What are the best ab exercise machines?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are a number of machines, for both home and gym, designed to work the abdominal muscles. However, simple situps and crunches can work these muscles without the need to buy expensive equipment.

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Description : Do Not Use Ab Exercise Machines Every Day?

Last Answer : People tend to be more obsessed with their abs than any other muscles that they have. Still, this does not mean that you need to use ab exercise machines every day to get a workout. Would you do three ... day, or three times a week. These are no different from any of the other muscles in your body.

Description : Ab Machines?

Last Answer : form_title= Ab Machines form_header= Get in shape with an ab machine. How often will you use the ab machine?*= {Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Other} Do you want the ab machine to be easy to transport?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for an ab machine?*= _ [50]

Description : Are ab machines good and if so why are they good.?

Last Answer : No ab machines are not good because they don't accomplish what they are bought for. To get abs you don't need to train them, but you actually need to decrease the percentage of your body fat through any exercise. Therefore, ab machines are extremely useless.

Description : Where can I buy ab machines online?

Last Answer : The best place to find a ab machine is from ebay, or popular.ebay.com, they have the best deal of ab machine you can get, check out from there to select what type of machine you want.

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Last Answer : It’s reading the pulse in your thumb.

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Last Answer : Elliptical exercise machines are capable of working out every muscle group. They, also, offer a really good cardiovascular workout.

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Last Answer : Elliptical excercise machines can be used to acchieve great aerobic workouts. Typicaly, elliptical excercise machines allow you to burn about 700 calories an hour, and maintain a high heart rate without undue joint strain.

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Last Answer : Exercise machines that are good for cardio include treadmills, rowing machines, elliptical trainers, arc trainers, exercise bikes, and stair climbers just to name a few.

Description : How do elliptical machines compare to other exercise equipment?

Last Answer : All these machines provide good aerobic exercise and can help to lose weight. However, elliptical machines have very little impact and are recommended for people with weak knees, ankles and joints. Treadmills have a much higher impact on joints.

Description : Exercise Gym Equipment: Getting To Know The Machines?

Last Answer : Before using the exercise machines in the gym, it is a good idea to get familiar with the mechanisms and controls. For example, it is easy to get injured when getting on ... control console which includes programmed workouts, health data display, and mechanical settings such as resistance levels.