Did Haiti have a tsunami?

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What is the answer ?

Related questions

Description : The UN imported cholera into Haiti during the earthquake response, which caused the deaths of 7,050 people. What should be done?

Last Answer : If it was unintentional, then the UN should simply look at their procedures and tighten them up. For example, immunizing all peacekeepers.

Description : In a humid climate (say Haiti), how do I dry out my hiking boots and running shoes?

Last Answer : What about stuffing them with newspaper to soak up any sweat? And hang them up in a dry place so they get aired?

Description : What could have prevented the Cholera outbreak in Haiti?

Last Answer : Not having an earthquake wreck the already fragile fresh water and sanitation infrastructure, or having a robust public health organization in place to combat or forestall it afterward. Even New Orleans had a high risk of cholera after Katrina.

Description : Have people forgotten about Haiti already?

Last Answer : The “news” industry has moved on; the real rescue operation has yet to begin, and the suffering grows ever more intense.

Description : Earthquake in Haiti and now Chili... a bit too close together?

Last Answer : Same thing that always causes them – it’s just coincidence.

Description : Haiti, Japan and now Chile. Why do you think earthquakes are happening so often and randomly lately?

Last Answer : Plate-tectonics must be having a race.

Description : Is ANY organization going to move retired shipping containers to Haiti to become repurposed as new homes? When?

Last Answer : I don't know of any organizations that are actively bringing shipping containers to Haiti, but it is a brilliant idea. A friend of mine and I discussed container housing, before the tragedy in Haiti - it ... follow through with this plan - if I had the money, I would get the ball rolling myself.

Description : What are your thoughts on the Americans arrested in Haiti?

Last Answer : I'll have to see how it's all sorted out before I can make a judgement on that particular situation, but damn! In my opinion, no one here in the US needs to go to a foreign country for a baby ... our own first. I'm sorry, but such antics really, really irritates me. I wish I could afford to adopt.

Description : Why are people so eager to jump on the opportunity to donate to Haiti, when before this disasterous event barely any money was going into other charities?

Last Answer : There is a lot of need all the time. I think that's the problem - people are so very used to the idea that there's need all the time that it becomes like static, or background ... to tsunami victims or Katrina victims or even those poor Amish families whose daughters were murdered? Highly unlikely.)

Description : Is it ethical to vacation in Haiti now?

Last Answer : Dude… Too soon.

Description : A desperate solution for a failed country - What are the pros and cons for Haiti becoming the 51st US state?

Last Answer : I’m not sure exactly why it would be in our interest. We can barely keep the states we have afloat. Just the thought of adding another state makes me want to massage my eyes and find a beer.

Description : Does anyone think Haiti will be better than ever?

Last Answer : In the long run. It was the best thing that ever happen to that country.

Description : Is it true that some Americans are afraid of the people of Haiti?

Last Answer : Fear is perpetuated by ignorance. I am an American (not a proud one) and I am certainly not afraid of Haitians.

Description : Does anyone else feel absolutely impotent in the face of the Haiti disaster? You want to help and so you donate money, yes that's simple, but after that, what more can an individual do?

Last Answer : You can always pray.

Description : Pat Robertson says Haiti Quake God's punishment for deal with devil that let the Hatian slave rebellion succeed 200 years ago. Are we to believe a loving God is that heartless?

Last Answer : If any of this silly shit was true, it would show the devil being a far more compassionate being.

Description : Who would be the best organization to donate money too for the people of Haiti?

Last Answer : Any of these would be a good choice- http://www.interaction.org/crisis-list/earthquake-haiti You can always check on a (non-religious) charity at CharityNavigator.org to see how much of your money goes to ... to help people. I've chosen Madre for myself. http://www.madre.org/index.php?s=3&b=10

Description : How to Volunteer in Haiti.

Last Answer : Nurses and doctors have been encouraged to contact the Red Cross or National Nurse Org or tweet #HaitiRN . The Red Cross is coordinating an effort to get doctors and nurses to Haiti ASAP. You can call ... Organization at 1-800-578-8225 http://www.nationalnursesunited.org/ That's as far as I know.

Description : How do you feel about the latest to befall Haiti and is there anything more we can do besides donate money?

Last Answer : I think all we can do is simply give money and wait and see sometimes. We of course can't fly over there and help because we are working and have lives here. All one can do is donate and wait. There ... the most time on their hands to go out and help, are the ones that can do more than just donate.

Description : Is Haiti considered part of Latin America?

Last Answer : Due to their shared ethnic and colonial history, Haiti is usually grouped with other Caribbean nations, rather than with Latin America. Most academics will specify "Latin America and the Carribean" if they are including the Carribean nations in their discussion of Latin America.

Description : What is the currency of 'Haiti' ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The currency of 'Haiti' is called Gourde

Description : What is the national game of "Haiti" ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Football is the national game of Haiti

Description : what is haiti national fruit?

Last Answer : mango

Last Answer : Port-au-Prince 'is the capital and largest city of the country.

