Definition for a heart valve replacement?

1 Answer

Answer :

Heart valve replacement is a surgical procedure during which surgeons remove a damaged valve from the heart and substitute a healthy one.

Related questions

Description : What is a heart valve replacement and how much is it?

Last Answer : The heart has four chambers. There are two small chambers at the top of the heart called atria, and two larger chambers at the bottom called ventricles. When one or both give out, they need to replaced. Prices range on the severity of the problem.

Description : When the valve used in valve replacement surgery is made from the patient's own heart valve, which of the following terms is used? a) Autograft An example of autograft is found when the ... and is a synonym for allograft. d) Xenograft Xenograft refers to replacement of tissue from animal tissue.

Last Answer : a) Autograft An example of autograft is found when the surgeon excises the pulmonic valve and uses it for an aortic valve replacement.

Description : In which condition do you have to prescribe antibiotics prior to dental treatment: A. Rheumatic fever B. Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis C. By pass D. Valve replacement E. Uncontrolled diabetes F. All of the above

Last Answer : F. All of the above

Description : What is a heart valve ?

Last Answer : This valve acts like a gate. When blood enters the artery through a vein, these valves open. Then it closes again. It continues to work in the same way.

Description : Match the columns `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),(a,"Bicuspid valve",p,"Brain"),(b,"Nephron",q,"Liver"),(c,"Alveoli",r,"Heart"),(d,"Cerebrum",s,"Kidney

Last Answer : Match the columns `{:(,"Column I",,"Column II"),(a,"Bicuspid valve",p,"Brain"),(b,"Nephron",q,"Liver"),(c,"Alveoli" ... ,c-t,d-p` D. `a-s,b-q,c-p,d-t`

Description : In heart of Human bicuspid valve is situated in `:-`

Last Answer : In heart of Human bicuspid valve is situated in `:-` A. Righ auricle and pulmonary aorta B ... and left ventricle D. Right auricle and right ventricle

Description : a child is about to have an engineered heart valve put. what procedure might increase the chances of her body accepting the prosthesis?

Last Answer : she will take medicine to suppress her immune system

Description : Which of the following regarding the anatomy of the heart is true? A. The aortic valve is tricuspid. B. The ascending aorta is entirely outside the pericardial sac. C. The left atrial appendage is ... trunk lies anterior to the ascending aorta. E. The right atrium is posterior to the left atrium.

Last Answer : Ans: A

Description : What is the valve that separates the aorta from the heart? What is the importance of that valve?

Last Answer : The valve between the left ventricle and the aorta is the aortic valve. The aortic valve prevents the retrograde flux of blood to the left ventricle during diastole. Besides, as the ... supply of the cardiac tissues. The Circulatory System - Image Diversity: coronary ostia coronary circulation

Description : To which heart chamber does the blood go after leaving the left atrium? What is the valve that separates these compartments?

Last Answer : The arterial blood that has come from the lungs to the left atrium passes then to the left ventricle. The valve between the left ventricle and the left atrium is the mitral valve, a ... left atrium during systole (contraction of the ventricles). The Circulatory System - Image Diversity: mitral valve

Description : Which is the first (human) heart chamber into which blood enters? Where does the blood go after passing that chamber? What is the name of the valve that separates the compartments? Why is that valve necessary?

Last Answer : The venous blood that comes from the tissues arrives in the right atrium of the heart. From the right atrium the blood goes to the right ventricle. The valve that separates the ... right atrium during systole (contraction of ventricles). The Circulatory System - Image Diversity: heart circulation

Description : Heart murmur indicates a - (1) defective valve (2) poor oxygenation (3) dislocation of the heart (4) improper development of muscles

Last Answer : (1) defective valve Explanation: Murmurs are pathologic heart sounds that are produced as a result of turbulent blood flow that is sufficient to produce audible noise. A functional murmur or " ... through which blood flows in or near the heart. Such murmurs are known as pathologic murmurs.

Description : The heart sound ‘dup’ is produced when (a) mitral valve is closed (b) semi-lunar valves at the base of aorta get closed (c) tricuspid valve is opened (d) mitral valve is opened.

Last Answer : b) semi-lunar valves at the base of aorta get closed

Description : If due to some injury the chordae tendinae of the tricuspid valve of the human heart is partially non- functional, what will be the immediate effect? (a) The flow of blood into the aorta will be slowed ... back into the left atrium. (d) The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be reduced.

Last Answer : (d) The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be reduced.

Description : Which of the following mitral valve conditions generally produces no symptoms? a) Prolapse Mitral valve prolpase is a deformity that usually produces no symptoms and has been diagnosed more ... ) Infection Mitral valve infection, when acute, will produce symptoms typical of infective endocarditis.

Last Answer : a) Prolapse Mitral valve prolpase is a deformity that usually produces no symptoms and has been diagnosed more frequently in recent years, probably as a result of improved diagnostic methods.

Description : Which of the following conditions would be considered for antibiotic prophylaxes: A. Malignancy recently removed B. Congenital valve heart disease C. Functional heart murmur

Last Answer : B. Congenital valve heart disease

Description : Heart murmur indicates a (1) defective valve (2) poor oxygenation (3) dislocation of the heart (4) improper development of muscles

Last Answer : defective valve

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Last Answer : When the heart becomes unhealthy from an unhealthy diet, or lack of exercise, it is less able to function correctly. Over the years the blood vessels may become clogged from plaque buildup resulting in Heart disease.