I have it for 14 days and no and not get rid of it.

1 Answer

Answer :

It's hard to tell it's a viral disease something like chickenpox and it takes quite a while. The treatment lasts about a month, but this time is individual and also depends on the place that is affected. They are treated with painkillers and antivirals.

Related questions

Description : For anyone who has suffered from the Shingles, how long did it take for you to get over it?

Last Answer : Oh, @SQUEEKY2, still being plagued? So so sorry! My lesions lasted about a week before they really started to diminish, with all the anti-virals and steroids I was taking. But the crushing fatigue went on for 4–6 months. I hpe you are done with this soon, it can be miserable! :-(

Description : How long should you wait to have hair colored after shingles?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What was it like to have Shingles?

Last Answer : It was horrific ,lasted about a month,it was like the worst rash I ever had and someone was holding a red hot knife to that rash. No it hasn’t reoccured, THANK GOD. And essential silver gel soothed it greatly,along with the prescribed drugs the Doctor put me on.

Description : Have you ever had Shingles, and what did you do to ease the pain?

Last Answer : Surely your doctor can advise you regarding the best pain reliever for you to use.

Description : How old do you have to be to recieve a vaccination for shingles?

Last Answer : I understood the age to be 60 before your insurance would pay for it. Before that age, you would have to pay for it yourself. I called a drug store and the cost was $230.00. Supposedly the ... had Bells Palsy in your lifetime, you are more likely to get shingles along with having had chicken pox.

Description : Anyone else get flare ups of shingles on places they've injured?

Last Answer : It sounds like an RV. Do you have arthritis?

Description : Have you controlled shingles or herpes with a diet change?

Last Answer : I’m a bit off topic but I was wondering if you have had the shingles vaccine? My mom had shingles a lot brought on by stress but never had the vaccine.

Description : How many people do you know who have had shingles more than once and before age 40?

Last Answer : I did. I was in my early 30’s. It was very slight, though. It was a small patch around my waistband area.

Description : What was your shingles (infection) experience and does the vaccine work?

Last Answer : I’ve not had shingles, but I did get the vaccine. According to the information I got from Kaiser, the vaccine is only 60% effective but it still seems worth it. It’s just an injection with no aftereffects, so by all means get the vaccine, unless you have one of the counterindications.

Description : Will you tell us about your experience with shingles the skin disease?

Last Answer : answer:Shingles, or herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash caused by the chickenpox virus. It usually starts as pain, tingling, or burning on one side of the body and can progress to very painful ... Ouch. As for advice, stress relief exercises as a preventative measure if stress causes a flare up.

Description : Are my children at serious risk for developing chickenpox if their dad has shingles?

Last Answer : Why not call your pediatrician immediately? We are not the guys who went to med. school, with one exception, who may not be online.

Description : Can 3 tab shingles and architectural shingles be on the same roof?

Last Answer : Why would you want to do that?

Description : Where is the best place to buy architectural shingles?

Last Answer : answer:It's not where, but what brand, and the contractor you select. Look on Angie's List for contractors in your area and read the reviews, and ask neighbors. It's more the labor that runs up the ... the end of the day. They arrived with an army of workers, and knocked the house out in 3 days.

Description : What are the best shingles for a Midwestern United States Home with lots of snow,rain and weather changes?

Last Answer : I got architectural shingles for my roof. Check here We get some real extremes here in South Dakota. I like the 30 year warranty I got with mine the most.

Description : Has anyone ever filed a class action claim or warranty claim against Certainteed Organic Shingles or Masonite Siding?

Last Answer : Roofing manufacturers are very anal about how to apply their product. It will say so on the bundle wrapper (that roofers never read). If the contractor who applied that roof did one tiny thing wrong, one ... you can but that probably is impossible depepnding on who that was. It wasn't you was it?

Description : Can cats catch shingles from humans?

Last Answer : I don’t think so, never heard of this being an issue.

Description : Do houses built from asbestos shingles, pose a health-threat to humans?

