Who did Shakespeare marry and what was unusual about their marriage?

1 Answer

Answer :

The woman he married was called Anne Hathaway (not THAT AnneHathaway), and she was 8 years older than him, which was kind ofunusual. The bridegroom was only 18 years old which was even moreunusual. Their daughter was born about five months after thewedding, in light of which the other two facts are perhaps not sounusual after all.

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Last Answer : Is this your homework?

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Last Answer : answer:Hamlet, and I don't think I can give you a definitive explanation as to precisely why I like it, but I guess my reasons might include that so many present-day English-language idioms/ ... quoted the above passage from memory, when declining to loan money to my shiftless and no-good relatives.

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Last Answer : That Raj is a good writer apex

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Last Answer : Shakespeare often juxtaposes humor and tragedy. In fact, almost all of his major tragedies include "light" scenes that both cut through the tension and provide dramatic contrast with the gut-wrenching scenes.

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Last Answer : Shakespeare's 'Comedy of Errors'. (Translated name: 'Bhranti Bilas') The play was translated by Vidyasagar.

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Last Answer : Imrul Kayes is called Shakespeare of Arabia.

Last Answer : Shakespeare of Bengal is 'Alaol'

Description : Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.

Last Answer : Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.

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Last Answer : Shakespeare is acknowledged as the greatest writer because he understood human nature better than anyone ... statement in context of the of play.

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Last Answer : ‘Lend thy ears to all but few thy tongue …’ is a famous quote by William Shakespeare. Justify.

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Last Answer : Merry Wives of Windsor. It's the same play that gave us "theworld's my oyster".