What did you learn the story of the legend of lake ticob?

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Last Answer : I have a fluther shirt…and I can’t waaaait for someone to actually know what it is! I would buy another fluther tee if they made it with that phrase underneath it like that.

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Last Answer : I know this is an old question, but I’ve got your answer. They are Belstaff Longway Canvas Pants. You might not be able to find them anymore, but their website has newer alternatives.

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Last Answer : The one with the Organ stealers.

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Last Answer : i think it’s a legend, i heard only if the top is bulging is it an issue.

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Last Answer : Jeffrey Dahmer. Also a guy who walks around shirtless who like Wolverine from X-Men a lot so we call him the “Mil-verine.”

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Last Answer : A legend is a story from ancient times about people and events. The title of the poem tells that it is a legend. The poet himself says that ‘I don’t believe it is true’.

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Last Answer : With the help of legend, each data series can be uniquely identified by assigning a unique color or pattern.

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Last Answer : Legand means legend.

Description : What is a legend ?

Last Answer : A folktale in which one or more stories of a famous character of the past are narrated is called a legend.

Description : What is the synonym of legend ?

Last Answer : Upakatha is synonymous with kahini , rupakatha 6

Last Answer : The legend of the computer world is Bill Gates.

Last Answer : : Abu Jafar Ubaydullah!