Last Answer : only if you scrape or wire brush the siding and create asbestos dust as in paint prep. If scraping can't be avoided use an approved face mask. Legaly an apron is supposed to laid out on the ... foot and cause soil contamination. Long story short; painting the outside of such homes is a BIG hassle.

Description : Medical Jellies, what do you know about Shingles reccurence?

Last Answer : answer:I have had shingles outbreaks about 5 or 6 times. The first occurred in my mid twenties. I had another about a year later, and then about every other year for a few years. In the last 5 ... now, and the vaccine is fairly new. If my situation changed I might consider it if I was eligible.

Description : Info and opinion on new shingles vaccine?

Last Answer : You don't need to worry about shingles unless your immune system is compromised or if you are elderly. Reasons you might have a compromised immune system: AIDS, you had an organ transplant, you have a history of leukemia. Reasons you are on ask-public and elderly: you are a very very special person.

Description : what is best brand of architectural shingles

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can donating blood cause shingles once you've had them?

Last Answer : I'm unsure what you're asking. Donating blood won't causeshingles in the person donating blood. If the person donating bloodhas an active shingles infection they won't allow blood donation ... subsides the blood should be safe todonate. Tell the phlebotomist about the shingles infection,though.

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Last Answer : In Britain, (notorious for wet weather) slates are used to cover the rooves of houses to keep out the rain. Slate is impervious to water, though nowadays, composite materials may be used instead, being lighter ... houses may be roofed with clay tiles - but, in my opinion, you can't beat Welsh slate!

Description : Can I give you shingles?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Why is slate soetimes used as shingles for roofs?

Last Answer : In Britain, (notorious for wet weather) slates are used to cover the rooves of houses to keep out the rain. Slate is impervious to water, though nowadays, composite materials may be used instead, being lighter ... houses may be roofed with clay tiles - but, in my opinion, you can't beat Welsh slate!

Description : What alternative ways are their for treating shingles?

Last Answer : You cannot cure shingles, but taking an antiviral is aneffective way to treat it. There are also some natural remedies totreat it.

Description : How do you treat vaginal shingles?

Last Answer : With a doctors help.

Description : Shingles?

Last Answer : DefinitionShingles (herpes zoster) is a painful, blistering skin rash due to the varicella-zoster virus, the virus that causes chickenpox.See also: Ramsay Hunt syndromeAlternative NamesHerpes zosterCauses, incidence ... or child has direct contact with the shingles rash on someone and has not had ch

Description : The Importance of Roof Shingles?

Last Answer : Shingles that are put on the roof of a home are a covering withoverlapping slaps. These slabs are flat and usually rectangular.Just one single layer should make sure that no water is able to getinto the ... a ridge where the two sides meet. At this ridge, there isnormally a sheet of metal or plas

Description : Is a landlord required to notify tenant of asbestos shingles on rental property in San Antonio, TX?

Last Answer : If the shinglesare not considered a health hazard then they do not have to disclose it. Only when there is a solid reason then they have to do so.

Description : What do I need to repair a little storm damage to my shingles?

Last Answer : If the are plastic you'll have replace them but if they are wood, you can buy new slates and use wood glue to install.

Description : what do you do if you have shingles?

Last Answer : First, go and see your doctor. Take regular pain medication, such as Tylenol. Ask your doctor is he can prescribe an anti-inflammatory pain killer. Try calamine lotion. If an infection sets in, you will need antibiotics.

Description : Does Medicare provide coverage for the Zostavax Shingles vaccination for someone over 70, that had chicken pox and has fibromyalgia and 3 family members with shingles?

Last Answer : Medicare Part B does not cover the shingles vaccine

Description : How can I get a form to request Medicare payment for Shingles shot that my wife and had We are senior citizens, and provided phone numbers to call have been useless.?

Last Answer : I'm sorry to say but Shingles vaccines are not covered by Medicare.

Description : What are the treatment options available for Shingles?

