What is the difference between world war 2 planes and now?

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Last Answer : Russia is tough guy, so should be having no problem dealing with IS.

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Last Answer : Answer: Option D

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Last Answer : I think a llama or a lion ooooh how about Aslan from Narnia!!

Description : In which year, terrorists crash two planes into New York's World Trade Centre on September 11 in a sequence of destruction? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : In the year of 2001.

Description : Up to 20,000 planes a day, that's not possible, is it? A friend said that, but I don't trust him. That's awfully isn't it?

Last Answer : There are about 90 - 100 thousand scheduled flights in the world every day. Add to that the flights of private and military aircraft ... ;-) I dare not estimate the total number - but 20 ... modes of transport. Unfortunately - if a "bigger" accident happens, there is no high probability of survival.

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Last Answer : Thieves don’t know how to release the air brakes.

Description : Do jet planes (757, for example) use more or less fuel in cold weather?

Last Answer : I have no certain knowledge, but I'll offer a hypothesis: I would expect that the plane's fuel consumption at takeoff and landing (can't forget that landing also requires fuel) in cold weather ... seems to me that the plane's wing surfaces would be more efficient then, leading to lower consumption.

Description : I was wondering about the guys who flew the planes into the towers on 9/11. Did they ever figure out exactly who they were?

Last Answer : They know who they were, and where the were from, and what kind of training they had.

Description : Why do airlines retire the flight numbers of planes that have crashed? Is that just superstition?

Last Answer : Probably has to do with inventory, accounting and other record keeping.

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Last Answer : If they reduce the size of carry-on, many people will still have to check bags.

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Description : Nook App on my tablet seem utterly useless on planes. What am I missing?

Last Answer : I don't know about Nook but it might work the same as the Kindle app on the iPad does. For some reason, when you buy a book it is stored in the iCloud and you have to click on something to download it to ... it is in the cloud, you can't. Can you check your Nook and see if it works the same way?

Description : Jews changing planes in Arab countries? How does this work?

Last Answer : answer:Pure speculation on my part: A traveling Israeli would avoid stopping in an Arab country that didn't allow Israelis. And, if they did, they would only be transiting at the airport, not passing ... message on Israeli stamps: some say it is grounds for denial, others say it does not matter.

Description : How did air control during 9/11 not prevent the planes going into the towers?

Last Answer : What could they have done? I don't think they could have gotten fighter planes into action within the time they realized what was going on. And even if they could have, were they going to shoot ... realise what was happening I think they were in that proverbial spot between a rock and a hard place.

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Last Answer : Ship owners don’t care much about the sailor’s superstitions, ships and planes cross the Bermuda triangle every day.

Description : I need makes and models of private planes of the 70's and 80's please, and thank you!

Last Answer : Lear Jet.

Description : Do airlines ever sanitize their planes?

Last Answer : That is why it is highly recommended to take your own disinfectant wipes on board and wipe down the seat arms, the tray table, and anything else you might touch. Airplanes are given the same clean up a theater gets between movie showings.

Description : Should there be wider seats in planes?

Last Answer : answer:Good question, and I'm not sure I have much to add other than to anticipate that some people might try to elaborate on some of the terms you have used. Should : Some ... may be somewhat different than public transportation which might have to deal with laws surrounding disabled access, etc.

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Last Answer : answer:“and the radiation from the flares can give passengers in airplanes a dose of radiation equivalent to a medical X-ray.” Source

Description : Why do planes feel like they move so slowly?

Last Answer : answer:relativity if you were flying 10 feet from the ground, it would seem freaky fast. The earth is rolling around the sun at 60,000 mph… yet it takes an entire year to do it once. Speed is relative.

Description : Wouldn't it be safer if all commercial planes had ejection seats like fighter jets?

Last Answer : answer:1) Cost. Ejection seats are expensive. 2) Not all planes have removable tops. 3) It takes training to be able to use an ejection seat effectively. 4) Safety. The G-forces exerted by ejection seats would hurt or kill infirm, small, or weak people.

Description : Why are propeller planes so loud if they're so far away?

Last Answer : Most of the time propeller planes do not have exhaust mufflers. this makes the engine extremely loud. and, since the airplane is on the ground, the earth acts as bouncing board for the airplanes loud ... are not this loud, since they are away from you, away from the ground and in open space.

