Are smooth muscles striated yes or No?

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Description : Briefly describe striated and smooth muscles with their functions. -Biology 9th

Last Answer : Striated muscles provide the force for locomotion and all other voluntary movements of the body. The smooth muscles are also known as unstriated or involuntary muscles. Smooth muscles occur as bundles ... fusiform or spindle-shaped cells or fibres. They are held together by loose connective tissue.

Description : Briefly describe striated and smooth muscles with their functions. -Biology 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Identify the tissue shown in the diagram and match with its characteristics and its location. (a) Smooth muscles, show branching, found in the wall of the heart (b) Cardiac muscles, unbranched ... the ribs (d) Skeletal muscles show striations and are closely attached with the bones of the limbs

Last Answer : (d) Skeletal muscles show striations and are closely attached with the bones of the limbs

Description : Smooth muscles are (a) involuntary, fusiform, non-striated (b) voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical (c) involuntary, cylindrical, striated (d) voluntary, spindle-shaped, uninucleate.

Last Answer : (a) involuntary, fusiform, non-striated

Description : The following are true about the smooth muscle cells: a. presence of a striated appearance b. do not contain actin and myosin c. spontaneous muscle contraction d. mitochondria are absent

Last Answer : spontaneous muscle contraction

Description : The following are true about the smooth muscle cells: a. presence of a striated appearance b. do not contain actin and myosin c. spontaneous muscle contraction d. mitochondria are absent

Last Answer : spontaneous muscle contraction

Description : The type of muscle present in our (a) heart is involuntary and unstriated smooth muscle (b) intestine is striated and involuntary (c) thigh is striated and voluntary (d) upper arm is smooth muscle and fusiform in shape.

Last Answer : (c) thigh is striated and voluntary

Description : Characteristics of smooth muscle fibres are (a) spindle-shaped, unbranched, nonstriated, uninucleate and involuntary (b) spindle-shaped, unbranched, unstriped, multinucleate and involuntary (c ... , multinucleate and involuntary (d) cylindrical, unbranched, striated, multinucleate and voluntary.

Last Answer : (a) spindle-shaped, unbranched, nonstriated, uninucleate and involuntary

Description : (CBSE 2011): Aditi observed following observations while looking into a permanent slide. (i) Cells are long and cylindrical (ii) Light and dark bands are present. It could be a slide of : (a) striated muscle fibre (b) smooth muscle fibre (c) neuron (d) parenchyma cells

Last Answer : (a) striated muscle fibre

Description : The muscle which is under involuntary control is: a) striated b) smooth c) skeletal

Last Answer : ANSWER: B -- SMOOTH

Description : Which of the following statements about the striated muscles is ture ? In the centre of each I-Band is an elastic fiber(Z-line ) which bisects it M-li

Last Answer : Which of the following statements about the striated muscles is ture ? In the centre of each I-Band is an elastic ... C. `i and iii` D. `i and ii`

Description : Which one of the following pairs of chemical substances, is correctly categorised? (a) Calcitonin and thymosin - Thyroid hormones (b) Pepsin and prolactin - Two digestive enzymes secreted in ... and myosin - Complex proteins in striated muscles (d) Secretin and rhodopsin - Polypeptide hormones

Last Answer : (c) Troponin and myosin - Complex proteins in striated muscles

Description : Myosin is one of two proteins that make up the myofibrils of striated muscles. Name the other protein.

Last Answer : ANSWER: Actin

Description : The longest smooth muscles are seen in :-

Last Answer : The longest smooth muscles are seen in :- A. Abdomen B. Normal uterus C. Pregnant uterus D. Vas deferens

Description : Smooth muscles are also called involuntary muscles. Why?

Last Answer : Smooth muscles are also called involuntary muscles. Why?

Description : Smooth muscles are

Last Answer : Smooth muscles are A. Involuntary, cylindrical, striated B. Voluntary, spindle-shaped, ... non-striated D. Voluntary, multinucleate, cylindrical

Description : Largest smooth muscles occur in

Last Answer : Largest smooth muscles occur in A. Leg B. Thigh C. Uterus of pregnant woman D. Urethra

Description : Which of the following is an example of multiunit smooth muscles ?

Last Answer : Which of the following is an example of multiunit smooth muscles ? A. Smooth muscle with blood vessels ... of the jaw D. Arrector pili muscle of skin

Description : Are cardiac muscles considered to be smooth muscles?

Last Answer : No, they are not. Cardiac muscle is a type of involuntary striated muscle found only in the walls of the heart.This is a specialized muscle that, while similar in some fundamental ways to ... muscle automaticity. Meaning that some of the cells can beat on their own without any nerve stimulation.

Description : Hypocalcaemia affects (A) Skeletal muslces (B) Smooth muscles (C) Cardiac muscles (D) Skeletal muscles + smooth muscles + cardiac muscles

Last Answer : Answer : D

Description : Choose the incorrect statement from the following (a) Sympathetic system increases rate of SA node (b) Sympathetic system causes constriction of coronary arteries (c) Sympathetic system causes increased motility of GIT smooth muscles (d) Sympathetic system causes constriction of sphincter in GIT

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : Smooth muscles are likely to be found in – (1) muscles of legs (2) muscles of arms (3) stomach (4) heart

Last Answer : (3) stomach Explanation: The term smooth muscle refers to a muscle of the human body that is part of a involuntary muscle group. The walls of hollow organs are the primary place ... arteries, arterioles and veins, urinary bladder, uterus, male and female reproductive tracts, respiratory tract etc.

