Which of the following is correct order of the evolutionary history of man?

1 Answer

Answer :

Which of the following is correct order of the evolutionary history of man? A. Peking man, ... man, Neaderthal man, Homo sapiens, Heidelbrg man

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Description : Which of the following is correct order of the evolutionary history of man? (a) Peking man, Homo sapiens, Neanderthal man, Cromagnon man (b) Peking man, Heidelberg man, Neanderthal man, Cromagnon ... man, Homo sapiens, Cromagnon man (d) Peking man, Neanderthal man, Homo sapiens, Heidelberg man

Last Answer : (b) Peking man, Heidelberg man, Neanderthal

Description : The evolutionary history of an organism is known as

Last Answer : The evolutionary history of an organism is known as A. Ontogeny B. Phylogeny C. Ancestry D. Paleontology

Description : The process by which organisms with different evolutionary history evolve similar phenotypic adaptations in response to a common environmental challen

Last Answer : The process by which organisms with different evolutionary history evolve similar phenotypic ... Convergent evolution D. Non-random evolution

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Last Answer : The most apparent change during the evolutionary history of Homo-sapients is traced in A. Walking upright B ... in the brain size D. Loss of body hair

Description : Evolutionary history of a group of organisms is called `:`

Last Answer : Evolutionary history of a group of organisms is called `:` A. Phylogeny B. Ancestry C. Palaeontology D. Ontogeny

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Last Answer : (d) convergent evolution

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Last Answer : (b) delimiting various taxa of organisms and establishing their relationships

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : No. Other animals eat young animals because they’re hungry. It’s a basic survival thing, not about being cute.

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Last Answer : “Survival of the fittest” is grossly misunderstood and misapplied by most people. Nor does it refer to individuals, but to species on the whole.

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Last Answer : No. Then again, it’s not like humans are the only species where homosexuality occurs.

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Last Answer : Self preservation.

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Last Answer : Increases testosterone, heightens senses and improves reaction time, and dulls physical pain. Few other things I can’t recall, but it’s a useful emotion that helped when we needed to fend for our lives.

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Last Answer : answer:Tony Attwood in his book A Complete Guide to Asperger Syndrome did quote a saying of an Aspie which had the same content as the title of your question. I think it's true in some ways. ... people I love to use the phrase ugly duckling . Their value can only be revealed until much later.

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Last Answer : answer:Laughing is healthy: Lower blood pressure Increase vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood Give a workout to the diaphragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles Reduce certain ... creativity, and memory So there is a decided purpose to it, it makes us feel better.

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Last Answer : Not here, no.

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Last Answer : answer:Animals use language to a degree as well. They use it for protection, hunting and gathering, teaching their young, passing directions to others of their species, etc. Even creatures as small as ants ... we inhabit. And it wouldn't have taken us 4 billion years to get where we are today.

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Last Answer : answer:That's an excellent question. Evolutionary biology isn't my field, but a guess would be giving the brain time to work on problems or sort out issues that the sensory clutter of the waking ... , but there, we really do need someone well steeped in brain function and chemistry to chime in.

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Last Answer : Have there really been 110 billion humans? I think I’ll need a source for that. Every biologist I’ve ever heard mention it says that more people are alive today than have ever been alive in the past. So, we’re talking 16 billions, max.

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Last Answer : Pure speculation here, but since one of the functions of bird song is to lay claim to a territory, maybe it’s the bird equivalent of posting “No Trespassing” signs in several languages. Could be that it deters competition not only from other mockers, but from other rivals for food resources.

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Last Answer : How do you know they created it. Maybe they discovered it and liked it.

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Last Answer : answer:What evolution accounts for is the brain's reward system. This is the feel-good mechanism that encourages us to do things that are beneficial to our survival, like eating, drinking ... a release. So evolution simply put the mechanism in place. The chemical addiction exploits that mechanism.

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Last Answer : It’s a byproduct of light skin, which is advantagous in dark climates for vitamin D absorption. It comes with the package.

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Last Answer : I’ve heard that infants react better to higher voices because they can hear them better. Apparently that’s how baby-talk started. Otherwise, I guess it’s just testosterone levels.

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Last Answer : It's extremely interesting to me; I've read some books on it. The thing I don't like is that it relies on logic and there isn't much of a good way to test it empirically. The ... that trait; why natural selection would have favored individuals with that trait and caused it to emerge as prevalent.

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Last Answer : We react to sour\bitter things like this because that is how our body would tell us that something was poisonus/not good to eat.

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Last Answer : As a woman going through that right now, let me just say that there is nothing attractive about hot flashes! I think women are still being punished for Eve eating that damned apple.

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Last Answer : Yep. For mating. Estrogen creates a higher, more youthful sounding voice in women. Testosterone produces a deeper voice in men. Essentially it helps us find a fertile mate.

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Last Answer : Little is easier to control.

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Last Answer : Because fetal development is essentially identical for both sexes until hormones begin to differentiate structures.

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Last Answer : We are so screwed if we think we can outwit Mother Nature and evolution. We aren’t the only life force on this planet determined to survive and meddling around with GM this and that invites the law of unintended consequences and we are seeing more and more examples of this every year.

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Last Answer : answer:Never let the bastards see you sweat. or Never complain; never explain. It’s a guy thing.

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Last Answer : “are men ape or angels” Neither.

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Last Answer : It is to wick up some of the moisture from your armpits.

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Last Answer : Perhaps it offers a glimpse into our subconscious, therefore allowing us to improve?

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Last Answer : Ok, I'm going to have to go do some research but I'm pretty sure that only the females buzz (and only the females bite). Maybe a method for finding mates? Some trivia: http:// ... /blog/2007/07/05/why-mosquitoes-buzz-in-peoples-ears/ http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040811/Feature1.asp

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Last Answer : It keeps us from crying.

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Last Answer : The smurphs are asexual, they don’t even have man parts. Have you ever seen a bulge in those little, white shorts? Smurfette was a creation, so she is an anomaly. She is doomed to be sexually unfulfilled.

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Last Answer : The answer is 'Pig'

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Last Answer : The answer is 'Turtle'

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Last Answer : The answer is Turtle

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Last Answer : answer: