Can you dock a kitten tail?

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Related questions

Description : What new jelly has just paddled into the 10K mansion's dock?

Last Answer : Congrats!

Description : Mac OS X users: How many application icons do you have in your Dock?

Last Answer : answer:I like simplicity so I have 6 apps, not including Finder, along with the downloads and application folders to the right by my trash can. I don't know how to get a shot of just my Dock like you did ... . EDIT: And I've changed all my app icons because the standard ones just don't do it for me.

Description : Does five icon dock work on iPhone 4?

Last Answer : 5 icon dock is mentioned in the comments in this recent article, but I didn’t look closely to see if it referred to iPhone 4 specifically.

Description : Is there a any brand of iPod/iPhone dock speaker that would also amp a record player?

Last Answer : answer:Depends if you record player has ‘line out’ or ‘phono out’. Line out plugs into things like docks. Most new turntables have line out. Phono requires an amplifier with ‘phono in’. Most old turntables have phono out.

Description : I Would like to know if it's legal for an employer to take away your sick days and dock your pay because of being out of work for a week with a work ingury?

Last Answer : Did your manager complete an OJI (on the job injury) report? Was an incident report completed? Is the McDonalds franchise owned? You should call the general manager and/ or Workers Compensation professional.

Description : Is it possible to put the Dell Dock on HP Vista?

Last Answer : I don’t think you’ll be able to get the Dell dock because its inbuilt with dell systems. But you should just get rocket dock. Its free and its better. Rocket Dock…its better

Description : How can I achieve this effect on my dock?

Last Answer : From the screenshot it is a Snow Leopard thing. I can easily do it. Are you using 10.6? It could work in 10.* but I am to lazy to check.

Description : Is there a way to lock icons in the Mac OS X Dock?

Last Answer : Right click or command click. It gets you this.

Description : Is it true that Navy men hook up with a lot of gals at international sea ports when they dock there for some time?

Last Answer : This sounds like the plot to a very bad military thriller.

Description : Is ther a way to place the OS X dock on the bottom right of the screen?

Last Answer : System Preferences -> Dock -> Radio Button

Description : How long is your dock?

Last Answer : 7 and a half inches.

Description : Why can't I hide QuickSilver's dock icon?

Last Answer : AHA! I played around with QS for a little bit longer and figured it out. The Show Icon in Dock is only available on an admin account. The option is locked to whatever the admin account has it set to ... QS on my admin account, changed the setting, and now it's all good on my non admin account.

Description : What is this white platic dock like thing that came with my ipod?

Last Answer : Uhm you just said it, dock I think it’s for when you get like an ihome or something like that and you put it on so it will fit?

Description : Another dock in mac?

Last Answer : I don’t believe you can. If you’re just looking for a place to store more applications, just throw some aliases of programs you use often into a folder and add it as a stack.

Description : Anyonek know how to change the ink in a Kodak Easyshare Printer Dock?

Last Answer : Sorry, typo.

Description : I want to make my own underwater light for my dock. (chep) Any ideas?

Last Answer : Glow sticks

Description : I have wasps under the boards of my dock. How can I remove them?

Last Answer : soap and water

Description : Is it possible to add a document to the Dock on a MacBook, OS 10.4.11?

Last Answer : yes drag and drop its icon on the area by the trash icon to the right of the divider line.

Description : What are the default contents of OS X's dock?

Last Answer : answer:From left to right: Finder Dashboard Mail Safari iChat Address Book iCal Preview ITunes iPhoto iMovie Garage Band Spaces Time Machine System Preferences ——— Documents Downloads Applications Trash You can see a screenshot here

Description : How can I disable dock icon bouncing on Mac OS X?

Last Answer : answer:You can use Secrets (from the Quicksilver developer) or edit to change the no-bouncing to Yes. To try it out, you can open the Terminal and type: defaults write no-bouncing -bool Yes (You’ll probably have to killall Dock to see the changes)

Description : what iphone dock do u use? where did u get it?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How do I get the Widget Icon back on the Dock?

Last Answer : you need to open up your “applications” folder, locate the “dashboard” allocation and drag the icon into your dock

Description : How can I get 5 icons in my dock using customize?

Last Answer : You cant, Theres only room for four.

Description : What's in your dock?

Last Answer : From left to right: Finder, Mail, Safari, iChat, iCal, Preview, iTunes, iPhoto, iWeb, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, FM Pro, Trash

Description : Looking for an iPod dock that plays cd's and send movies out to tv?

Last Answer : I think you can buy a cord that goes from your laptop to your TV (and then you’d just play the DVD on the laptop).

Description : Notebook stand/dock for Macbook Pro?

Last Answer : we have some in the shop, just don’t know the names, will post the info tomorow

Description : Do icons on the mac dock make the computer slower?

