How do you use a pumpkin stencil?

1 Answer

Answer :

You would take the stencil (I'm assuming it's paper with a design on it) and tape it to your pumpkin. Then using a pin, poke dots along the lines of the design. Remove the paper and connect the dots! Voila, a beautiful pumpkin! But be sure to save the stencil paper to use as a reference!

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Last Answer : Yes, just peel them, scoop out the seeds, and cut the flesh into small chunks. Loosely fill it in ziploc bags.

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Last Answer : Next time if you have a basement that is cool or a closet that is cool put it there. I would think that would be safe to cook..........wash it real good cut it in half, take out the seeds and cut off the rind and make your soup.

Description : what do I use for the powdery mildew on my pumpkin plant leaves?

Last Answer : It sounds like something that should be treated with a fungicide. There are a few products that should work well and shouldn't harm your other plants. I might suggest you try Serenade Garden Disease ... to the leaves. You should do this as soon as possible to prevent the problem from spreading.

Description : Does your local area have an equivalent to pumpkin contests?

Last Answer : Heck I don’t know. I can’t even imagine a one one pumpkin!

Description : What to make with pumpkin puree besides desserts?

Last Answer : answer:Here is a pumpkin smoothie and here's another (sorry that's dessert-ish, but it's the first thing that came to mind). I've been looking at using sweet potatoes like white potatoes - sweet ... there's pumpkin soup. And here's animals going to town on pumpkins at the zoo. Mmmmmm, pumpkin.

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Last Answer : There’s the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay in October. And search in about a month for Haunted Houses at Rec Centers. They are usually for kids though.

Description : Suggestions on how to achieve a pumpkin tres leches cake?

Last Answer : I think a runny pumpkin pie-like mixture may turn some people off. They might think it was under baked and disgusting. They would not understand and it would need explaining.

Description : What are your pumpkin recipes?

Last Answer : I can only comment on baking the seeds, which is a tradition in my house. Delicious. Make sure you clean the seeds and thoroughly dry. Put in a bowl and put olive oil and salt, and mix up until they are all covered. Cook at 300 (?) degrees until they brown, stirring occasionally.

Description : Can you carve an heirloom squash just like a pumpkin?

Last Answer : Yes, but the thickness of the squash meat will affect what you can do with it. If the meat if too thin, it will dry out too fast.(like overnight). The one in your picture looks very carveable and it certainly has the forehead you’re looking for. Have fun.

Description : Do you need to refrigerate pumpkin pie overnight if it's already cooked?

Last Answer : Well, I do, and I'd be a bit bothered about them if I didn't. I put the pies in the space that the turkey came out of, because the turkey isn't going back into the fridge before ... into a crowded refrigerator at holiday dinner time is one of the challenges I happen to enjoy meeting and overcoming.

Description : What do you like in the way of pumpkin foods?

Last Answer : During the fall we all get to enjoy some pumpkin pie, toasted pumpkin seeds, a good pumpkin ale, pumpkin soup, and my wife and kids love Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter.

Description : Does carving a pumpkin and scoooping out the seeds upset your stomach?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe it's a combination of the smell and the way it sort of looks and feels like guts? It might be more subconscious, but it is like you're scooping guts out of a body. It can even look like ... it. And the way it feels is all gushy and gross. Personally I love it, I'm just theorizin'...

Description : How do I make Pumpkin Pie from scratch?

Last Answer : answer:I usually make my crust from scratch which will yeild 2 crusts for pumpkin pie or 1 full crust top and bottom for a covered type pie. If you need a recipe for the crust please feel ... immediately or refrigerate. (Do not freeze as this will cause the crust to separate from the filling.)

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Last Answer : I would put a decent amount of spice, either pumpkin pie spice or a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove spices. You can even add a tablespoon (or two if you love it, like me!) of molasses. I would likely put about a tablespoon of the pumpkin pie spice if you truly want some good flavour!

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Last Answer : The old tried and true Baking Soda treatment. Sprinkle a lot of it on the spot, leave a day or two, and wash off with water. If you still have an issue, sprinkle with a fine layer of cat litter.

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Last Answer : You can use a bath towel. Cut it so it extends just past the half way point on the pumpkin side. You do not wan tit so large that is can accidentally flop in front of the projectile when it reaches ... tied to the frame and the other to midpiont of the bungee cords to help keep them out of the way.