Description : Why did French aristocrats and some affranchis decide to leave Haiti after its independence?

Last Answer : they feared revenge from newly freed slaves

Description : What northwest country is closest to Haiti?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Is there a time difference between Haiti and New York?

Last Answer : No, the times in New York and Haiti are always the same. The time in both places is UTC - 5 hours during standard time and UTC - 4 hours during daylight saving time, and they start and end daylight saving time at the same time.

Description : Where is the capital of the country whose western border is Haiti?

Last Answer : Dominican Republic is the country, and the capital is Santo Domingo.

Description : The slave revolt in Haiti:?

Last Answer : Made Napoleon willing to sell the Louisiana Territory. (apex)

Description : What is a tsunami?

Last Answer : A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths and periods, caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.

Description : What is a tsunami?

Last Answer : A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves caused by a sudden displacement of water, often due to an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or landslide.

Description : Did Japan tsunami proof its nuclear power plants?

Last Answer : answer:Japan has long tried to be proactive in regards to earthquakes, and tsunamis. Many of their buildings are made to sway,and there are limitations on how high certain structures can be built. The ... than last time, but if the tsunami is big enough, it would still be cataclysmic, like before.

Description : How far inland did the most recent tsunami in Japan travel?

Last Answer : That depends on where in California it strikes. In my area it wouldn’t get any farther than the Santa Monica mountains.

Description : Role Play: Tsunami suicide situation (details inside!)

Last Answer : answer:Is it suicide to embrace life as it is happening and accept the fact that you are mortal and must deal with the consequences? No.

Description : Post-tsunami Japanese cars...

Last Answer : Parts are being produced ahead of the original estimation after the damage. You should be fine.

Description : Why do some tolerate people who make fun of victims of tragedy? Japan Tsunami for eg.?

Last Answer : So they called attention to what happens when people do inappropriate things. Those people get fired and have to find a way to get past it and find something else to do which isn't so ... . Talking about his latest controversy and the consequences of his behavior with him is not rewarding him.

Description : Did the Japanese have time to evacuate or was the tsunami a total surprise?

Last Answer : answer:IIRC, their tsunami warning system gave them about a 30-seconds advance notice. I think the tsunami traveled at about 500 MPH, which means that the tsunami source was about 4 or 5 miles offshore.

Description : Are the Japanese calling the recent catastrophe by any special name? or is it just "the earthquake" and "the tsunami"?

Last Answer : I’ll ask some of my friends over there.

Description : An emergency portable device to save a person from a rushing tsunami-?

Last Answer : Getting air would be a problem, as would being swept out to sea.

Description : What impulse would make someone make jokes about the earthquake-tsunami disaster in Japan?

Last Answer : I think it’s the I’d rather laugh than cry thing. They’re covering up the pain by trying to make a joke.

Description : Has the giant whirlpool / swirl in ocean off Japan during tsunami been explained?

Last Answer : I heard the news team say that it was just like when you drain your tub. The water was going in the Earth that had opened up. You did hear that Japan the whole country moved 8 feet from it's old ... ? And that it caused a change in the vibration of the Earth and also in the rotation of our Planet.

Description : Which tsunami was worse? This week's or the one in 2004?

Last Answer : answer:The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami had an estimated death toll of 230,210. (And the 2010 Haiti earthquake caused the loss of 316,000+ lives.) The death toll seems to be significantly lower in this ... well as the tragic loss of life, I think the current tsunami will have a huge financial impact.

Description : Tsunami Alert - Jellies who live on the west coast near a beach - How well are you informed?

Last Answer : Hawaii Jake is posting on Facebook, so he’s OK, but the sirens are keeping him awake…

Description : Strong 8.9 earthquake in northern Japan triggering 30 foot tsunami - What does this mean for financial market stability?

Last Answer : Thanks for the update. We recently had a destructive earthquake down here in NZ and I can tell you that the corruption has already started , from contractors, politicians & insurance companies right down to ... not have as much economic impact as they do if only there was less greed in the world.

Description : What wave height was generated by Saturday's Pacific tsunami, and where?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, of course there was a tsunami. The height measured less than 10cm to almost less than a foot. Tsunamis are not always giant waves. However, the tsunami was generated by the 8.8 earthquake in Chili, not by Saturday’s Pacific tsunami.

Description : If you're from Hawaii, how was the tsunami? How much damage did it cause?

Last Answer : It hasn’t struck yet.

Description : Hawaii is under a tsunami warning. What should I take with me when I evacuate to higher ground?

Last Answer : prayers.

Description : Looking for aerial/satellite map of Pago Pago tsunami damage from 9/29/09 tsunami?

Last Answer : Like this? http://news.globaltv.com/photos/story.html?id=2051859 Or do you need an actual map?

Description : Where you personally affected by the Boxing day tsunami 5 years ago?

Last Answer : Many people including myself were shocked too see such a disaster,and the television pictures of the damage were horrendous.The people who got caught up in it never stood a chance,and I think the survivors know that it can happen again.