Where can I get a Fiber One Cereal coupon?

1 Answer

Answer :

Fiber one cereal is a very popular cereal. Fiber One is sold by General Mills and their site will often have different special offers and coupons/coupon codes.

Related questions

Description : Where can one find high fiber cereal ?

Last Answer : High fiber cereal can be found at the supermarket. Brands to look out for include Kirkland Signature Spice Pecan, Barbara's Bakery, Archer Farms High Fiber, and Kellogg's Raisin Bran Extra.

Description : Is high fiber cereal good to eat with constipation?

Last Answer : The average person needs 10 and 25 grams of fiber in their daily food. Cellulose is the most common source. Foods such as beans, cereals and berries are good examples of high fiber foods. You should be careful of foods that are touted as high grain but contain a large amount of sugar.

Description : What effect will high fiber cereal have on my bowel movements?

Last Answer : A good high-fiber cereal can be one way to increase the overall fiber intake. A diet high in fiber can help regulate bowl movements by providing bulk to the stools. Make sure to drink plenty of water in addition to increasing fiber to make bowel movements easier.

Description : What is one kind of high fiber cereal?

Last Answer : Fiber One is one kind of high fiber cereal. It has vitamins and mineral and also helps keep your body regular.

Description : What exactly makes a cereal considered high in fiber?

Last Answer : If a cereal is high in fiber, that means that it contains a high amount of fiber coming from wheat or other grains, vegetables, or nuts that aid in digestion.

Description : What is a good tasting high fiber cereal?

Last Answer : Some of the best cereals with high fiber are KS spiced pecan, Kashi GoLean, Archar Farms, Kelloggs Raisin Bran and many more. These cereals are tasty and are high fiber content as well.

Description : What is a high fiber cereal that tastes good too?

Last Answer : Their is all kinds of fiber cereals of there.. You can try the special k and the fiber choice.. I have tried the special k and it does wonders.. But everyone is different. Special k comes in different flavors and depends on what you like really.

Description : How many 55 gallon drums would the contents of a typical fully stocked grocery store cereal aisle fit into?

Last Answer : Based on how little cereal comes in boxes these days I’d be surprised if it filled one barrel.

Description : Does anyone enjoy cold cereal for breakfast?

Last Answer : I’m talking about GOOD cereal like corn flakes, wheaties, bran flakes. As opposed to running to Micky D’s for a breakfast burrito. Gag a maggot.

Description : What’s that milf cereal, with the strawberries?

Last Answer : Did you know they stopped making plain Special K?

Description : Do you pour the milk or the cereal first?

Last Answer : Cereal, otherwise the milk will splash when you pour the cereal in.

Description : Would you buy milk that tastes like milk mixed with sugary cereal?

Last Answer : Hell ya

Description : Did the west pee in the middle east's cereal?

Last Answer : The west has been messing with them for a hundred years. And it isn’t just one thing, it is over and over.

Description : Other than milk what else can you put in your cereal?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t use anything other than milk, or milk substitutes like almond milk or coconut milk.

Description : What's your favorite cereal?

Last Answer : answer:I've recently discovered Mom's Best Cereals which makes versions of our childhood favorites with real ingredients, not artificial and processed stuff that has made the same cereals we loved as kids taste nasty ... and Nature's Path. I like nearly all of them. I've always been a cereal fan.

Description : How can they get by with calling those disgusting little bits of chalk in breakfast cereal "marshmallows".

Last Answer : Clearly you are hell bent on tormenting me. lol I can still FEEL in the depths of my brain and body the SOUND of those marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal squeeking like against my teeth like little bits of plastic against your teeth. They are not meant to be edible.

Description : Is it possible for a cereal brand to have 125% more vitamin C than another cereal brand?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it is possible. First, let's say that Cereal X = 12 grams of vitamin C, and Cereal Y = 15 grams.* Calculate percent difference like this: (Y - X) / X * 100% (15 - 12) / 12 * 100% 3 / 12 * 100% 25% ... - A) / A * 100% (27 - 12) / 12 * 100% 15 / 12 * 100% 125% *that is a lot of vitamin C

Description : What happened to toys in cereal boxes?

Last Answer : I think that when my kids grew up and I stopped buying it the stock must have gone down and they couldn’t afford it ~ I really think they have been under pressure for a while to stop marketing the sugary crap so aggressively to kids.

Description : Can you use half and half in cereal and as a normal drink in place of regular milk?

Last Answer : You could but it would be really high in fat, since half and half consists of half cream and half milk

Description : If you could make a new breakfast cereal what would it be?

Last Answer : There used to be cereal I loved, but was discontinued. It had flakes and oat clusters with various dried fruits.

Description : Anyone remember the small ten-pack cereal variety pack?

Last Answer : I do, but what a waste of packaging. All the serious hikers, trekkers and campers in my family transferred what they needed to ziplock bags (which they reused).

Description : Why did Post stop making Oreo's cereal?

Last Answer : You could certainly write to these corporations and see if they respond. Cereals come and go. Some of my favorite cereals died an early death when I was a kid. (Nerds cereal anyone?)

