1 Answer

Answer :

July 29 , 1956 , USA

Related questions

Description : If you were given a chance by NASA to name the black hole that is gonna suck up Earth, what would it be ?

Last Answer : Kirby

Description : How does the James Webb telescope filter out the infrared light from the stars NASA isn't interested in studying?

Last Answer : I believe that the telescope has a foil sheild. Maybe a special computer program that removes the glare and unwanted light

Description : Does NASA reveal everything about its Mars exploration to the public?

Last Answer : It does not reveal all the alien spaceships it encounters, that is for sure.

Description : Does NASA really have a child slave colony on Mars?

Last Answer : NASA deals in fiction on a daily basis. I heard some things that even their fiction is fictional….

Description : Which is the most talked about NASA mission?

Last Answer : answer:Mars landers. The Viking missions are not well remembered, but think the more recent missions had good press.

Description : Why is it such a big deal that NASA discovered the likelihood of water on Mars. Is there politics involved here?

Last Answer : It’s liquid and flowing…on the surface. That’s novel but we kind of knew it. They just needed to prove it. Titan is liquid methane and Europa presumably has water below miles of ice. It’s a little different. I can’t think of any political agenda except possibly to round up some funding.

Description : Why were NASA moon mission crews named after Apollo?

Last Answer : answer:I'll beat Gail to it and tell you it is Apollo. The answer is on this link under Background. The program was named after the Greek god of light, music, and the sun by ... for Apollo, funding for the program was far from certain given Eisenhower's ambivalent attitude to manned spaceflight.

Description : Would NASA tell anyone if an asteroid were going to smack into us?

Last Answer : An interesting thought. I don’t think they would tell us, or at least they would want to ‘manage’ the announcement. It might be difficult to keep quiet. The few people in the know would want to tell a few others, relatives and friends perhaps who lived in the target zone and word would get out.

Description : Neil Armstrong has died. What did the astronauts and NASA do for you?

Last Answer : As a young girl, I wanted to be an astronaut. I have spent my entire life in awe of the universe, and on the simplest level NASA has been my connection to exploring that. I have to admit, I ... to feel in our last moments. That we did something that matters, that we lived our lives to the fullest.

Description : Why doesn't NASA send probes to Venus as much as Mars?

Last Answer : No. Venus is an extremely hot planet. Its average temperature is 460 degrees, and atmospheric pressure is 93 times that of earth. Building something that can withstand such conditions is a lot harder than building something for Mars.

Description : Why has NASA been dismantled?

Last Answer : NASA is not being disassembled.

Description : "NASA launches dual satellite moon mission" "The $500-million pair of washing-machine-sized satellites will take almost four months to reach the moon." Why are satellites that expensive/costly?

Last Answer : answer:Well, part of the cost would be the launch itself $25k/kg 1 (granted that's dated) and the time it's taken to get here (since 2006) 2. Both probably have a lot to do with ... impact survivability, etc all have to be tested and retested and sometimes redesigned which of course all costs $$$.

Description : NASA Exercise: Survival on the Moon?

Last Answer : answer:Box of matches 4-Food concentrate 50 feet of nylon rope 8-Parachute silk 5-Portable heating unit 9-Two .45 caliber pistols 3-One case of dehydrated milk 1-Two 100 lb. tanks of oxygen ... 10-Solar-powered FM receiver-transmitter The rest is optional. May save the trouble and leave them behind.

Description : Science jellies, "NASA Finds New Life". Thoughts? (details inside)

Last Answer : It is very exciting. More exciting still is that it was discovered here on Earth. It leads to the possibility of other lifeforms as yet unknown around ocean volcanoes.

Description : Could we completely shut down NASA for a time, and then start back again later?

Last Answer : It would cost more to try and get in up and running again. Not to mention, all the jobs that would be lost if you shut it down creating an even worse economy.

Description : How accurate are the NASA predictions about a major solar storm hitting the Earth in the year 2013?

Last Answer : answer:I think they will be able to mitigate the impact of the solar storm using current forecasting technology: Space weather forecasting is still in its infancy, but we're making rapid progress, ... us to notify utility and satellite operators when a storm is about to hit. NASA Science News

Description : What should NASA be doing to both capture the public's attention and actually do practical work that benefits humanity?

Last Answer : A joint endeavour with ESA, the Russians and the Chinese to build an orbital shipyard, and build a ship in orbit for a manned mission to mars.

Description : Was it a good idea to cancel NASA's manned moon mission program so that NASA could focus on other priorities such as a manned moon mission?

Last Answer : Do you mean Mars?

Description : Does NASA have evil plans for the world?

Last Answer : nope, we are not that lucky :s

Description : Did NASA find water on the moon?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : So, NASA bombed the Moon. That was rather unspectacular. However, there was one very entertaining moment of the mission, did you catch it?

Last Answer : The best part is that they even make eye contact. It’s not like he just didn’t see the high five. He saw it, considered high fiving, and decided against it. Maybe he was upset like the rest of us that there wasn’t a great explosion.

