With what type of jewelry should a body piercing be done with?

1 Answer

Answer :

Surgical steel is the safest material for initial piercing.

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Last Answer : The standard size for naval piercing is 14g with a 7/16", 5/8", or 3/8" length.

Description : Why Nose Ring Hoops are among the most popular body piercing styles?

Last Answer : Hoop style with a bead that can showcase a gemstone a diamond or other unique options. Faux hoop are another popular option. C-shaped hoops that wraps around the nostril without fully closing like a seamless hoop does.

Description : What is the most expensive body piercing and why?

Last Answer : The most expensive piercings are any piercings that have to do with the genital area. This is because it requires a lot more work and patience to get it just right. But the extra money is definitely worth knowing that you are with a certifed piercer.

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Last Answer : Cause it looks cool.

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Last Answer : c. Fecal-oral route

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Last Answer : I have kept all the stuff that I/we shared when we were still together and I relish them as reminders, remembrances of how it was. Some I still take with me on travels, as good luck charms (also ... people, other than my then partner). I should add that my ex partner and myself are friends, still.

Description : Is there a certain type of body jewelry for people who are sensitive to jewelry?

Last Answer : Surgical plastic jewelry may be a good choice for those who can be allergic to stainless steel.

Description : Which type of metal body jewelry is best to use if you have sensitive skin?

Last Answer : It is best to by hypo-allergenic metal body jewelry for sensitive skin.

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Last Answer : b. Hemiptera

Description : Are lip studs (and other body jewelry) electro-conductive?

Last Answer : Normally, studs and the like are of silver or gold which are excellent electrical conductors.

Description : What's the best thing to clean plastic body jewelry with?

Last Answer : Gentle soap and water.

Description : What is the best website to go to for body jewelry?

Last Answer : http://kingsbodyjewelry.com :)

Description : How does magnetic jewelry affect the body?

Last Answer : There is still no scientific evidence that magnetic jewelry has any medical benefit, however there are many who believe that it is a good alternative treatment for some. The claims are that it helps increase circulation, oygen and ions that aid in healing and pain management.

Description : What are some hygiene tips for body jewelry wearers?

Last Answer : Always make sure to clean both your jewelry and the piercings themselves with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection. Store your jewelry in a safe and clean location. Never purchase plated jewelry.

Description : What is the difference between barbell and plug body jewelry?

Last Answer : A barbell has two ends, while a plug only sticks out on one side.

Description : If you took an armour piercing bullet, and repurposed it as an arrowhead, how effective would that arrow be at armour penetration, compared to historical arrows with armour piercing arrow heads?

Last Answer : So the question is whether a bullet can be designed to travel at the velocity of an arrow and achieve the same or better penetrating power? I would think not, and the reason is that with ... bullet shells for arrowheads on shafts would augment the penetrating power of the arrow, I would think not.

Description : Why does my cartilage piercing still hurt?

Last Answer : Did you get it done with a “gun” or with a needle? That makes all the difference.

Description : If I take out my cartilage piercing because I have a bump, do I have to get it repierced?

Last Answer : After five years of taking out my pierced earrings I was able to still use the original piercing holes OK. If the piercing holes were not healed then I would see a problem of it healing over the ... in again, BUT use gold ones ,usually the gold thin ring that does not cause infections or reactions.

Description : Infection at old piercing site (gross details inside)?

Last Answer : An infected navel is very dangerous. See a doc right away.

Description : Ear piercing takes too much time to heal, any advice?

Last Answer : It’s probably infected.

Description : Is my nose suppose to be so runny after a fresh nose piercing?

Last Answer : Yes go get some antibiotic creme and swab it on there .

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Last Answer : answer:One interested in paying off crushing student loans. And the future.

Description : Helix piercing continues to hurt after a year... is this normal?

Last Answer : answer:I have a friend who got a belly piercing about a year ago and she says it still hurts when it gets hit. I asked her if it was normal, she says it is but I still think its a ... , some people get really bad infections because they don't take care of there piercing when they first get them.

Description : Can my tongue piercing be any size I want?

Last Answer : I would suggest removing the large piercing, allowing it to heal, then going with the smaller gauge.

Description : Can I use the Biotene mouthspray for lip piercing?

Last Answer : If you mix a little bit of water in it and use it every time after you eat, it would be fine. Anything really works to clean it, it’s just the matter of would it sting or not..but your solution wouldn’t..don’t worry.

Description : What can I clean my lip piercing with on the go?

Last Answer : Did like the piercing artist not talk about treatment for your freshly being pierced lip? That strikes me as odd, as like a certified piercer would surely do exactly that, I assume. Anyway, since ... it is wise like going back to the shop and buy a small bottle of desinfectant/sterilizing liquid.

