How do you say cheers in cuba?

1 Answer

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What is the answer ?

Related questions

Description : Why do people chink and then drink and say "cheers!" or some other translation of the same meaning of the word?

Last Answer : Are you sure you didn’t mean “clink”? Or do you have a problem with Chinese people?

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Last Answer : I tend to buy new stuff for my aquarium when I’m down. Making my fish happy makes me happy!

Description : What cheers you up when you're blue?

Last Answer : Reading is a good cure for when I feel like that. Movies also help a lot.

Description : What cheers you up & distracts you?

Last Answer : Fucking your mom Snuggling with my kitties.

Description : Can you give me some alternatives to "cheers" in a toast?

Last Answer : “Kampai!” from Japan “Salud y pesetas!” from South America (and short for a phrase that means “May you have health and money, and time enough to enjoy them.”

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Last Answer : To be honest I dig my feet in and work as hard as I can. While enjoying a cup of coffee. :)

Description : Table Scraps- cheers or tears for your cat?

Last Answer : Some people have the tendency to give their kitten the table scraps and other leftovers. This is a very bad habit that is practiced for the kitten. A good balanced meal is essential for your ... kitten the byproducts of chicken like the head, feet and intestine, since they are difficult to digest.

Description : Fidel is gone. Raul is five years younger (age 85). He's going to die fairly soon himself, of old age. What happens to Cuba?

Last Answer : answer:Cuba isn't important in the Russian sphere. That ended with the Soviet Union. At best they keep their education and health care institutions and grow the economy in a way that creates a strong ... up everything and make it an oligarchy like Russia and (to a lesser extent) the United States.

Description : Obama is in Cuba. Cuba is a former Soviet satellite nation, and still has good relations with Russia. Is there any danger that Putin will have his agents try and damage Obama?

Last Answer : answer:Putin is not in love with the USA enough to make that a reality. He understands very well Napoleon’s dictum to “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.” And having Obama as our president is our mistake.

Description : Cuba,the next Shangra La?

Last Answer : I sure would and will soon. A friend who is a Professor of Hispanic Studies has been close to forty times in the last twenty years, and praises it as a Hispanic version of Hawaii, with beautiful beaches and great food.

Description : Won't normalization of relations with Cuba risk the embarrassing prospect of planeloads of American "medical refugees" besieging the island for health care and pharmaceuticals?

Last Answer : Probably right with ones extorting the average American, getting laws passed to protect their interest. BUT don't worry they will undoubtedly spread some sort of propaganda saying it's for the little guys best ... , and you want to know the sad part is a LOT of your citizens will believe them.

Description : How important is the lifting of the United States embargo against Cuba in the greater international community?

Last Answer : answer:From the articles I have read, most countries in the world - and in Latin America in particular - thought the US 50-year-obsession with Cuba was bizarre. So Latin America appears to welcome the ... to go this route was Venezuela, and you can see what a success they made of being socialist .

Description : Is it a little obnoxious that "America" thinks their policy change with Cuba will drastically change Cuba?

Last Answer : answer:People (whoever they are) are jumping the gun. Yes, Cuba will change, but gradually, over a span of years – maybe a decade – and definitely not right away. Come back in 10 years and ask the same question.

Description : Would you take a cruise to Cuba?

Last Answer : answer:I would love to go to Cuba. The food is fantastic. No clue when it will happen but travel from Canada to Cuba is normal (popular spring break destination) so hopefully it happens soon. It ... have ended 40 years ago. But I guess it is politically helpfully to have a bogieman 100 miles away.

Description : Why did it take 50 years? Finally the US and Cuba will act like normal countries.

Last Answer : Florida’s a swing state in presidential elections. Even a small group, like the rabid anti-Castro contingent, can wield disproportionate influence in such an environment.

Description : Cuba eases restrictions on citizens leaving the island in accordance to their will. Is this good or bad news for Miami, Fla?

Last Answer : Good!

Description : Can anyone share information about a vacation to Cuba?

Last Answer : Sure you can, if you go via Mexico, Cuban immigration wont stamp your passport, so no trace, go, i highly recommend it!

Description : Is it legal in the US to buy Cuban cigars shipped from not-Cuba?

Last Answer : ”It remains illegal for US residents to purchase or import Cuban cigars regardless of where they are in the world.” – via Wiki

Description : Men's Style: Is linen clothing wearable, or should I go back to Cuba?

