Where can I go to find free lawyers to help me?

1 Answer

Answer :

Check if any offices offer a clinic for the poor they sometimes do this as a tax write off.

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Last Answer : Free lawyers, or pro bono attorneys, work for homeless or low income families and individuals. Typical cases are bankruptcy, family law and landlord/tenant. Most law firms do pro bono work and there are also free law clinics in every state.

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Last Answer : Every state in the U.S. is required to provide a lawyer to people who cannot afford one.

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Last Answer : There are lawyers that work for free on certain types of cases. This is called pro bono work. Generally these are cases of discrimination or high profile cases where the lawyer iews the publicity as more valuable than the fee.

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Last Answer : Just more drama.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes!! You have every right to challenge your lawyer, and I'm horrified to hear that he/she would provide a scathing response. Let's hope you don't get a bill for that ;-) You'll ... . Challenge this to the degree you feel comfortable, and I'm hopeful you have a swift, fair outcome.

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Last Answer : Yes. As you’ve seen, lawyers charge for everything they can. I have an aunt who is a paralegal, and one of the firms she worked for allowed her to charge any food she ordered while working on a case to that case’s account (i.e., to the client).

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Last Answer : answer:Sleaze-ball citizens. At least, each one I have known was this way. I think the notoraity and ability to accept “questionable gifts” for representation, is what makes them this way.

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Last Answer : For enough money, Charlie has a case.

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Last Answer : Depending on the issue there are what is known as Advocates that could do this for you again depending on the issue or need.

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Last Answer : Sounds like a conspiracy to me! Or maybe – just a bunch of crap.

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Last Answer : Paralegals do that, dont they?

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Last Answer : @Bluefreedom, I found this article about the tradition.

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Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, ... was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this sub if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Need Answer.

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Last Answer : The groups which promote the interests of various social sections such as workers, teachers, lawyers etc are called Sectional interest groups.

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Last Answer : Hi, I had credit problems. These guys helped me solve everything, they are professionals !!!htt ps://cutt.ly/hjmz57y(Remove the space)

Last Answer : Different countries, including Bangladesh and India, have specific clothing for each profession. Doctors are known by their white robes , engineers by their helmets, and lawyers by black and white. Lawyers ... court. That is why the lawyers of this country started wearing this dress as a symbol.

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Last Answer : This depends on whether they are an employee of a law firm orindependent.If independent it will depend on the number and types of casesthey get.If their primary work is civil lawsuits the usual ... work is criminal defense their pay varies withwho they are defending and how wealthy that person is.

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Last Answer : Litigation lawyers are going to make around one hundred to three hundred dollars an hour. They make over six figures a year and they have very flexible schedules.

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Last Answer : Check with the folks at the website, Immigration.lawyers.com/. They have a way for you to seek out the proper consel.

Description : Are there any good DUI lawyers in Oakland, California?

Last Answer : There are many good DUI lawyers in oakland, CA. One such good DUI lawyer is Kapsack & Bair, they are located at 1440 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612.

Description : Besides employers and lawyers, who can legally perform a public record search?

Last Answer : Nowadays almost anyone can perform a public record search online for a fee. If the information is public record that it means it is open to the public and can belegally accessed by anyone, not just lawyers ... or where to start a public record search, and employ an outside agency to do it for them.

Description : Who are the best disability lawyers in Greensboro, NC?

Last Answer : www.avvo.com and www.lawyerratingz.com will help you find the best disability attorneys in Greensboro, NC as both sites offer reviews from current and former clients. Deuterman Law group has the best ... lawyers in Greensboro, NC. They are located at 317 South Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401.

Description : What are some different types of lawyers?

Last Answer : Business lawyer Employment lawyers real estate lawyer Criminal Lawyer. Family Lawyer. Starting a business isn't as simple as getting an idea and going with it. It requires a lot of planning ... lawyer NYC to help you fulfill all the legalities regarding the healthcare coverage for the workers.

Description : What is the difference between attorneys and lawyers?

Last Answer : An attorney is qualified and licensed to represent a client in court. You can read more about their differences at http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-an-attorney-lawyer-barrister-and-esquire.htm

Description : Who are some of the top discrimination lawyers in NC?

Last Answer : The Quinn Law Firm in Greensboro is a very well-known firm handling discrimination issues. For more suggestions, visit lawyers.com.

Description : Where can I hire cheap income tax lawyers?

Last Answer : Attorney services vary from one part of the country to another. Generally, fees are established in accordance with what the market will bear, which is how business works. Tax attorneys are lawyers with specialized ... time. When choosing a tax attorney, the "you get what you pay for" rule applies.

Description : Are there any lawyers that specialize in discrimination suits?

Last Answer : There are indeed lawyers who handle discrimination law suits. You can do an online search for one in your area.

Description : What kind of cases do life insurance lawyers in Wichita, KS handle?

Last Answer : The following are the types of life insurance lawyers in wichita •Life Insurance for Smokers •Life Insurance for NonSmokers •Business Life Insurance •Universal Life Insurance

Description : What happens when the at-fault person fails to respond to the insurance claim lawyers in Wichita, KS?

Last Answer : They would have to mail the as-fault person a letter and so they would comply. And if the do not comply, further legal actions will have to take place.

Description : Which electronic device would be considered a node in a lawyers office network?

Last Answer : the attorne's laptop

Description : Lawyers make too much money off of their clients.?

Last Answer : Lawyers make too much money off of their clients.

Description : Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers?

Last Answer : When someone experiences a moderate to serious automobile accident, finding competent and professional motor vehicle accident lawyers is imperative to receiving the compensation deserved for medical bills, car repair, pain ... of a judge or jury, a case does not have much chance of being successful.

Description : Who are the best consumer fraud lawyers in Tennessee?

Last Answer : Being I am not from that state. I would contact your local bar association and they would be able to give you a listing of lawyers in your area that specialize in what you need.

Description : All The Facts About Lawyers Employment Prospects?

Last Answer : A lawyer is one of the highest-paid professionals there is. It takes 4 years of college and 4 years of law school to become a lawyer, and you also have to take the LSAT and Bar ... hiring prosecutors and other positions are constantly being filled. The average yearly salary for lawyers was $94,000.

Description : What Do Anti Discrimination Lawyers Do?

Last Answer : Anti discrimination lawyers serve many purposes and can provide a wide range of services for various clients. The bulk of these individuals work with individual clients who feel that they have been ... in the employment setting. Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex, age

Description : All About Tax Evasion & Tax Evasion Lawyers?

Last Answer : Everyone makes mistakes in their lifetime. Making the mistake of tax evasion is one that thousands of people make each year. While it is possible to get away with it for a few years, the IRS will ... not to pay taxes, calling it an unconstitutional practice. They claim there is no law in the co