Do French give presents?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, we donate blood and/or rectal exam. That is tradition since1916.

Related questions

Description : Parents: Do you give your child's classmates little holiday presents, on behalf of our child, and if so, what are some gift suggestions I can give on her behalf?

Last Answer : If I were going to, I would probably go to and get something, but it’s probably to late now. You might be able to find inexpensive little gifts at the dollar store or a party store.

Description : Do you give your co-workers holiday presents, and if so, what kinds of gifts do you give them?

Last Answer : I have given my staff presents in the past. I have done gift certificates to major bookstore chains; bottles of wine; movie tickets (a pair).

Description : Is it offensive for kids to give used toys as presents?

Last Answer : answer:Every year we would take the toys we outgrew and donate them to Good Will or the Salvation Army when we were children. My mother insisted. Maybe you can have your daughter help you ... to Toys for Tots or some other local charity that repairs and redistributes toys for the less fortunate.

Description : Do you give holiday presents to those people at work who help you, such as clerical staff?

Last Answer : answer:It's a nice thing to do and that was generally the practice where I worked. They might also be getting you something and I think, just in terms of office politics and protocols, it will be ... 're new there you might want to ask someone in HR what the gift giving policies and protocols are.

Description : Do you give your coworkers holiday presents? if so, what are some inexpensive suggestions?

Last Answer : How about the recipes in a jar?

Description : Do you give christmas or holiday presents to your boss?

Last Answer : I have, but I won’t this year. I just am not “feeling it” with this boss.

Description : Do you give your coworkers Christmas presents?

Last Answer : Christmas cookies….works every time….and I don’t spend all that much making ‘em. And if someone doesn’t want ‘em then more for me….win-win situation ;-)

Description : why does santa give people presents?

Last Answer : ?

Description : Does the employer give gifts to employees?

Last Answer : I've seen this more in small companies. Anyway, it’s a custom, although a year-end bonus used to be a Christmas gift in general.

Description : Hello, to whom will you give Christmas presents? And what will you give them? I have no idea what would please them, but again so that it would not be too expensive. I will be happy for any idea.

Last Answer : Nobody: D ... I don't celebrate Christmas and I still think that the gift should be given from the heart and that you give someone a chance should make you happy ...: D gifts should be given all year round, not only ... example, I would send some money to dog shelters and so on ... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : How does Russia give out presents?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How does Russia celebrate Christmas and give presents?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What are some presents that I can give my high school graduate?

Last Answer : Typically, high school graduates receive money or flowers or even sometimes a new car. For a full list of ideas of what to get your high school graduate please visit

Description : 12 years old child presents with symptoms of widespread gingivitis with bleeding and general malaise for several weeks. How would you manage this patient? M07 ********* A. Prescribe ... mouth wash. C. Give a prophylaxis with ultra sonic scaling D. Refer for haematological screening

Last Answer : D. Refer for haematological screening

Description : Christmas: Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning usually?

Last Answer : Morning

Description : What should I do with my parents' old wedding presents?

Last Answer : I would donate them, but I'm a minimalist and can't stand non-useful things to lay around for long. I am actually in much the same boat with family heirlooms, not quite sure when I can feel ... handing them off the the younger generation, who thinks of it more as junk' than cool family heirlooms.

Description : Is it strange that they buy my kids presents?

Last Answer : Maybe your sister in law shows her a lot of pictures and talks a great deal about them. She may be building them up to be the best thing to happen to man kind and she doesn't have any kids to buy ... thank you note. Could also be she's heard great things about you and is hoping to meet you some day.

Description : Should I be giving presents to the kids I babysit?

Last Answer : I think that if you give to one child/family, you should give to both. Especially if you know that the kids will talk about what they received from you.

Description : Care to share Christmas presents?

Last Answer : This is my present for Pachy.

Description : Do you choose presents based on what the recipient likes, or what would be good for them?

Last Answer : On what they like, whimsy, interests. People can buy their own underwear and dustbusters. haha Receiving a “practical” gift, unless specifically wanted, is just boring and unimaginative and besides, who am I to determine what’s good for another anyway?

Description : What are your thoughts about people on FB asking for help buying presents for their kids, or whomever, for Christmas?

Last Answer : I haven’t seen anyone doing that on my face book.

Description : How does Santa Claus procure all the presents for the billions of children?

Last Answer : Santa Claus is actually the CEO of Amazon.

Description : Where do you buy cheap "stocking stuffer" style presents?

Last Answer : Target has a dollar section right at the entrance and sometimes there’s really cute stuff in there. I also make use of the trial size section in regular grocery/drug stores (my kids are all teens, now).

Description : OK: I've been buying and wrapping presents now forever. When should I stop?

Last Answer : I have severely limited the amount I do and spend on the holidays over the last few years. A check for something special we discuss to each of my adult sons, a sweater or something for my DIL and a ... kind of done with the big Christmas thing, especially since I have to shlep it with me on a plane.

Description : What are some christmas presents that would benefit a college student?

Last Answer : Money in the bank for a rainy day?

Description : Should I be concerned if the thank you note for the birthday presents only mentioned one of the two presents we gave to the child?

