What does dog sleep mean ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dog sleep thin sleep.

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Description : Is it my fault my dog always wants to sleep right next to me literally glued onto me?

Last Answer : answer:No. It is the result of canine social hierarchy and ancient dog/human cooperation. It is reversible, but you should consider the ramifications from the animal's point of view. You are the supreme ... it will be easier for you to make a decision based on how your dog sees the situation.

Description : How can I train my dog to not sleep up against me in bed after I've fallen asleep?

Last Answer : answer:I sleep on the couch where there’s no room for invasive snuggling. How about leaving the TV on when you fall asleep or rubbing some meat on your hubby?

Description : When do we put our dog to sleep?

Last Answer : When she has no quality of life left. It sounds like she still does right now.

Description : When do you KNOW when it's time to put your dog to sleep?

Last Answer : I knew after she’s been on machines for 3 days that it was time. She had distemper and seizures.

Description : What are the health issues related to having a dog sleep in a childs bedroom?

Last Answer : personally I wouldnt have thought so, as long as the dog isnt in the bed with her and as long as she doesnt have asthma. when i was younger the family cat would regularly sleep on the floor ... cough or something mind as this may make her chest tighter than necessary even if she has no allergies.

Description : Our dog just went to the bathroom on my parent's Sleep Number bed. Any help on cleaning it?

Last Answer : You can clean it yourself but since it is not your bed you might consider paying to have it professionally cleaned. If it is damaged in some way and you own it that is one thing but if it is ... wanted a Sleep Number bed? You might consider buying them a new one and taking theirs as an alternative.

Description : Do you let your dog sleep with you?

Last Answer : He can’t get past the cat.

Description : Does your dog sleep in your bed?

Last Answer : If I had a dog, I would likely let the bro snooze on mah bed. I have cats instead and I won’t let them get an inch inside my room.

Description : I just recently heard that dogs that are used in the Army, Navy, etc., are brought back to the US, and then are put to sleep after they are done being used as a service dog. Does anyone know anything about this?

Last Answer : Where do you hear this? Service animals are usually treated in high regard after their service.

Description : How can I get my boyfriend to realize that his dog can't sleep in the bed with us?

Last Answer : straight up tell him you don’t like the dog in the bed. Don’t beat around the bush.

Description : Do you allow your dog to sleep in bed with you?

Last Answer : Not a dog owner at this time (and probably never again) but my answer would be absolutely not. However, not a dog lover either.

Description : Hi We have neighbors that have a dog that roams, defacates, destroys our trash barks for HOURS pretty darn every night from 9pm - 3 or 4am in the morning. Dont wanna see the dog destroyed because its the owners fault. Help.Lack of sleep is getting to us.?

Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

Description : How many hours a day do Dog sleep?

Last Answer : I say why does it matter? Cats are way better animals. They sleep 16 hours a day. Dogs probably sleep about 5-7 hours a day though. I don't really know for sure so don't rely on me:-)

Description : Dog lies down to sleep only after observ- ing the surrounding. Why?

Last Answer : The dog lies against the direction of the wind so  as to detect the approach of the enemy