Description : Do you eat cereal/nutrition/protein bars?

Last Answer : answer:Most cereal bars are so sicky-sweet I can’t stand them. However, there are a few not-so-sweet ones out there, such as Kashi. I also buy the least sweet granola. No, I’ve never made one, because it’s easier to buy it.

Description : When you open cereal do you open the whole top of the bag, or just a corner?

Last Answer : Corner. XY

Description : Is this true? The cereal box says, "America's Favorite Cereal". More...

Last Answer : Cheerios. Kashi makes some killer runner-ups, but Cheerios have been my favorite for the longest.

Description : Does anyone remember the ten pack variety boxes of cereal?

Last Answer : answer:Heck yeah! We used to take them camping with us, because I liked Raisin Bran and Fruit Loops and my brother liked Coco Crispies and Frosted Flakes and my Dad liked Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes. I ... the box and you could pour the milk right in the box that was lined with waxed paper. : )

Description : What is your favorite dry packaged breakfast cereal?

Last Answer : I love variety. I couldn’t do the same cereal every morning. My most frequent is Shredded Wheat.

Description : Who hates a "soggy" bowl of cereal in milk?

Last Answer : answer:Grape Nuts will stay crunchy, but who wants to be eating hard little pebbles? Ouch ! My solution to the problem for myself is to pour all the milk into the bowl and then just add my cereal ... a time. Sounds a little odd but it works for me. Cinnamon Toast Crunch SHOULD be crunchy not soggy.

Description : What would be a good story line for a cereal commercial?

Last Answer : It tastes good. It is good for you. Everyone will love you if you eat it. Questions?

Description : A glass of orange juice with cereal?

Last Answer : Sometimes, yes. If I’m not having coffee.

Description : Why does a bowl of cereal screw with your blood sugar when you are diabetic?

Last Answer : Your body metabolizes the carbohydrate load very quickly causing a glucose spike. Congratulations on the pregnancy, by the way!

Description : What is your favorite cereal?

Last Answer : Good old corn flakes do it for me.

Description : Other than Grape Nuts, is there a cereal that does not go "soggy", till the end of the bowl?

Last Answer : answer:My favorite cereal is this and I’ve never had a problem with it going soggy :) lol viagra lol

Description : What grains do you ("you personally") mix together to make a cold cereal that you like?

Last Answer : I just throw together what ever I happen to have on hand. If I want a particular taste, I would limit the mix, but if I want a lot of variety, I will add more. I do buy my cereal in boxes, but ... up. I nearly always buy lots of the cheaper one, and then mix in the more expensive ones to add taste.

Description : When poured onto cereal, what is milk?

Last Answer : answer:I've never thought about this before. It's always just been milk. I suppose I would go with a sauce. I think it loses the beverage category since you are using it to eat your ... You are technically putting it on top of your cereal (similar to using spaghetti sauce on spaghetti noodles).

Description : How many pieces of cereal are in a captain crunch box?

Last Answer : I don’t know. Is it the same number as the number of licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

Description : Whats the perfect milk to cereal ratio?

Last Answer : I always pour until I see the cereal start to float, then stop and eat immediately.

Description : Are Triscuits the same things as shredded wheat cereal?

Last Answer : No.

Description : How can you make Rice Krispy Treats without Rice Krispy cereal?

Last Answer : Try it with Capn’ Crunch. I hope you have band-aids:)

Description : Which are the states in the United States where cereal production is concentrated?

Last Answer : Go to the University library and find a good atlas of the United States. It will have maps showing production of various crops across the U.S., including grains.

Description : Remember the 10 little boxes of cereal?

Last Answer : I sure do! I use to BEG that my parent buy them for me! But with 8 kids to feed, it wasn’t economical to say the least!!! Good Question john!!!

Description : How long does it take for boxed cereal to get stale?

Last Answer : If the plastic hasn’t been opened and the expiration date is in half a year, it’s probably not stale. May as well try it.

Description : What is the ultimate cereal?

Last Answer : HONEY NUT CHERIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if thats how you spell it…........LOL whatever

Description : Are there an nutrients in those sugary childrens cereal?

Last Answer : Probably not But who cares, the lucky charms marshmallows are awesome

Description : Magnetic Cereal?

Last Answer : Perhaps you should visit the doctors, because you’ve been eating metal cereal!

Description : What is your favorite cereal?

Last Answer : Trader Joe’s Granola with berries Rice Chex Kix Special K with Strawberries

Description : Why is Waffle Crisp Cereal only sold in certain cities?

Last Answer : Because their market research tells them it won’t sell well overall there.

Description : If you were driving cross-country, and were forced to bring a breakfast cereal mascot - who would it be?

Last Answer : Kelloggs Chocos (they dont sell it here in the US) but its the best cereal ever

Description : What's your favorite cereal(s)?

Last Answer : cheerios, rice crispies. I’m not big on the sweet sugary stuff.

Description : What is your favorite cereal?

Last Answer : nevermind someone asked it already LOL :)