What color do poplar trees change into during the fall?

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Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : how do I get rid of poplar trees

Last Answer : To kill a standing tree, frilling and girdling are two practices you should understand. To girdle a poplar, cut a groove into the tree's trunk all the way around, penetrating at least 1/2 inch on ... This will peel down the bark and first layer of the trunk, creating a "frill" around the trunk.

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Last Answer : Oak is toxic according to the web site.........poplar is not on the toxic list but with some dogs they can be alergic to the pollen.

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Description : why are bees all over my poplar tree?

Last Answer : Are they honey bees.....................or wasps??????? We need the honey bees.........we don't need the wasps.................

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Description : why are the leaves on my poplar yellow?

Last Answer : This may be late in coming but I just saw your question, part of the problem is Poplars, the often have black leaf spot, but that will not kill your trees. The yellowing may be a symptom of something ... be over watered and die from that. Another point, if I may be so bold as to ask Why Poplars?

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Last Answer : Ants can not digest dry corn meal...................

Description : Is there any cloth product that prevents poplar suckers from growing through it?

Last Answer : You might want to try a double layer of weed cloth, it seems to work for most plants though you might have to use a triple layer if the plants are aggressive. -Birdy

Description : how do i kill poplar roots ?

Last Answer : WE had 2 hugh ones taken down last spring..............they stilll kept trying to grow.........we kept cutting them and sprayed with concentrated weed killer.........finally after doing this all last summer. Nothing came up this year. They are a messy tree.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : You prune it just like you would any other tree. -Birdy

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Last Answer : meant mature

Description : The Mediterranean, Temperate Deciduous, Willow, alder, poplar, various species of grasses

Last Answer : Complete the chain: A B C (1) the Mediterranean (1) 40° to 50° N and S (1) Maple, elm, ... 30° to 40° N and S (3) Pine, oak, cedar, rosemary

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Last Answer : It doesn't matter where the fifth stick is placed, since the tree won't fall in any direction. Being wood, it will float and rise to the surface.

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Last Answer : Time to plant them is when your regular tree leaves have dropped off....and before the snow.......if you are worried about it snowing..............you could dig the hole and cover it with a ... dirt........and water well after planting them, they need to be water once a week for the first year.

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Last Answer : Can't spray anything in that high temps...............but when it cools off in the fall, start using dormant oil .............check to see what amount to use.................then use again ... application but can not be applied in high heat...................spray the trunk well, as they climb.

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Last Answer : oh one more thing i'm a brunette and my hair is hal blonde so yea

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