Last Answer : No. Running a lot of Dashboard widgets will, but not having icons in the Dock. Having said that – check to see if your Dock icons indicate an application is running by looking for a “light” under its icon. If it’s running and you don’t need it, quit the app.

Description : Why doesn't my USB cord for my iPod Touch fit in the dock adapter?

Last Answer : answer:If by dock adapter, you're referring to the little plastic insert, that's designed to be placed in speaker docks or other receiving ends of units that accept iPods. For example the JBL Onstage III ... this is what you're asking about if not give some more details and we can go from there.

Description : How do i get an icon for my dock for ask-public?

Last Answer : answer:See the Jellyfish in this image? Drag that to your desktop to create a link. From there you can drag that to your dock. *Note that you have to add it to the right side of the dock where you put documents. Not on the left where you put applications.

Description : Why does my iTunes dock icon keep turning semi-transparent?

Last Answer : Like this?

Description : Building a dock: where can I find good floaters?

Last Answer : answer:Here is a resource for aluminum ones you can purchase. This company makes theirs out of plastic. Also, they are available used at several locations in the U.S.

Description : What does your dock look like?

Last Answer : answer:Put the applications you use the most on the left in whatever order makes sense to you, then put shortcuts to folders you access a lot on the right. That’s the nice thing about the Dock – customize it the way it works for you.

Description : OS X: Hide Dock in specific applications?

Last Answer : I should add also, that I’m of course aware of the “Automatically Show/Hide the Dock” from the Dock preferences, but I’m looking for a more automatic way, as I don’t fancy dragging the mouse to screen bottom; waiting for a short delay; then selecting a Dock item kind of method.

Description : Why must my Mac's dock be so annoying?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at. Are all of those things images that are open in Preview? On another note, if those are all programs you have in your dock that you regularly ... limited to launching programs it's very powerful and can clear up a lot of stuff from your dock easily.

Description : Hickory-Dickory-Dock! The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one and down did come. Hickory-Dickory-Dock!What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A guillotine.

Description : what is the predominant meter of the line 'hickory dickory dock'? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The predominant meter of the line 'Hickory Dickory Dock' is dactylic.

Description : Which Harappan site had a dock? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Excavations at Mohenjodaro., Remains of Harappan dock in Gujarat.

Last Answer : 1. Excavations at Mohenjodaro. 2. Remains of Harappan dock in Gujarat.

Description : Is it legal to dock a salaried employee 8 hours of accrued PTO for taking 3 hours off of work?

Last Answer : That would not appear to be appropriate, but the firm might nothave the ability to deal in hours of time off. There could be amistake or a misunderstanding. Discuss it with your supervisor,time keeper, payroll manager, or Human Resources department.

Description : If you were a ferry passenger traveling from Continental Europe to the country with twice as many sheep as people in what town would you most likely dock?

Last Answer : Yes, I would most likely to dock because I can sell my sheep for something else and a ferry passenger is a type of merchant.

Description : What is the frequency of these waves As you sit on a dock you notice a wave crest pass. You count another four wave crests in the next 12 seconds?

Last Answer : 20 waves per minute. (or 1 every 3 seconds)

Description : If you have an oily or saturated absorbent pad after refueling at a marina fuel dock what is the best thing to do it?

Last Answer : Ask the fuel dock staff what to do with it in order to disposeproperly

Description : If you have a oily or saturated absorbent pad after after at a marina dock what is the best thing to do with it?

Last Answer : Ask the fuel dock staff what to do with it in order to disposeproperly

Description : What is a good dock for the iphone?

Last Answer : The OEM dock is the BEST dock for your iphone. [email protected]

Description : Will the Kodak EasyShare Dock Kit work on any Easyshare model?

Last Answer : Yes, the Kodak EasyShare Dock Kit work on any Easyshare model.

Description : Will the Kodak EasyShare Dock Kit work with my Nikkon camera?

Last Answer : Kodak's EasyShare Dock is designed to work with Kodak EasyShare Cameras.

Description : Do any car CD/MP3 players feature an iPod dock?

Last Answer : Yes, there are many brands that have iPod docks, Panasonic for instance.

Description : If you have a oily or saturated absorbent pad after refueling at a marina fuel dock what is the best thing to do with it?

Last Answer : Ask the fuel dock staff what to do with it in order to dispose properly

Description : Does the kodak v570 come with a photo frame dock?

Last Answer : Yes, the kodak v570 also comes with a round photo frame dock. I have one and I love it. When I'm done with my camera I just put it on the dock and it serves as a picture frame or slide show for all my pictures. It also charges the camera at the same time.

Description : Which one of the following shipyards makes warships for the Indian Navy? (a) Cochin Shipyard, Cochin (b) Hindustan Shipyard, Visakhapatnam (c) Mazagaon Dock, Mumbai (d) Garden Reach Workshop, Kolkata

Last Answer : Ans: (c)