Description : How can I become a piercing apprentice?

Last Answer : I would call your local tattoo shops and ask them for advice. Tattooing and piercing generally go hand-in-hand these days.

Description : 0g piercing stuck halfway through ear, how can I push it all the way through without getting a blowout?

Last Answer : answer:Get some vaseline, neosporin, or even lube just to get it wet. Either that or ice it up to numb it a bit. Then take the gauge, and twist it as you push it through. That’s usually what I do whenever I’m going up a size. One question though. How long have you had the 2g in?

Description : How do I stop touching/playing with my piercing?

Last Answer : Can you ask someone to yell at you if they see you doing it? You’re probably doing it absentmindedly, and a simple reminder could help train you not to do it.

Description : How can I keep my nose piercing at my job?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps you could try a piercing retainer? I would think depending on your job it shouldn’t be a problem for your employer. EDIT: Something like this.

Description : Can you get a keloid from a belly piercing if you already have a keloid on your chest?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : What does a piercing pain on the right side of the head just above the right ear mean?

Last Answer : Possible ear infection. Get it checked. In the mean time maybe an asprin may help.

Description : How can I deal with this lump in my mouth from a lip piercing?

Last Answer : answer:Warm salt water soaks are supposed to help clean and heal irritated piercings. You should stick to jewelry that won’t get knocked around while you’re healing. There’s more information about how to prepare salt water soaks here.

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Last Answer : What is the relation between the two? You mean that after you had the piercing done, you think you can’t drink alcoholic drinks the weekend following it?

Description : What is the most painful piercing?

Last Answer : I would have to think it would be a genital piercing since that is such a sensitive area, but thankfully, I have no empirical knowledge of that fact.

Description : When piercing the cartilage in your ear, which side did you choose?

Last Answer : answer:Neither side means you are gay. Choose whichever side you like. I happened to do mine on the left.

Description : Why is my nose piercing painful?

Last Answer : You probably have an infection. Seriously. Go see a doctor, that would be your best bet. You don’t want it getting really bad and leading to something else.

Description : Is getting an apprenticeship, the only way of becoming a piercing artist?

Last Answer : I’ve never heard of any schools for such things. Since the skill is so “hands on”, I would think that apprenticeship would be the only way to go.

Description : What should I expect to pay for an ear piercing?

Last Answer : I believe a lot of places do it for free, but you must pay for the earrings which should only cost between $10 and $20 for studs.

Description : Is my cartilage piercing infected?

Last Answer : answer:I would leave the earring in, clean the area with soap and water twice daily and wait. You already have an infection in your body so your immune system is weakened which could have led to the ... 's opinion) If you notice yellow puss, then I would become concerned. Or a truly foul smell.

Description : Will my piercing close?

Last Answer : I don't know specifically about nose piercings, but I seriously doubt if it would close in that short a period of time. My lady had to remove her nipple jewelry for the same reason ... apparent that they had ever been pierced. The healing process varies between individuals and parts of the body.

Description : 6 year old Helix piercing stinks?

Last Answer : In my experience, all piercings stink and bad. Especially if they are gauged.

Description : How does one find a "reputable" piercing shop?

Last Answer : Call around and ask many questions. Also when you go in, if they are asking you to please not touch any of the jewelry, that is usually a good sign.

Description : Where can I find an ear piercing gun?

Last Answer : Walmart has them where I live? Maybe a drugstore?

Description : Is It Bad For My Nose Piercing If I Take It Out On A Regular Basis?

Last Answer : I think you can take it off when ever you want, as long as you clean it good.

Description : Are there problems breasfeeding if you have scar tissue from a former nipple piercing?

Last Answer : I think this is a good and important question for women who may one day be interested in breast feeding (which I will add, all new mothers should do for their children and themselves.) I have no idea of the answer, but thank you for the question. Hopefully, others will know the answer.

Description : I'm considering a certain piercing...

Last Answer : Here’s everything you ever (& never) wanted to know. http://www.fluther.com/disc/32247/whos-got-some-pierciengs-where-and-why/

Description : Why is there skin discoloration around my anti-brow piercing?

Last Answer : Yuck, I hope that's not an infection you have going there! I know that some discoloration is a little normal in the first few days, but yellow? That I haven't heard of. Just make sure to keep using a special ... it, and see if it gets worse. Also keep a look out for any pain. Does it hurt you now?

Description : How do you feel about piercing ears of baby girls?

Last Answer : In certain cultures, it’s common to pierce baby’s ears, but I don’t see the point. Babies are cute enough without too much embellishment.

Description : What do you think of mothers piercing their infant daughter's ears?

Last Answer : I’d wait for my daughter to reach an age when she could decide for herself.