Description : NASA says they now know there's water on the moon. Think they've known all along?

Last Answer : It's a real discovery. There is no visible evidence of water, like there is on Mars. From reading other articles, I was under the impression they only found Hydrogen, so this adds to the allure of returning ... don't think they have been hold this back, waiting for a day when we can't afford to go.

Description : If a NASA video shows objects changing speed/direction, is that proof of propulsion systems or is there another explanation?

Last Answer : Depends on the scale of the direction/speed change. Gravity. Solar wind. Collision.

Description : What material is this? (NASA Stuff)

Last Answer : Holy crap. Everyone knows except me. Three people are composing. /Shamed.

Description : Should NASA honor their word and name Colbert their new module?

Last Answer : On one hand, I think they should honor their word… however, I’d be annoyed if it ended up being called “Limbaugh” under the same circumstances…

Description : How come NASA recently said that we don't really have the technology to put man on the moon when we did it in 1969?

Last Answer : Could it be because it was faked to beat the Russians?

Description : Is NASA a non-profit and can you make a charitable donation to them?

Last Answer : I do not believe so. They are a federally funded US Gov. entity. You could find out for sure about donations by going to www.nasa.gov

Description : Do you think NASA faked the moon landings in the 60's?

Last Answer : No. You’re an idiot if you do.

Description : How does NASA throw a party? -Riddles

Last Answer : They planet.

Description : NASA was considering sending canaries into space to study them under zero gravity. The project was scrapped when someone realized that in spite of having sufficient water supplies, they could die of dehydration within a few hours. Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : Birds, unlike humans, need gravity to swallow. Humans can swallow even while hanging upside down.

Description : What was the first manned mission of NASA -Space

Last Answer : Project Mercury NASA's first human spaceflight program was Project Mercury. This ambitious undertaking was launched in 1958—about a year after the U.S.S.R. had signified the start of the Space Age with the successful launch of the satellite Sputnik 1

Description : How many manned space missions are launched by NASA so far -Space

Last Answer : NASA has successfully launched over 200 crewed flights. Two have ended in failure, causing the death of the entire crew: STS-51-L (the Challenger disaster) in 1986, and STS-107 (the Columbia disaster) in 2003. (Apollo 1 in 1967 lost three crew members but never launched.)

Description : Name the first mission of NASA in which a spacecraft was reused? -Space

Last Answer : NASA's space shuttle was the world's first reusable spacecraft. It launched like a rocket and returned to Earth like a glider, landing like an airplane on a long concrete runway. It was ... is on a different orbit from the International Space Station, the crew could not shelter at the station

Description : Which mission of NASA brought first human to moon? -Space

Last Answer : The First Person on the Moon 01.16.08 Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin flew on the Apollo 11 mission. Image Credit: NASA It was 1961. John F. Kennedy was the president of the ... . President Kennedy's wish came true. It took less than 10 years. Humans had walked on the moon.

Description : What is the full form of 'NASA' ? -How To ?

Last Answer : The full form of 'NASA' is National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Description : What is the full form of NASA? -Technology

Last Answer : NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. N = National A = Aeronautics and S = Space A = Administration Hope this helps :)

Description : Want to know about NASA ?

Last Answer : NASA (English: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is the national space agency of the United States. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Seal , founded in 1958, is headquartered in Washington DC.

Description : In what year was NASA established and does NASA have any office in Bangladesh ?

Last Answer : NASA (English: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is the national space agency of the United States. Founded in 1956, the company is headquartered in Washington ... Station project. NASA has no office in Bangladesh.

Description : What kind of organization is NASA ?

Last Answer : NASA (English: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is the national space agency of the United States.

Description : What is the full form of NASA ?

Last Answer : NASA 's full National Aeronautics And Space Administration.

Last Answer : National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Last Answer : NASA's job is to gain knowledge about all the details of space , to build various spacecraft including space missions and space shuttles.

Last Answer : NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Last Answer : Mahjabin Haque has been appointed as the 1st Bangladeshi woman in NASA.

Last Answer : NASA owner Mike Griffin.

Last Answer : NASA is headquartered in "DC, Washington". References: Wikipedia.

Last Answer : NASA is based in the United States

Description : Is SpaceX failure ? Or is it even better than NASA ?

Last Answer : Space x has bright future. Recently projects show the importance of this company,mainy sending reusbale rockert in space and coming days are great for space tourism but going to be very expensive. NASA is leading agency in the space field around the world. Both agencies have own value.

Description : Elon Musk failed his launch of Space X and Roadster recently, Do you think NASA sent a man to Moon successfully?

Last Answer : It is really hard to say, after all creating "stories" and faking pictures and things can be quite easy. I was not there so I cannot tell for certain, but...Many people have doubts regarding this. It is ... it happen when technology was still not the one we have today? I dont know, I can't tell.

Description : Ano ang mga bansang nasa ilalim ng pamahalahang awtoritaryanismo?

Last Answer : Need answer