Last Answer : Some treatments available for shingles are antiviral medicines, over the counter pain medications, and topical antibiotics. For severe cases the doctor may use corticosteroids.

Description : Where can I find the treatment for shingles?

Last Answer : See your doctor and he/she can prescribe you medication to treat the shingles. Typically, a hydrocortisone cream and antibiotic would be provided to deal with the itch and rashes.

Description : Should a doctor be able to give information on treatment for shingles?

Last Answer : Yes. A doctor is needed to correctly diagnose shingles and help discuss a treatment plan. See a doctor as soon as possible because complications can arise.

Description : Is there a treatment for the shingles?

Last Answer : There is a treatment for shingles, but unfortunately, it is not a cure. Antiviral drugs can be a good treatment for Shingles. Simply reducing pain through alleviation is a standard treatment as well.

Description : How effective is the treatment for shingles?

Last Answer : There are treatment options for shingles. Shingles can cause rashes, in which there are creams available for treatment. Although there are treatments available, shingles can go into an inactive state, and can become reactive at certain points.

Description : Shingles Symptoms?

Last Answer : Shingles is a disease that affects older people who had chicken pox when they were children. Chicken pox is caused by the herpes zoster virus. Even when the disease has run its course, the virus isn't ... old or older, as the older a person is the more adversely the disease affects him or her.

Description : Symptoms of Shingles?

Last Answer : Shingles is the name the rash that is caused by a recurrence of the chickenpox virus in adults or in people with weakened immune systems. This issue should be taken to a doctor as soon as possible ... to be doing. Be very careful, as this condition can worsen significantly in a short span of time.

Description : What are the shingles symptoms?

Last Answer : An episode of shingles usually lasts two to four weeks. The first sign of the condition is a tingling sensation in the affected area, followed by pain and then a rash.

Description : Where can I find images of shingles to determine the signs and symptoms?

Last Answer : Red blotches on arms and neck can be signs of shingles, but it can also be symptomatic of many other skin problems. Ask your neighbour what they have instead of speculating.

Description : What would be typical shingles signs and symptoms?

Last Answer : The first symptoms of shingles are Itching, tingling, burning, pain. These symptoms are followed by a red blistered rash similar to sunburn. This rash will be extremely painful to the touch. This rash ... see your doctor. Some have found that a cool bath will relieve the discomfort of the rash.

Description : What is the typical treatment for shingles?

Last Answer : Antiviral and antibiotic medicines can help treat shingles and reduce the symptoms associated with the disease. Shingles can not be cured by medicine, they will go away naturally, the medicine may speed up the process. These can be prescribed by a doctor when you go in for a consult.

Description : What foods should I eat to prevent shingles?

Last Answer : There is no way to prevent shingles. The shingles virus is either already in your system, or you can catch it from someone else. Food plays no part in preventing shingles.

Description : Will vaccination guarantee that I won't get shingles?

Last Answer : Shingles is a contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox. Symptoms include a . Prevention and shingles vaccine.

Description : Where can I learn about preventing shingles?

Last Answer : There is no known 100% effective way to prevent shingles. If you are of a certain age you can get a singles-prevention shot and it will help do it's best to keep it from happening.

Description : Are there ways to prevent shingles without a vaccine?

Last Answer : According to http://www.webmd.com/shingles there is no known way to prevent the shingles through a diet. Once you hit a certain age you can get a shot to help prevent this.

Description : What are shingles symptoms and how do you know if you have them?

Last Answer : Shingles are a painful rash that forms blisters on your skin. Symptoms include numbness, itching, burning, redness and an underlying pain. As mentioned, there are fluid filled blisters and symptoms can last up to 5 weeks.

Description : What are giveaways that I have Shingles symptoms?

Last Answer : The first symptom of shingles is a burning or tingling pain, or sometimes numbness too. Other symptoms include fever, chills, headache, or upset stomach. After several days, a rash of small ... reddened skin. The pain associated with shingles can be intense and is often described as "unrelenting."