.

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Last Answer : vasodilatation of the ipsilateral arm

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Last Answer : fourth heart sound occurs during atrial contraction

Description : When the nurse notes that the post cardiac surgery patient demonstrates low urine output (< 25 ml/hr) with high specific gravity (> 1.025), the nurse suspects: a) Inadequate fluid volume Urine ... by high urine output with low specific gravity. d) Anuria The anuric patient does not produce urine.

Last Answer : a) Inadequate fluid volume Urine output of less than 25 ml/hr may indicate a decrease in cardiac output. A high specific gravity indicates increased concentration of solutes in the urine which occurs with inadequate fluid volume.