What does non Jews mean?

1 Answer

Answer :

It means that they do not go to the sabath alot and are notstrict.There are two general categories of Judaism: Orthodox Judaismand Liberal Judaism. Liberal Judaism encompases a wide variety ofdifferent movements, including most famously: Conservative, Reform,Reconstructionist, and Hiloni. The term non-Orthodox is another wayof referring to all of these movements within Liberal Judaism.

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Last Answer : answer:Just celebrating them reinforces the traditions. Things are changing a little in America, not sure about other countries, but still for the most part Jewish holidays are celebrated without a lot of decoration ... t want that to happen. They feel the way to get back is to live, to continue.

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Last Answer : answer:I am not sure how the Jews wound up in Europe, I think probably we travelled to where the work was or where we were not being killed or enslaved, but that is a guess, my history ... 1900's, Many considered themselves Zionists. I don't find your question antisemitic or offensive by the way.

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Last Answer : answer:I have never understood this. My best guess would be that in medieval times Jews often worked in trades like money-lending and banking that were off-limits to ‘proper’ Christians. Great question by the way, I look forward to reading the responses of those more learned than myself.

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Last Answer : Hadaosoh—Esther viii. 7.

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Last Answer : Adolf Hitler preached extreme hatred against the German Jews because they were blamed not only for the defeat of Germany in the First World War but for all the ills of Germany.

Description : Describe Hitler’s policy towards the Jews. -History 9th

Last Answer : The Nazis originally sought to rid the German state of Jews and Romani by means of deportation (and later extermination), while blacks were to be segregated and eventually eliminated through compulsory sterilization.

Description : Describe Hitler’s policy towards the Jews. -History 9th

Last Answer : The racial policy of Nazi Germany was a set of policies and laws implemented in Nazi Germany (1933–45) based on a specific racist doctrine asserting the superiority of the Aryan race, which claimed ... the Herrenvolk ("master race") of the Volksgemeinschaft ("people's community") at the top.

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Last Answer : INRI

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Last Answer : Nazi propaganda was effective in creating hatred for the Jews for the following reason: (i) The Jews were stereotyped as killers of Christ. They had been barred since medieval times from ownership of ... theories fanned this hatred. He wanted all Jews to be eliminated from Germany. hope this helps u

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Last Answer : Jews were referred as Vermin, rats and pests and their movements were compared to those of rodents.

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Description : Why Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Nazi hatred for Jews had a precursor in the traditional Christian hostility towards the Jews. The Jews were considered as the killers of Christ and usurers. However, Hitler's hatred of Jews was based on pseudoscientific theories of race.

Description : Describe the Hitler's policy towards the Jews? Or How were the Jews worst sufferers in the Nazi government? -History 9th

Last Answer : (i) Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi-Germany. They survived mainly through trade and money-lending. They lived in separately marked areas called ghettos. They were often persecuted through ... aimed to concentrating them in certain areas and eventually killing them in gas chambers in Poland.

Description : What was the ideology of the Nazis regarding the Jews ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Holocaust was an inconceivable historical event, which forever robbed Western culture of its innocence. As civilized human beings, we fail to understand how events of such horror could have taken ... ' and leader's reactions in the face of a consistent policy of dispossession and discrimination.

Description : Name the book written by Charlotte Beredt about dreams of Jews. -History 9th

Last Answer : the Third Reich of Dreams Charlotte Beradt, was a Berlin-based journalist. She secretly recorded people's dreams in her diary and later published them in a book called the Third Reich of Dreams. She describes how Jews themselves began believing in the Nazi stereotypes.

Description : What was the name given to separately marked areas where the Jews lived ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The answer is Ghetto

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Last Answer : Ian Black is the author

Description : After the Nazi Party became the largest party in Germany, Democracy in Germany began to get destroyed. The Enabling Act gave Hitler dictatorial powers in Germany and he was assisted by the secret police, ... do you think many Germans turned a blind eye to the plight of Jews? * -Social Science

Last Answer : Everyone came to feel that the rise of Nazi Germany could be partly traced back to the German experience at the end of the. First World War.

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Last Answer : Zyklon B gas was used. It is the trade name of Hydrogen Cyanide. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide were also used.

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Last Answer : How many branches were the Jews living in Medina divided into ? 2

Description : What do Jews call their God ?

Last Answer : : 1) Yahweh or Tetragrammaton 2) L3) Elohim 4) Eloah 5) Elohai 8) El Shaddai 6) Tzevaot

Last Answer : Surah Hashr has been revealed about the Jews of Banu Nazir tribe

Last Answer : : Banu Nadir Banu Kainuka ' Banu Koraiya

Last Answer : They also wear pajamas * Information Internet

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who was the king of the Jews who ordered the babies to be killed?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was the first name for Jews?

Last Answer : Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, depending on the historical era."Hebrews" (Ivrim) actually means descendants of Eber (Ever). Ever was an ancestor of Abraham (Genesis ch.10-11) and the ... intermarriage or conversion into Judaism over the centuries. The results accord with Jewish history and tradition."

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer