Where is the best place to list a treadmill for sale?

1 Answer

Answer :

It is probably quicker to put an advertisement for it on Craigslist because there will be more people seeing the treadmill and thus there will be a higher chance for sale.

Related questions

Description : Where can I find a good treadmill sale?

Last Answer : There are literally thousands of companies that sell treadmills, but finding one on sale could be difficult. Google Shopping and Amazon both offer a large selection from various retailers which you can compare to find the best price.

Description : Where can a find a treadmill sale in my area?

Last Answer : If you are looking for a second hand one then Gumtree is a popular website for this with various listings. If you however wish to purchase new then I would say to try Amazon because if you buy direct from amazon you can get free shipping.

Description : Is craigslist a good place to list furniture for sale?

Last Answer : Craigslist is the best place to list furniture. Craigslist allows access to a large array of people without any cost. Listing on CraigsList is a lot less work then the newpaper option.

Description : On a treadmill, why is the degree of incline shown on the machine not the true incline?

Last Answer : When we run on an incline, in addition to running forward, we are moving upward against the force of gravity. Our legs are performing work by lifting our body mass up - like walking up stairs. The work ... Incline or no, the device will still work as a perfect clothes rack 4 months after you get it.

Description : Is ten minutes on the treadmill a waste of time and worthless?

Last Answer : Yes. Bring music or an audio-book next time.

Description : How much would you pay a couple of guys to lift a heavy treadmill up 3, then 4 easy stairs, and load it into a truck?

Last Answer : answer:It costs c. $500 to move a baby grand piano. The treadmill is less delicate and can be jarred a bit. I'd offer $100 per guy. When my treadmill (worth $2000 and over 15 years ... negotiating stairs. They had a forklift or dolly to load the thing onto the truck from the warehouse originally.

Description : I have a little blood blister (about the size of a dime) on the bottom of my left foot. It hurts, but not in a crippling way. I was wondering if I could continue walking on the treadmill?

Last Answer : Let it heel heal. You can walk on the treadmill though. Maybe try it w/o shoes though if it is an at home personal mill?

Description : What is a good brand of treadmill?

Last Answer : A new puppy! XD

Description : What should I use to lubricate my manual treadmill?

Last Answer : answer:I’m having trouble even picturing a manual treadmill. Maybe you could see if you still have the manual, or call the company who makes them?

Description : Any ideas on how to make a 30 minute treadmill run a little less boring?

Last Answer : Naked?

Description : Is it okay to run barefoot on a private treadmill?

Last Answer : I think that if it doesn’t hurt you and you want to do it, I see no problem with it.

Description : Runners: Do you prefer to run outside or on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Treadmill. If I collapse, I want to be near a phone.

Description : A question about the aeroplane on a treadmill. Can you solve this conundrum?

Last Answer : http://blag.xkcd.com/2008/09/09/the-goddamn-airplane-on-the-goddamn-treadmill/

Description : What stats are good when using a treadmill?

Last Answer : If you're going to do an aerobic workout get yourself a decent heart rate monitor and then start to figure out what your anaerobic threshold is and then what your target heart rate should be ... and then will vary speeds and inclines automatically to keep you properly challenged. Hope that helps..

Description : Outdoor running vs. running on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Outdoor pro: Better scenery. Outdoor con: Possible uneven footing. Outdoor con: Traffic. Outdoor con: Weather

Description : Taking a car to the gymnasium to use a treadmill exercise machine - When will people rediscover the value of walking for daily errands?

Last Answer : I think it’s far from a new trend, and I don’t think it will have any effect on the treadmill industry.

Description : How long after eating can you exercise, say on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Growing up, we were not allowed to swim for an hr. after eating, for whatever that is worth.I always wait several hrs after a meal before walking or treadmeal...less, I guess, if meal is small.

Description : Can a plane take off on a giant treadmill?

Last Answer : I doubt. A plane need drag that creates lift. This is only done by speed of air over top of wings

Description : If I use the treadmill on my second floor apartment, could it bother my downstairs neighbors?

Last Answer : Oh yes. We live in a two-story house with a treadmill upstairs, and the noise is very noticable downstairs.

Description : A treadmill or elliptical? Which one is the better one to lose weight and burn calories?

Last Answer : Elliptical is easier to stay on for a longer time, IMO. I find treadmill boring, elliptical can actually be fun and i believe you do burn more calories in a shorter time (as compared to treadmill) with an elliptical.

Description : Would you do more treadmill excercises if your computer with Internet was hooked to it?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps, but what would you do with all of that jostling around? Hook up an FPS requiring the player to run faster to get the in-game character to run faster, and we have a good exercise program!

Description : What is a treadmill ?

Last Answer : A treadmill is a device that allows you to do walking or running exercises from the same place.

Description : Hello everyone, I wonder if anyone has experience with this machine or with the same brand at least. http://www.give.cz/p/insportline-incondi-t60i I would like to buy a treadmill and I am most interested in ... he's really good. What do you think of him? Thanks so much in advance for the answers

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When You walked 1.5 kilometers on the treadmill. How many meters did you walk?

Last Answer : There are 1,000 metres in a kilometre.Therefore, in 1.5 kilometres, there are 1,500 metres.

Description : If your pace on a treadmill is 65 meters per minute how many minutes will it take for you to walk a distance of 7500 feet?

Last Answer : 35 minutes

Description : How many calories can I burn per hour using a treadmill for weight loss?

