What part of speech is the word disposition?

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Last Answer : I have three cats now, and have had many over the years, and have never given any of them a bath. Cats groom themselves and don’t need bathing on a regular basis unless they have some skin disease, or have gotten something on them that might be poisonous. Why do you want to bathe your cat?

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Last Answer : The word 'open' is a verb, an adjective, and a noun.Verb: to make something accessible.Adjective: describes a noun as not closed.Noun: a contest or tournament that has no restrictions on who may compete; ... cereal in the cupboard. (adjective)They have a patio where we dine out in the open. (noun)

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Last Answer : The word sentences is a noun. It is the plural form ofsentence.

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Last Answer : The word "arrange" is verb.

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Last Answer : Ornament is a noun.

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Last Answer : White can be an adjective -- Pass me a piece of white paperWhite can be a noun -- I like the white better than the blueWhite can be a phrasal verb -- Can you white out the errors onpage two.

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Last Answer : Shall = auxiliary verbwe = pronounlight = verbthe = definite articlecandles = noun (plural)now = adverb

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Last Answer : it is a verb.

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Last Answer : d) all of the mentioned

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Last Answer : whichever country has zero restrictions.

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Last Answer : The word "Which" is a pronoun. However, depending on how it isused it in a sentence the word can vary between being aninterrogative pronoun or a relative pronoun.

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Last Answer : Oh is an interjection.Example:"Oh! I have to go now."

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Last Answer : The part of speech for she is PRONOUN.What is PRONOUN?A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been ascribed or to a noun that does not need to be named particularly.Have a fantastic time!Michioflavia

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Tap is a verb and a noun.

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Last Answer : Used to describe the stone, it is a noun. Used to describe thecolor of something, it is an adjective.

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Last Answer : The Quality Of The Speaker's Ideas.

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Last Answer : its a noun and a verbhope that helps you

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Last Answer : Verb

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Last Answer : Devastation is a noun.

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Last Answer : The word 'incurable' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as permanent, unable to be cured or changed.

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Last Answer : The word 'found' is a verb meaning to establish; or to form molten metal in a mold.The word 'found' is also the past participle, past tense of the verb to find, meaning to obtain, discover, or ... I found the recipe on a box of sugar. (verb)He composes his sculptures from found objects. (adjective)

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Last Answer : The word 'enhance' is a verb, meaning to increase in value or improve in effectiveness or attractiveness; a word for an action.Example: You can enhance the property with some professional landscaping.

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Last Answer : The word 'ardent' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as passionate, enthusiastic, or devoted.Example: The ardent fans waited in the rain for their idol to arrive.