How do you treat a bulging disc?

1 Answer

Answer :

Bulging discs are not uncommon, and are usually not serious. If there is an injury to the disc that is causing pain, you should restrict your physical activity until the injury is healed. There are stretches and exercises you can do to help, and some people find relief with an inversion therapy table.

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Description : How to Identify and Treat a Bulging Disc?

Last Answer : The pain caused by a bulging disc can be both intense and debilitating, and can be caused by any number of things. A bulging disc is essentially the bulging of a disc through the spine. Many people ... , pain may be so intense that back surgery is required, although that is a rare course of action.

Description : How to Heal a Bulging Disc?

Last Answer : Bulging discs are similar to herniated discs. However, the outer casing of the cartilage usually doesn't crack with a bulging disc. A bulging disc occurs when the disc or cartilage between spinal ... may help prevent future injuries. Surgery may be necessary if the bulging disc continues to hurt.

Description : How do I go in for bulging disc treatment?

Last Answer : You should ask your doctor about what treatment would be best for your situation. Every bulging disk is different and has different needs to be treated, including: heating pads, medicine, and specific exercises, but your doctor will be able to tell you what would help you the most.

Description : What is good treatment for a bulging disc?

Last Answer : The most common type of bulging disc treatment is exercise and conditioning to recover and prevent further problems. Normally surgical treatment is the last thing a doctor will consider.

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Last Answer : There are three home remedies that I have discovered in my experience to relieve the pain of a Bulging Disc. First is ice the area for 15 minutes every hour. Second, use a pain- ... are somewhat effective for treatment at home but, you should always consult a physician for permanent treatment.

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Last Answer : Speaking from experience, any pain in your back will only get worse if you have surgery, as it will only make things worse! Try seeing a good physical therapist in your area, and get active! This is true, your body will heal itself if given the proper atmosphere to do so.

Description : Bulging Disc?

Last Answer : A bulging disc, also known as a herniated disc, is a very common medical condition. Discs act as cushions between spinal vertebrae. They allow the spine to be flexible but they can be damaged ... the disc. Some herniations can heal themselves with rest. Other, more extreme cases may require surgery.

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Last Answer : Most people with a bulging or herniated disc do not need surgery since they recover over time. You can learn more about it at .

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Description : Will anything help?

Last Answer : It depends on where it is and in what condition it is. First and foremost, you need to take painkillers. When in pain, the small muscles around the spine are cramping and holding the disc ... writes rehabilitation. In the hospital, if the disc is not cracked, drips and rehabilitation are applied.