Last Answer : No don’t mention that they forgot to mention the PJs. If you see them again ask if the PJs fitted. I wouldn’t stress this unless you are trying to go over and beyond to get their validation.

Description : How do you feel about parents actually giving their children coal instead of presents from Santa?

Last Answer : answer:Huh? Parents actually would do that? My opinion? I hope the kid’s 18 and finds it funny, not 8 and gets their heart broken.

Description : Would it be blasphemy to say I hate wrapping presents, I hate decorating for Christmas, I hate shopping, and I hate sending out cards?

Last Answer : I support blasphemy!

Description : How many different people will you be buying presents for this holiday season?

Last Answer : answer:I give money for college funds to my three little grand-nephews. The rest of us are too old, need nothing, want nothing and are happy eating our vegetarian lasagna together sometime in late ... satchels of laundered cash for my birthday, on Dec. 31 (Mark that on your calendar, folks.)

Description : Christmas presents; at what age did you stop buying for your nieces and nephews (if you ever did buy for them)

Last Answer : I still buy for them, and their all in their 20–30’s

Description : Good presents for teachers?

Last Answer : Fruit baskets are popular here, and they are healthier than a box of candy.

Description : What are some good end-of-the-school-year presents for the Pre K teachers?

Last Answer : answer:Oh gosh, well…I’d say you could get away with a lot less than $20. Maybe a pair of matinee passes, some packets of flower seeds, a pretty plant, a gift cert. for ice cream or frozen yogurt, the possibilities are endless.

Description : What's one of the best presents you ever got for someone?

Last Answer : Time :)

Description : Are any of your christmas presents opened the night before xmas or do you wait for the big day itself?

Last Answer : We always are allowed to open one present Christmas eve and the rest Christmas day :)

Description : When you unwrap your christmas presents, do you shake & feel or just get on with it?

Last Answer : answer:I admire the wrap job for a minute, if it is, infact, admirable. lol Then, I just tear right in…Coloma the bold…lets just get down to it! haha

Description : Birthday Presents: How much do you spend on your kids?

Last Answer : How does he plan to pay for the trip? Could you maybe get him something less expensive and the additional amount into a savings account?

Description : How do you feel about birthday presents?

Last Answer : I like to give them. It’s nice if I get any.

Description : Are there (good) parents who actually deny or limit their children's holiday/birthday presents for bad behavior?

Last Answer : My parents did. We lost one present each time we needed to be punished. Only presents this didn’t seem to apply to was socks and underware.

Description : What is your opinion on re-giving unwanted Christmas presents?

Last Answer : Make sure you don’t give them back to the person you recieved it from, or someone who knows that you got it as a gift from someone else. Leave the tags on to remind you.

Description : Would you DREAM of buying Christmas presents at a second hand store, like Goodwill?

Last Answer : I feel it depends on the gift. You can find some cool stuff there, but at the same time I wouldn’t buy a gift there just because it was cheap.

Description : What do you do if presents come late for Christmas [NSFSmallChildren]?

Last Answer : I prefer not to lie. So I would be honest with my children and they’d know right up Santa is fake. I don’t need the Coca Cola Company to put magic in their lives.

Description : Between the ages of 0 and 10, at what age are Christmas and Birthday presents the least important to the child?

Last Answer : Why not give each kid 3 gifts? Tee hee. Sorry. I’d give the 1 year old 1 gift and the 9 year old 5. The 1 year old doesn’t give a toss just yet.

Description : What are your opinions on telling your children that you buy their Christmas presents as opposed to telling them Santa Claus brings them...

Last Answer : Oh… heart = broken

Description : What are good Christmas presents for kids age 7-9?

Last Answer : Boys: Any sort of vehicle that is remote controlled.. and not those cheesy ones with the wire attached to the vehicle.Definitely not clothes. Girls: Your guess is better than mine.

Description : Suggestions for inexpensive, but still thoughtful Christmas presents? Please see details.

Last Answer : When I celebrated Christmas (I was married to a Gentile for a while) I used to love giving beautiful, unusual Christmas tree ornaments.

Description : What would you do if your son and daughter in law didn't send you birthday or christmas presents?

Last Answer : Why don’t you formally suggest not exchanging gifts on B-Days and Christmas? And just buy gifts for the grandkids? Why is it only your daughter-in-law’s responsibility to thank you? What about your son?

Description : Are there some presents that can't be returned?

Last Answer : If you don’t mind saying, where do you live?

Description : What are you really hoping to get this christmas? Love, peace and health or many presents?

Last Answer : Love, peace and health are good and all that, but who doesn’t want presents?

Description : What donations would be good for holiday presents?

Last Answer : Heifer is a great org. Try donations to causes that are local to you. I always donate to local non-profits. Pick a cause dear to you and do an internet search.

Description : What presents could I ask for?

Last Answer : If you are spoiled and unimaginative, perhaps you might think of what someone else might like, and give your gift to a less spoiled person. It might begin to make you less spoiled, and you can ... bank, or toys for needy children. You could pick them out and deliver them yourself. How about that?