What kind of seeds do ostriches eat?

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Last Answer : The flightless ostrich is the largest bird in the world. Ostriches does not have any teeth, they grind the food they eat by swallowing pebbles. an adult ostrich got around 0.5-1 kg of stones in its stomach. An ... 70 kmh (43.5 mph) and can cover up to 5 meters (16.4 feet) in one single step.

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Last Answer : Raw Almonds they are alkaline based.

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Last Answer : I don’t really like them, personally, so I use flax seed oil in recipes.

Description : For those of you who love/eat roasted pumpkin seeds, do you eat the whole thing (shell and all), or just the "meat"/no shell?

Last Answer : I am roasting some seeds right now. I have never heard of taking the hull off. It would be too much work.

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Last Answer : I don't know the scientific data, but I've eaten many of them whole and I know they are often served whole in foods. I think the only problem is that the seeds themselves just taste like seeds and only the red covering is good.

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Last Answer : cut them off, keep in paper envelope and plant again next year.

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Last Answer : I would advise you NOT to eat that. They make a commercial scrub for the face with that.

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Last Answer : You can dry the ripe sweet pumpkin seeds as required and fry them in hot sand ( in the same way as the nuts are fried). It is enough to eat a handful of seeds at any time of the day.

Description : Is it safe to eat pomegranate seeds?

Last Answer : Pomegranate fruits are beautiful red fruits. They are very healthy. To answer the question, yes, you can eat pomegranate seeds and they are very good for you, too. Many people pop them ... diet. They are also rich in antioxidants which protects the body from inflammation and free radical damage.

Description : Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?

Last Answer : Yes, dogs can eat sunflower seeds in moderation. Sunflower seeds are good sources of minerals, vitamins and monounsaturated fat which are healthy fat. The vitamin E in sunflower seeds can improve ... and even pancreatitis. Sunflower seeds are a healthy treat for training, dogs enjoy eating them.