Description : Why are business-class seats on planes so expensive, yet companies yet business discounts on hotel rooms?

Last Answer : answer:Business discounts on hotel rooms = generally the smaller rooms with less ameneties (and generally a hotel room is a hotel room) Business class seats on a plane = less density, cost more per passenger- ... first on most if not all your flights. So the discounts do exist, just not for you =)

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Last Answer : I suppose that I would die, horribly.

Description : Do hurricane hunter planes fly through or come in from above?

Last Answer : Through.

Description : Do robotic planes and other things that kill at a distance make it too easy to kill?

Last Answer : They may make it too difficult to avoid “collateral damage” (that is MilSpeak for dead civilians.)

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Last Answer : Around $500 million USD.

Description : Are manicure kits and nailpolish allowed on planes?

Last Answer : If it’s in your checked baggage, the nail kit will be fine. I’m fairly certain that they aren’t allowed in carry-on baggage though.

Description : Can someone explain the storyline behind "Family Guy"? I mean, why is there a talking dog who has the hots for Lois, and a bisexual baby that talks with a British accent that can fly planes and drive?

Last Answer : It’s just silly fantasy. Don’t read too much into it. :)

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Last Answer : Tranes, maybe

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Last Answer : Tough question.

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Last Answer : I mean "Is" and "Just"

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Last Answer : Simply, because pilots still participate and the public goes to watch.

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Last Answer : They do don’t they? The only reason the cabin shouldn’t be air conditioned is if the plane isn’t powered or the plane is having problems with that particular system.

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Last Answer : what kind of MacBook do you have an what do you do on your computer?

Description : If the planes that struck the twin towers one hundred floors up are the reason they collapsed, why was there 3000F molten steel in the sub basements four weeks later?

Last Answer : I think you answered your own question

Description : In front of two planes, there is one. In behind two planes, there is one. In between two planes, there is one. How many planes are there? -Riddles

Last Answer : 3 planes. If there are three planes in a row, in front of two, there is one, in behind two, there is one, and in between two, there is one.

Description : a mineral that has _______ can be split fairly easily along planes with weak atomic attraction. -General Knowledge

Last Answer : A mineral that has d. cleavage can be split fairly easily along planes with weak atomic attraction.

Description : Internet can bemused to get reservation of trains and air planes through ……….. service. -Technology

Last Answer : Internet can bemuse to get the reservation of trains and airplanes through E-reservation service.

Description : what- planes ABC and EFG are parallel.Which of these segments must be parallel?

Last Answer : A+

Description : How do heavy iron ships float in water and planes fly in the sky ?

Last Answer : Cause: From the condition of floating object we know that the weight of a floating object is equal to the weight of liquid removed by floating object. The density of water is much higher than the ... this removed water is equal to the weight of the ship. Plain is made of light metal aluminum.

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Last Answer : A solid formed by three pairs of parallel rectangular plane is called a rectangular solid.

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Last Answer : Every solid has 7 floors.

Description : When sightseeing flights take off from the airport, there will be no storm? They would know that, wouldn't they?

Last Answer : Do you think there will never be a storm again ??? : D The sightseeing flight takes a few minutes (a few dozen), so - let's say, for as long as the pilots in a given location ... forecast. What will happen later in the afternoon or evening cannot be judged by the current aircraft take-offs.

Description : People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back

Last Answer : People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back ... not physically fit to play games like football.

Description : The pollutants released by jet planes are :

Last Answer : The pollutants released by jet planes are : A. Fog B. Aerosol C. Smog D. Colloid.

Description : A flower which can be divided into two exactly equal halves by any vertical planes passing through centre is

Last Answer : A flower which can be divided into two exactly equal halves by any vertical planes passing ... Zygomorphic B. Actinomorphic C. Perfect D. Regular

Description : People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back

Last Answer : People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang pass about six months back A. Are ... has a lower binding affinity to `O_(2)`

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Last Answer : Explain the following statement with reason: According to Buddhist philosophy, the universe exists at three planes.

Description : Two similar coils of radius `R` are lying concentriclaly with their planes at right angels to each other. The currents flowing in them are `I` and `2I

Last Answer : Two similar coils of radius `R` are lying concentriclaly with their planes at right angels to each other. The currents ... /(2R)` D. `(mu_(0)i)/(R)`