Is it appropriate to wear jeans on a first date?

1 Answer

Answer :

That would depend on where your going and who the guy is. Certainly it's never good to wear rough, wholly jeans on a first date.

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Last Answer : Navy is a complimentary and calm color.

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Last Answer : answer:I wish this was in Social Birthday suit is not the PC answer Where are you going? A simple top and skirt would be appropriate for a movie or trip to mall.

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Last Answer : answer:1. Male 2. 19 3. $20 4. Target brand (Mossimo something) That was when I was in middle school. Nowadays, I just get them at the thrift store for around $12. My ex-roommate had three (THREE!) ... corner of the room when he was done using them. I don't even want to know how much they cost.

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Last Answer : Oh yes! Because fuck my low rise skinny jeans. I want to wear mom jeans and I can never find any.

Description : What is the best cost effective way to ship jeans?

Last Answer : answer:I would use usps in a regular size appropriate envelope to ship them, unless they paid you extra for faster shipping I would do regular post for the size and weight of the envelope but add the ... charge for it. You then can give them a tracking number to watch for their package. Good Luck

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Last Answer : answer:The color for blue jeans is indigo dye. Don’t know about khaki’s.

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Last Answer : I just throw them in the machine. But if you want to preserve color, use cold water.

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Last Answer : Have you tried different brands? What fabrics are they made of? Maybe a thicker denim or one without Lycra would fit better? Or conversely, maybe one with Lycra would stay tight better?

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Last Answer : I believe Wranglers relaxed fit would do.

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Last Answer : Not really. You can still tell how much weight a woman is carrying and how firm her muscles are just by looking at them inside the clothing. Same as you can with a man.

Description : Why do people wash their jeans inside out?

Last Answer : That’s weird. I don’t, and I’ve never seen anyone else do it. Maybe it’s a regional thing? Sort of like a laundry dialect?

Description : Why call them “Skinny Jeans” if they are not being worn by someone who is actually skinny?

Last Answer : answer:I think they are called skinny jeans because they are narrow at the ankle, and after a long run of popularity for flares and bootcuts they were the new thing, different because of the skinny cut of the leg ... 't give a flying shit what anyone else wears, if I don't like it, I don't look.

Description : Can my jeans be altered?

Last Answer : Have you tried washing them in really hot water and drying them on high heat to shrink them? I think they probably can be altered, but it sounds like a lot of work and it might cost you as much as half of what the jeans cost to buy. If you still have the tags and receipt, take them back.

Description : Do you know people who are not into wearing jeans?

Last Answer : My sister and her husband never let their boys wear jeans growing up. They are adults now and neither of them ever wears jeans, they find them uncomfortable.

Description : Why do jeans tear up underneath?

Last Answer : That particular part is usually being constantly rubbed while walking. Unless worn by a bow-legged person.

Description : Why are women's jeans pockets smaller than men's pockets?

Last Answer : Wome have purses to carry stuff, men well, most men don’t. We use pockets.

Description : What would you say, or what other reaction would you have, if a guy asked you, "Do these jeans make me look fat?"?

Last Answer : I’d tell him the truth. And think nothing of it. Seriously. SO or not SO.

Description : What do you think of skinny jeans?

Last Answer : I hate them, it feels like they’re cutting off the circulation in my legs.

Description : Do you like men's jeans with back pocket flaps?

Last Answer : I do not like them.I like regular Levi’s on a man.

Description : Do you think girls AE jeans would look arlight on a guy?

Last Answer : answer:There’s nothing wrong with fitted and skinny jeans if you can pull them off that is. & Stick with the boy jeans. That’s my advice, as someone who used to wear plenty of girl jeans. And as far as brand goes, who the fuck gives a damn?

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Last Answer : Have you considered going to a clothing store?