How do you get to the next city after rustboro city in Pokemon ruby.?

1 Answer

Answer :

First beat the gym leader for the 1st badge then go to the caveon root 116 (rusturf tunnel) then go back to route 104 and go intothe sailor guys house he should take you to Dewford Town!!! Hopethis helpd :)

Related questions

Description : How do you get to the next city after rustboro city in Pokemon ruby.?

Last Answer : First beat the gym leader for the 1st badge then go to the caveon root 116 (rusturf tunnel) then go back to route 104 and go intothe sailor guys house he should take you to Dewford Town!!! Hopethis helpd :)



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Last Answer : Your question seems a little odd. Can you pastie the code you’re looking at with some comments?

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