Last Answer : The answer is it depends. It depends on many factors such as the intensity of your workout, the distance, your weight and your workout program. If you would like to burn the maximum number of ... this on your own. Here is an online calculator: http://walking.about.com/library/cal/uccalc1.htm

Description : How much fat will I burn on a treadmill if I walk, compared to run?

Last Answer : You burn about the same amount of weight per mile moved, regardless of whether you run or walk. The difference is in how long it takes you to move that mile. The faster you walk, the more you will burn per hour.

Description : Where can I find a treadmill for cheap in Kansas?

Last Answer : Check out www.Craigslist.org in that area for used treadmills people may be selling for cheap. You can also try www.overstock.com for great deals.

Description : What would be a fair price to buy a used treadmill with heart monitor?

Last Answer : If that is used, i think a 200$ is a fair price. You can get under or over that price if they are more or less used. Depends of your own will...

Description : What do I need to consider when choosing between an electric or a manual treadmill?

Last Answer : When you are looking for a electric treadmill you will have to worry about a plug and may be harder to move. A manual treadmill is better for exercising and can be moved from room to room.

Description : How much room do I need around a treadmill to operate it safely?

Last Answer : I think you need at least a few feet behind the treadmill and then at least a foot and a half on all sides, but that would probally make me claustrophobic.

Description : Does an electric or manual treadmill work better?

Last Answer : Electric treadmills take up more room and cost more, but are quieter and smoother and are customizable. Manual ones are cheaper, but can be difficult to use.

Description : Where could I find a cheap used treadmill within Houston city limits?

Last Answer : You can find an inexpensive used treadmill in Houston at www.preownedfitness.com or at http://houston.Craigslist.org/spo/.

Description : Can I get a good workout on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Treadmill is excellent for cardio and for burning fat, so yes, you can. For best results, alternate with strength training, every other day. Treadmills are a excellent workout source for low to ... and other types of fitness. Just remember to excerise moderatly and consult a doctor if needed.

Description : Is training solely on the treadmill a bad method in preparation to run a half marathon?

Last Answer : Yes, it is. Running on a treadmill will certainly help, but treadmills don't have the incline variability of natural terrain, so your body won't be prepared to run the half-marathon. Training on a ... a mini marathon. It would also be a good idea to get some actual track time in if possible.

Description : Where can I find a Used Treadmill online?

Last Answer : You can check ebay and Craig's list. Another resource is usedtreadmill.org

Description : Where can I find a cheap used treadmill to buy?

Last Answer : Craigslist has an extensive list of used exercise equipment so you may get lucky that way. Also try Ebay but the cost of shipping may be prohibitive and offset any bargains you may have. You can also try thrift shops, flea markets or garage sales in your area.

Description : Do I need to perform maintanance on my treadmill ?

Last Answer : To keep you fitness machine in great runing order, you should always perform proper regular maintenance. The gears and wheels will need timely oilings to keep them in working condition. Check your manual ... have one, check online for the manufacturer. there you can download a manual for future use.

Description : What is a cheap treadmill?

Last Answer : A cheap treadmill is probably a treadmill that has been used before or was used as a store display model. You can get these on ebay or Craigslist.

Description : What type of treadmill gives you the most intensive cardio workout?

Last Answer : All treadmill would give you approximately the same type of cardio workout. To increase your workout, you may want to choose a treadmill that allows you to walk fast or to walk "uphill".

Description : Which Treadmill will last the longest for me?

Last Answer : A name brand treadmill recommended by your local sporting goods store will last along time.e

Description : Which treadmill has the highest quality for my money?

Last Answer : A good treadmill is made by cybex.

Description : What treadmill comes with the best warranty?

Last Answer : The NordicTracks come with a five-year warranty, whereas most manufacturers come with a three-year warranty.

Description : What is the best brand for a treadmill?

Last Answer : The Golds Gym 450 and Horizon Evolve SG get the best reviews among reasonably priced treadmills.

Description : What treadmill is the most energy efficient?

Last Answer : Woodway Treadmills claim to be the most energy efficient.

Description : Does the Espirit EC-10 Treadmill give each buyer a warranty replacement option?

Last Answer : No, it comes with a standard 5 year warranty on the treadmill.

Description : Does cybex make a good treadmill?

Last Answer : Cybex produces some of the most durable treadmills made on todays market, you may recognize that they were formally The Trotter Company. These treadmills are highly sought after by commercial operations because of their great reliability.

Description : Is the Reebok treadmill easy to program?

Last Answer : It looks like the Reebok treadmills are very user friendly. A lot of them have iFit SD Interactive, which is a card that has a workout program created by a certified personal trainer. The card ... keeps track of your speed, time, distance, pace, heart rate, calories burned and even carbs burned.

Description : Which brand of treadmill will fold up against the wall for storage?

Last Answer : There are many different brands of fold up treadmills. Depending on what your exactly looking for, many have alot of extra options to choose from. Some even fold and unfold by themselves. ... Bowflex 7-Series Folding Treadmill, Pacemaster Gold Foldup Treadmill and the Smooth 5.45 Folding Treadmill.

Description : Is it okay to have a treadmill on the second story of a building?

Last Answer : Yes they are not that heavy. A typical treadmill weighs as much as a king-sized bed with matress and boxspring, or an average dresser with drawers. Putting a treadmill on the second floor is not dangerous ... on the floor-boards, floor-joists, or cross-beams may create a "noisy" zone in your floor.