Where can I get the best workout DVDs?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can go to 'Jillian' and find a running routine there for free. Other places such as weight watchers and Jenny Craig have you pay to get all their information.

Related questions

Description : What are some good 20 minute workout DVDs?

Last Answer : P90X. It’s a set of several different DVD which vary in length, including warm up and cool down. There are several different sections that you can pick and choose from and people I know that have used it really love it and say that it motivates them.

Description : What are the best dance workout DVDs?

Last Answer : The dance workout DVDs with the best reviews tend to be belly dancing. Some DVDs that come highly recommended are The Bellydance Shimmy Workout Starring Sarah Skinner and Belly Dance For Beginners Starring Leila.

Description : What can I do with 100+ DVDs that I haven't watched for years and will never watch again?

Last Answer : Mail them to third world contries that are just getting dvd players. Long term medical homes could take them. You could put them on eBay as an auction and sell the lot for best offer. You can use them as decorations.

Description : Why are my used DVDs' sound too faint to hear? PC or DVD problem?

Last Answer : Try increasing the volume on your PC. There are separate sliders for each running program in your windows volume mixer.

Description : Now being in the age of DVDs and Blu-rays, do you still own a VHS player (VCR)?

Last Answer : No. I haven’t owned a VCR player for years.

Description : Will Netflix make DVDs obsolete?

Last Answer : DVDs are already obsolete. Netflix (and other streaming services) helped kill DVDs of many years ago. Remember the video store (Blockbuster)?

Description : Is there a profanity or an objectionable content filter for DVDs played on the PC?

Last Answer : I’m confused – you want the profanity filter? Or do you want to disable it or find software that will not filter?

Description : I'm trying to sell all my DVDs. Where can I find the most fair price?

Last Answer : answer:Here's the challenge: The most fair price is somewhat relative. What you think that they may be worth may not be the same as how others feel. Here's an example I really wanted my ... the thought of a group of elderly people huddled around my old Ouija board is just too hard to resist.

Description : Why would my 3 year old IMAC stop playing DVDs and what can I do?

Last Answer : I know how rudimentry this question is, but are you sure the first DVD was GWTW and the second had anything on it at all? Was the first one a store-purchased copy of the movie or one that you or someone else had recorded?

Description : Do you find it easy to follow exercise/work out dvds?

Last Answer : answer:I'm generally more a fan of working out independently, but I've done some kickboxing videos a couple of times. I found them fairly easy to keep up with, I was pretty much always able to ... possible. Doing something a million times isn't going to have much impact if you're doing it wrong.

Description : Does anyone know where I can get the dvd's of Stranded With Cash Peters?

Last Answer : I’m guessing you can’t. ”Despite a spirited campaign from fans[citation needed], the series has not been rerun or released on DVD or iTunes.” Source

Description : What raw materials go into producing CDs and DVDs?

Last Answer : How it’s made

Description : Is there a way to rip DVDs to a format my ipad can read?

Last Answer : answer:You want Handbrake. There is a iPad preset. There is a Mac, Windows, and Linux version available.

Description : What do you do with those old home videos and DVDs?

Last Answer : I can’t believe I have a pile of videos someplace in the closet when we don’t own a VCR.

Description : In general, how long does it take for British TV shows to be released on Region 1 DVD's?

Last Answer : Why not just watch it online? tv.blinkx.com works well, or sidereel.com

Description : RIP DVDs: What do you use?

Last Answer : Is that legal?

Description : How do I play DVD's on my Mac after changing the region 5 times already?

Last Answer : Have you tried changing the region with or without the DVD being inserted?

Description : Is there a good program I can download online for free that will burn DVD's?

Last Answer : A program should have come with your DVD burner.

Description : Have you ever known anyone who got busted for pirating DVDs?

Last Answer : answer:No, never. The fact of the matter is it just does not work that way, they dont go out and sue every person who pirates a movie or song. What they do, is they find a 14 or 15 year old ... is a 2012 NWO bush did 9/11 & all news reporters are reptilian aliens from the planet nibiru kind of guy)

Description : Best way to rip DVD's and keep their quality?

Last Answer : I find Handbrake’s Apple TV preset profile gives a good picture quality and produces files that aren’t too big.

Description : Where/how is the best place/way to make DVDs of my old VHS' home movies?

Last Answer : I asked this question a few weeks ago. Check out this page for the basics. I found a converter on Craigslist in my city for $25.

Description : Where can I buy hard-to-find dvd's?

Last Answer : answer:I use Google Products when I need to buy something out of print. It’s an aggregate of all online stores. Here is the Road to Wellville in it.

Description : Has anyone got the 'Zumba' DVDs? Are they any good?

Last Answer : …and your point?

Description : Playing DVDs I have burned/copied on my pc on any other DVD player?

Last Answer : Check your region settings.

Description : How can I transfer dvds to itunes?

Last Answer : You can’t using just iTunes. Rip them with Handbrake and import the video files into iTunes. You can even rip them to iPod format in Handbrake.