Last Answer : They sound nice. Linen looks fine in the appropriate climes. I wouldn’t wear it in Manhattan. Florida, why not?

Description : Cuba just had a 5.6 earthquake. Why are there so many earthquakes this year? Are we heading for the end?

Last Answer : Normal earthquake activity is what is going on. We are are on large plates. They move on the plastic-like athenosphere. Plates get subducted. This causes earthquakes. It happens all the time.

Description : Would a US citizen get in trouble if they travel to Cuba?

Last Answer : The Cuban authorities normally do not stamp US passports for this very reason, they also didn’t stamp my UK passport when I went earlier this year as I may have trouble entering the US with that stamp there. But yes there would likely be repercussions for the US citizen on going home

Description : Will Venezuela and/or Cuba become our friends during an Obama administration?

Last Answer : one can only hope. However, if that happens then all the right wings will be shouting, communism.

Description : Can you tell me about your visit to Holguin, Cuba?

Last Answer : yes i have been there, it is handy to fly into direct, and an alternative to Havana, the city itself is ok, not the most inspiring Cuban city but pleasant enough. if you are American you may have problems with a visa unless you have family there.

Description : Did the CIA, under the Nixon administration, deliberately infect Cuba with the swine flu virus?

Last Answer : too bad he didn’t

Description : Why did baseball catch on in Japan, Cuba, and the D.R., but not in other countries?

Last Answer : Being a Brit, I don't understand baseball - I went to a game once with teams playing at a summer camp in Florida (that's where we sad Brits go for holidays). It seemed to me to be a celebration of ... football - another sport I don't understand. Give me rugby every day. Now there's a man's sport!

Description : Is there any way I could travel to Cuba?

Last Answer : answer:Sure, Americans go all the time. Investigate the proper channels and plan your trip.

Description : What comes to mind when you think about Cuba?

Last Answer : cigars

Description : A plant - either Cuba or Kuba, a evergreen shrub. Where can I find info/data?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is the currency of 'Cuba' ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The currency of 'Cuba' is called Cuban Peso

Description : What is the national airline of CUBA -Other

Last Answer : Cubana de Aviación

Description : What is the national game of "Cuba" ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Baseball is the national sport of "Cuba".

Description : After listening to the lesson regarding the Cuban revolution do you think the United States should restore their relationship with Cuba make sure that you give me five reasons support your claim.your response should be five sentences long?

Last Answer : guys i didn’t mean to put the question mark at the end

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Last Answer : Yes, Mr. Gooding has one leg. And he has the other one aswell.

Description : What country did Cuba call on for help gaining freedom?

Last Answer : Spain

Description : What is Cuba Famous for ?

Last Answer : Cuba is famous for its sugar industry.

Description : What is the capital of Cuba ?

Last Answer : Cuba is the capital of Havana.

Last Answer : Cuban undisputed revolutionary leader Fidel Castro

Last Answer : The capital of Cuba is named "Havana".

Last Answer : Fide Castro ruled Cuba for 49 years.

Last Answer : Cuba area 1 , 10 , 60 sq km.

Description : What is the official language spoken in Cuba? Is it possible that it is Cuban?

Last Answer : Spanish

Description : Answer: Cuba

Last Answer : Which country is best known as the Land of the Midnight Sun?

Description : How do the Cuban revolution change Cuba economically socially and politically?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What amendment specified that the US had no intention of annexing cuba?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What two large peninsulas or pointed at Cuba?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Why do china Cuba and North Korea place significant restrictions on citizens access to the internet?

Last Answer : To keep antigovernment ideas away from citizens

Description : Who discovered Cuba and in what year?

Last Answer : As Columbus was greeted by the inhabitants on his arrival it is clear that he did not "discover" Cuba.There were at least three types of different cultures based on ethnic, linguistic, and ... . They originated from Central America and arrived on the land about 4000 years before Columbus' arrival.

Description : Who was the Concha Goite in cuba?

Last Answer : The Concha Goite togheter with Concha Brioso and Concha Colaswere the richest women in Cuba.Ms.Concha Goite was living in the"Maya", Oriente.

Description : What current you s law you s citizens caught traveling to Cuba without government permission?

Last Answer : No one is "caught" going to Cuba. To get there you would have totake a special flight or ship and have a passport. Without theproper passport you can't get on the plane or ship. As ... the proper paperwork the Cuban governmentwould arrest you. Personally, I wouldn't want to see inside a Cubanprison.

Description : What do Cuban exiles hope will happen to Cuba in the near future?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer