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Answer :

TRACT - Transportable Remote Area Communications Terminal

Related questions

Description : What parts of the digestive tract contain nerve endings?

Last Answer : All of them, to my knowledge. Or do you mean specifically sensory ones?

Description : What can I do, other than continuing to pay huge vet bills about my 5 year old spayed female cat who keeps getting urinary tract infections?

Last Answer : answer:I’d say try another vet. Other than that there is not much you can do. Maybe put down puppy pads. I have a $10,258 cat. That $258 was just last month. She’s only nine. I justify it by saying she is cheaper than a kid.

Description : What is the proper diagnostic machine to see a tear or fistula in the digestive tract or reproductive organs?

Last Answer : answer:A CT Scan can be done with or without contrast and may be able to show a tear or fistula. They can also be done with dye in the blood stream to look for bleeding (like an angiogram) in the ... may not notice a small tear. The best way to look for a tear or fistula would be with endoscopy.

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Last Answer : How antibiotics work

Description : Does anybody have any suggestions for ways to prevent recurring Urinary Tract Infections?

Last Answer : The simplest answer would be to preserve an environment which is not conducive to bacterial growth. By this i mean maintaining vaginal pH within normal limits and (as a form of hygiene) either shaving or waxing the ... of water a day. (water.. not juice or soda or anything else.. that's extra).

Description : (a) Draw a diagram to show the nutrition in Amoeba and label the parts used for this purpose. Mention any other purpose served by this part other than nutrition. (b) Name the glands associated ... mention their role. (c) How is required pH maintained in the stomach and small intestine? -Biology

Last Answer : Answer.(a) Pseudopodia serves the purpose of locomotion apart from nutrition. (b) The salivary gland is associated with digestion of starch in human digestive tract. It secretes saliva which contains ... juice from liver makes the food alkaline in small intestine for the pancreatic enzymes to act.

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Description : What is the full form of 'TRACT' ? -How To ?

Last Answer : The full form of 'TRACT' is Transportable Remote Area Communications Terminal

Description : What carries the waste from the digestive tract to the anus (Arthropods)?

Last Answer : Malpighian Tubes

Description : What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection ?

Last Answer : Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection - 1. Bad smell in urine. 2. Nausea or vomiting. 3. Urine is dark yellow or reddish. 4. Severe pain in lower abdomen or back. 5. Urinating a little at a ... not feeling well. . Burning or pain when urinating. . Frequent fever with chills or shivering all the time.

Description : Who has more urinary tract infections ?

Last Answer : Although this problem affects both men and women, women are more prone to urinary tract infections.

Description : What to do in case of urinary tract infection ?

Last Answer : Drink plenty of water and follow the doctor's advice.

Description : What is a urinary tract ?

Last Answer : Each kidney has a special type of duct called uriniferous duct. Each uriniferous duct is divided into two main parts , the nephron , and the collecting tubule .

Description : There is a lot of pain in the urinary tract. Want a solution ? I am 32 years old. For the last several days (approximately 10-15 days) I have noticed that my urinary tract is bitten and the urination is ... not sticky and there was no color. What can I do now ? Is it gonorrhea ? Please let me know.

Last Answer : No, it is not gonorrhea, but if you do not take treatment now, you may have gonorrhea later, because you have a urinary tract infection . Enjoy. Drink more water. In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat Isubgul's bran syrup.

Last Answer : Most urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria. These bacteria or germs come from your own gut. They do no harm to the gut , but they do harm to other parts of the body. Some bacteria ... or both kidneys. Doctors usually refer to urinary tract infection as 'urinary tract infection' or 'UTI'.

Last Answer : : 1) Amalki: Amalki contains a lot of vitamin C which has the ability to prevent urinary tract infections. Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of mango powder in 1 cup of water. When the mixture ... 1 glass of water and drink it twice a day for a few days. The problem will be solved.