Description : What do you use to copy dvds?

Last Answer : Rip It. I’m on a mac.

Description : Hp MediaSmart won't play dvd's?

Last Answer : I think I just need to update the software, I checked and it said something was wrong.

Description : Is there a way to put a laptop DVD player in a universal setting so it can play both European and US DVDs?

Last Answer : Try using VLC. As far as I know it ignores all region settings. It will play pretty much anything.

Description : What dual-layer DVDs should I use with my Early 2008 MacBook Pro to back-up data?

Last Answer : for backup? I’d totally use a hard drive rather than DL dvds. More cost effective and safer.

Description : Playing Region 1 DVD's On My Region 2 Playstation 3?

Last Answer : And there was me thinking ps3 was multi-regional , well in the terms of dvd ’ blu-ray player . Wouldn’t the exploder system work , i remember using exploder on ps2 .

Description : Problem: Camcorder mini dvds & macbook pro can't play them?

Last Answer : what interface does your cam have? NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARDS PUT A MINI DISC IN YOUR MAC’S SLOT DRIVE

Description : Do you think it is right to make converting your DVDs onto your iPod, mp3 player illegal?

Last Answer : Wouldn’t that be protected under fair use? All you are doing is backing up your investment and allowing yourself to watch it in various places. I have 2tb in my computer, so i rip every single DVD I own, ensuring that I’ll have a backup in case one gets scratched.

Description : Tried and Tested French language cds,dvds?

Last Answer : try this http://www.livemocha.com/

Description : PS3 disc drive won't read games or BluRays, just regular DVDs?

Last Answer : Are you hooked up to a HDTV via HDMI?

Description : Where do I get a free DVD decoder so I can play DVD's on my Windows XP Laptop with Windows Media Player?

Last Answer : I recommend k-lite it has anyting and everything you will need regarding codecs

Description : Where is a good place to Sell DVDs Online?

Last Answer : Ebay, craigs list.

Description : What does "(Ws Dol)" mean with regards to DVD's?

Last Answer : Widescreen and Dolby Digital.

Description : I cannot play dvds for some reason and I have downloaded the decoder to play them but they wont is there a different kind of player I can use in XP?

Last Answer : best player out there Check out VLC. It’ll decode dvds from all regions and will play almost any format that you throw at it.

Description : How can I play PAL region 2 DVDs in the US?

Last Answer : I am sure there are a lot of people who will answer more able to answer than me. One work around would be to use your computer to convert the format to NTSC.

Description : Any Yoga dvds that you'd recommend for someone who is wanting to do Yoga at home?

Last Answer : I just took two of Rusty Wells' workshops in Sacramento on Saturday. He does Bhakti Flow yoga. He is very inspiring and will make you find your edge. He has DVD's on his web site at http: ... them because I have regular access to four teachers that he trained. I'm sure you will not be disappointed.

Description : Im trying to convert some dvd's to transfer them to my ipod but it shows me this in handbrake program Please download and install VLC media player in your /Applications folder if you wish to read encrypted DVDs.

Last Answer : You can use RipIt to break the encrypt and then add those videos to handbrake to reduce the size… What to do, though, is try and do the same thing you did before, just with VLC in that folder. It should work then.

Description : Why are we allowed to copy our music off our CDs to our PCs but we are not allowed to copy our films off our DVDs to our PCs?

Last Answer : I thought it was legal, as long as you don’t share or sell copies of it.

Description : What are some good DVD's for children age 5 and 8--both advanced?

Last Answer : The VeggieTales series are great. They are entertaining for adults as well (since kids will probably watch it a million times) and they have a great moral/message.

Description : How do I copy DVD's onto DVD-R's using my computer?

Last Answer : Are you using mac or pc?

Description : I need to burn looping dvd's in (kiosk-mode) I can't afford to buy Adobe Encore or the DVD studio pro Suite, does anyone know of an alternative for OSX?

Last Answer : Does iMovie do it? I don't have OSX so I don't really know,

Description : Where can i find region 2 dvds?

Last Answer : Amazon UK. We are region 2 here. They should ship to the US.

Description : Do those cameras that capture video on to those small DVD's still allow me to capture the video onto my laptop via firewire?

Last Answer : answer:It would really depend on the camera. If the camera has a firewire output, then you just attach that right to the firewire jack on your laptop. Then you open your video editing software (don't ... and then connect the new device to your laptop (probably via firewire or usb). Hope that helps!

Description : How do I rip dvds to put them onto my Ipod?

Last Answer : A great program to use is called HandBrake. It’s available for all operating systems, doesn’t take hardly anything to run, and is really easy to use. It even has presets for iPods. You can find it http://handbrake.m0k.org/ Just download the GUI link :)

Description : Does anyone know how to convert DVDs to iPod format on a Mac?

Last Answer : handbrake.fr

Description : is there a program that allows DVDs to be put on iPods/iPhones?

Last Answer : answer:If you are on a mac/linux, google “handbrake”. If you are on a pc, google “videora”.