Description : The muscles that are involved during urination are smooth muscles of

Last Answer : urinary bladder

Description : The autonomic nervous system innervates all of these except? A. Cardiac muscles B. Skeletal muscles (Answer) C. Smooth muscles D. none

Last Answer : B. Skeletal muscles (Answer)

Description : The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by (a) ligaments attached to the ciliary body (b) ligaments attached to the iris (c) smooth muscles attached to the iris (d) smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body

Last Answer : (a) ligaments attached to the ciliary body

Description : The four sketches (A, B, C and D) given below, represent four different types of animal tissues. Which one of these is correctly identified in the options given, along with its ... Smooth Heart Heart muscle contraction tissue (d) (A) Columnar Nephron Secretion epithelium and absorption

Last Answer : (a) (B) Glandular Intestine Secretion epithelium

Description : Systemic anaphylaxis is characterized by a. Contraction Of Smooth Muscles. b. A Red Rash. c. Blood Poisoning. d. Hives.

Last Answer : a. Contraction Of Smooth Muscles.

Description : The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by (1) ligaments attached to the ciliary body (2) ligaments attached to the iris (3) smooth muscles attached to the iris (4) smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body

Last Answer : (1) ligaments attached to the ciliary body

Description : Tongue is made up of (a) Smooth muscles (b) Skeletal muscles (c) Both (d) None

Last Answer : (b) Skeletal muscles

Description : In wall of Gut, muscles are (a) Smooth (b) Striped (c) Both (d) None

Last Answer : (a) Smooth

Description : Smooth muscles are likely to be found in (1) muscles of legs (2) muscles of arms (3) stomach (4) heart

Last Answer : stomach

Description : List any two differences between striated and cardiac muscle with respect to their structure and location. -Biology 9th

Last Answer : Difference between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscles Striated muscles Unstriated muscles Cardiac musclesStructure Also known as skeletal muscles, they are striated, tubular, multinucleated, unbranched and tubular ... are found in walls of internal organs.They are found in walls of heart.

Description : Bundles of striated muscle fibres called fasciculi are surrounded by a sheath called :-

Last Answer : Bundles of striated muscle fibres called fasciculi are surrounded by a sheath called :- A. Epimysium B. Perimysium C. Exomysium D. Endomysium

Description : During contraction and relaxation of striated muscle fibre the length of A band usually :-

Last Answer : During contraction and relaxation of striated muscle fibre the length of A band usually :- A. ... . Increases C. Decreases D. Decreases too much

Description : Name the two important proteins due to which striated appearance is seen in myofibril

Last Answer : Name the two important proteins due to which striated appearance is seen in myofibril

Description : The hydrolysis of Glucose-6-phosphate is catalysed by a specific phosphatase which is found only in (A) Liver, intestines and kidneys (B) Brain, spleen and adrenals (C) Striated muscle (D) Plasma

Last Answer : A

Description : The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is (a) sarcomere (b) Z-band (c) cross bridges (d) myofibril.

Last Answer : (a) sarcomere

Description : Which one of the following contains the largest quantity of extracellular material? (a) Striated muscle (b) Areolar tissue (c) Stratified epithelium (d) Myelinated nerve fibres

Last Answer : (b) Areolar tissue

Description : .Which of the following states BEST the morphology of periodontal ligament fibres: A. Elastic B. Striated C. Non striated D. Levity E. Wavy

Last Answer : E. Wavy

Description : Which of the following is an example of striated tissue? a) muscle b) nervous c) epithelial (pron: ep-a-THEE-lee-al) d) connective

Last Answer : ANSWER: A -- MUSCLE

Description : Ice is slippery when a man walks on it because a.Increase of pressure causes it to melt b.Ice is brittle c.There is no friction d.It is very chill e.Its surface is smooth

Last Answer : a. Increase of pressure causes it to melt

Description : What is smooth glassy rock that forms when lava cools so fast that there is no time for crystals to form?

Last Answer : Obsidian

Description : The following are true about atherosclerosis: C A. it often occurs in the heart chamber B. foamy macrophages are not seen in the lesion C. smooth muscle cells proliferation in the intima of vessel D. no deposition of lipid occurs in wall of blood vessel

Last Answer : smooth muscle cells proliferation in the intima of vessel

Description : For a given Reynolds number, in a hydraulically smooth pipe, further smoothening __________ the friction factor. (A) Brings about no further reduction of (B) Increases (C) Decreases (D) None of these

Last Answer : (A) Brings about no further reduction of

Description : Community water fluoridation MOST effectively achieves: a. 90. 95% reduction of caries. b. 45. 55% reduction of caries. Esta se corrects si no tuviera la ultima opcion c. Reduces pit and fissures caries more than smooth surfaces. d. Reduces smooth surfaces more than pit and fissures.

Last Answer : d. Reduces smooth surfaces more than pit and fissures.