Last Answer : Both men and women are likely to be affected by this type of problem. This problem is more common during urination , pregnancy , diabetes , sexual problems and menopause. So be careful yourself. There are ... glass of water and drink it twice a day for a few days. The problem will be solved.

Last Answer : : Food is most absorbed in the small intestine.

Description : It is true that cranberries help in the urinary tract.

Last Answer : Yes it is .... I prefer this >>> Kontryhel ... ☢ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☢

Description : Glucose is carried from digestive tract to liver by

Last Answer : Glucose is carried from digestive tract to liver by A. Hepatic artery B. Hepatic portal vein C. Pulmonary vein D. None of the above

Description : Which of the following is not a part of respiratory tract

Last Answer : Which of the following is not a part of respiratory tract A. Nasal chamber B. Oesophagus C. Pharynx D. Trachea

Description : Foetus developing in the genital tract without getting nourishment from the mother is a case of

Last Answer : Foetus developing in the genital tract without getting nourishment from the mother is a case of A. ... Ovipary C. Ovo-vivipary D. None of these

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Last Answer : Tract of nerve fibre which connects both cerebral hemisphere is

Description : Name the muscles which assit in the transportation of food through the digestive tract and gametes through the genital tract.

Last Answer : Name the muscles which assit in the transportation of food through the digestive tract and gametes through the genital tract.

Description : (A)______ muscles are located in the inner walls of hollow visceral organs of the body like the alimentary canal, reproductive tract etc. they do not

Last Answer : (A)______ muscles are located in the inner walls of hollow visceral organs of the body like the alimentary ... (B)____ and are in (C)____ appearance.

Description : The hormone somatostatin is resposible for inhibiting the motility and absobtion in the digestive tract. It also inhibits the release of insuline and

Last Answer : The hormone somatostatin is resposible for inhibiting the motility and absobtion in the digestive tract. It also ... Alph B. Beta C. Delta D. F cells

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What functions does the digestive tract preform?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What shields your face eyes respirtory tract from chemical and biological warfare agents?

Last Answer : A gas mask.

Description : What do the root tract- mean in the word tractor?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What is taking chemicals into the body through the digestive tract called?

Last Answer : Eating

Description : What is the muscular contractions that results in mixing of the contents of the digestive tract?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What is found in the blood vessel and digestive tract?

Last Answer : white and red blood cells

Description : What is themeaning of the root trac tract?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What type is muscle is found in the wall of the digestive tract?

Last Answer : Smooth muscle tissue is located in the wall of the digestivetract.

Description : What is taking chemicals into the body through the digestive tract called?

Last Answer : Eating

Description : Which of these is part of the digestive tract or gut?

Last Answer : small intestineA+ users

Description : What can cause infections in the urinary tract that causes bladder control problems And how can one prevent this infections?

Last Answer : Germs are what causes infections in the urinary tract. Things that may acerbate this condition are inactivity, pregnancy, Diabetes or urinary retention. Being active and keeping the genital area clean are essential in prevention.

Description : How can you treat your urinary tract infection?

Last Answer : To treat your urinary tract infection you should really go and see your doctor. They can prescribe a cream to apply. You should also drink cranberry juice. It helps prevent a UTI.

Description : What are some treatments to urinary tract infections?

Last Answer : Urinary tract infections are usually treated by medication and anti-biotics. It is best to see a doctor immediately if you think you may have a urinary tract infection.

Description : What is the best treatment available for an infection in the Urinary Tract?

Last Answer : The best treatment for urinary tract infections is a strong dose of anti-biotics. It is best to see a doctor immediately if you think you have an urinary tract infection.

Description : Where could I find a second hand Nordic Tract Elliptical?

Last Answer : You could find a second hand nordic elliptical at ebay.com or Amazon.com , or craiglist.com . You could even get one at a fitness gym as some of the gyms sell their old equipment so they can get new ones.

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Last Answer : how do i find a cell number through tract phone