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Last Answer : answer:Just for the seeds? 250 oven, clean and dry the seeds well, mix the seeds from one pumpkin with a teaspoon or two of olive oil, sprinkle with salt, spread on a baking sheet. Bake until done enough for your liking, stirring occasionally.

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Last Answer : If the crust has browned on the edge then put foil around the edge and bake again. I haven’t had a problem re-cooking like that.

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Last Answer : No! Absolutely not. But, if I had to, I would make a sweet potato pie, mmmm!

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Last Answer : i think you are supposed to simmer the raw pumpkin with a little water first

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Last Answer : A basic Jack O’Lantern

Description : For those of you who love/eat roasted pumpkin seeds, do you eat the whole thing (shell and all), or just the "meat"/no shell?

Last Answer : I am roasting some seeds right now. I have never heard of taking the hull off. It would be too much work.

Description : What incredibly simple recipes can I make using pumpkin?

Last Answer : It isn’t simple and I wouldn’t know how to make it from fresh pumpkin, but I made mini pumpkin cheese cakes with homemade whipped cream a couple weeks ago. It was awesome. I think I’ve heard of pumpkin soups, but I haven’t made any myself.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t sound very appetizing. How about a latte and a piece of home-made pumkin pie or pumplin donut?

Description : What should my last carved pumpkin be?

Last Answer : A skeleton would be awesome. Also… I carved pumpkins in college. You’ll figure it out if it’s something you want to do!

Description : Can you cook and eat a carving pumpkin?

Last Answer : Yes, but there are better pumpkins for cooking.

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Last Answer : I make this pumpkin bread every fall, at least twice. It makes two loaves, so if you aren't going to eat that much of it you can freeze the second loaf. For muffins, just use a shorter ... that instead of canned pumpkin. As with any recipe, feel free to adjust it to your preferences! Happy baking!

Description : Pumpkin Carving?

Last Answer : eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrow, moustache maybe… lol

Description : How do you keep a carved pumpkin "fresh?"?

Last Answer : check this out”

Description : Where's the best place to buy a pumpkin pie in Manhattan?

Last Answer : Sounds stupid, but I love good ol Whole Foods pumpkin pies...and its my favorite dessert-- I've tried a lot

Description : Does anyone have an amazing dessert recipe that involves pumpkin as the main ingredient?

Last Answer : answer:Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake – I made this last year – and froze the left overs in large chunks and had them for dessert months afterwards, so yummy -

Description : What do I do with pumpkin plants that are dying from powdery mildew on the leaves?

Last Answer : Check out GreenCure. It destroys the cell wall of the white powder fungus.

Description : When is a pumpkin ready to pick?

Last Answer : When the pumpkin is dark orange and has visible lines on the skin.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can I trim back pumpkin leaves?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the leaves on my pumpkin are turning yellow, ideas why?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Froze pumpkin puree?

Last Answer : If it is already mushy, I say buy another pumpkin, but save the seeds from the mushy can put that where you want pumpkins to grow next year or just take the seeds, wash & save them and plant them in well old horse manured area. You will have your own in October.

Description : Is there anyway to thaw a whole frozen pumpkin? Or do i have to cook it?

Last Answer : You could try this............bring it in wash it off real good..............let it get soft enough to cut it in half and scoop out the seeds & strings..........................put ... ......toss the skin. you can measure it into vac pac & seal mark & date. Good for pumpkin pie or pumpkin cake.

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Last Answer : take the strings off and rinse them off and dry them on a paper plate and then later put them into old envelopes and store in a cool dry place date & mark and use them in composted horsemanure.

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Description : why do my pumpkin stems shrivel up

Last Answer : Pumpkins are ready to harvest when the stem turns brown and dries up. What you are experiencing is normal. The vine is dying as it is an annual.

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Last Answer : I don't know where you live, but I've had that happen before with cantelope, just as it was starting to ripen. Fireants went underneath and hollowed it out and ate it all in one day. Caught them in the act!

Description : When should you pick a pumpkin?

Last Answer : Whenever you think it is time! IUp north we usually wait till after a frost........end of Sept thru Nov\Dec Halloween,Thanksgiving,Christmas

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Description : insects on pumpkin plants

Last Answer : Need Answer