What is English in Respiratory System ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Respiratory system in English .

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Last Answer : I'm pretty sure it's easy to find an English dictionary file as a CSV. Of course you'd have to write the code to pull it into a list and then run operations on that list. With about 200k ... and then iterated through it to find all of the palindromes and didn't recall it taking very long to run.

Description : Doing English practice. Asking native people for help.

Last Answer : Hi, and welcome to Fluther. I've made the changes that sound better to me: 1, we are the successor of communism. We are the successors of communism 2, please bathe your hands before you eat dinner. Please ... to go fishing a slender rod, a fishing reel and a hook are enough. I hope this is helpful.

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Last Answer : Small detachment of soldiers, of people to whom one entrusts a mission of surveillance, of liaison. If you suspect a different meaning is being used, you need to provide the context. I have no idea what you mean by “context of infrastructure.”

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Last Answer : Here you go

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Last Answer : The question, to me, is how the TOEFL grading takes into account current English slang and common usage, and how much does it follow the grammar rules that we learned and forgot 40 years ago ... test reflect some theoretical and obsolete way of speaking and writing, or does it reflect common usage?

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Last Answer : No, ex. is listed as an abbreviation in for example the American Heritage Dictionary (Second College Edition, 1982), though example is only the second of seven meanings listed for it: 1. examination 2. ... e.g. is listed as Latin for exempli gratia (for example) , so a slightly different form.

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Last Answer : is it too long to post here?

Description : What's the translation in English for this Japanese term?

Last Answer : It’s the title of a series of books. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokka:_Braves_of_the_Six_Flowers

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Last Answer : It’s a manga/song/anime called Sweets Time. There are a number of videos on YouTube. This one has translation of the lyrics. look up U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?

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Last Answer : My writing skills have improved from writing on Fluther. Maybe you can do the same. Or you can skype an English speaker for oral practice.

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Last Answer : I have seen travellers on Chinese trains doing word puzzles to pass the time. It seems crossword puzzles are possible in Chinese. The grid looks the same but the clues are in Chinese and the answers are Chinese phrases rather than words. The grid contains Chinese characters instead of letters.

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Last Answer : Meaning only from countries like Newzealand, Auistralia, UK, ...and https://www.ncsu.edu/grad/handbook/official_language_english.htm but not from Netherlands even if it's the official language in some areas ... recognises English as an official language[8] but on a lower status than Dutch,....

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Last Answer : answer:I have seen the term ‘coopetition’ in the business world. I am not sure if is the same concept when applied to politics. Sort of like “frenemy”

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Last Answer : Do ray mi fa so la ti do. Ti is a music term.

Description : What happens when you add an s at the end of an English word in Google Translate?

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : Unfortunately, you can't do that yourself-most likely the English audio track does not reside on the video you have. It's just a copy. You have to find whomever originally recorded the video and then ... menu. But I'm suspecting it's some other kind of video. Can you give any additional information?

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Last Answer : Dadgum it. I would if I wasn’t fixing to go to bed. If no one has by tomorrow I definitely will, lol.

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Last Answer : Good bye, guys. I don’t like the new rule changes, and I’ve got other interests. Good luck, and good bye.

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Last Answer : I'm an English major, too-so I guess I'm in a similar situation, although I don't necessarily have the real-world experience others here probably have. The department at the school I go to (not in ... in the Education department, etc.). Best of luck! I wish I had done more in linguistics and TESL

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Last Answer : answer:I found quite a few hits with the search term “basic English vocabulary.” Here’s one: https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/190098#view=notes

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Last Answer : He would sign it as he always signs it. Why, would you actually translate your name into another language for a signature? I know that I would not. Do you think that someone named “John Smith” would change his signature to “Johannes Schmidt” when conversing with a German? I do not think so.

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Last Answer : I'm not sure I understand the question. As a native English speaker in an English-speaking country, none of my teachers ever doubted my ability to hold a simple conversation with them. So ... /write a simple story). Spelling and grammar still counted, but practical skills were definitely the goal.

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Last Answer : Is not that rather hard over a vehicle that uses text or printed word as a basis?

Description : American bacon vs English bacon : which is healthier?

Last Answer : You’re asking if bacon, of any kind is healthy? It’s pork belly, cured with nitrates. I don’t know about English bacon, but I’m guessing about the same health factor. But god it is good.

Description : In English colloquialisms, why is a "flat" called a flat?

Last Answer : “flat (n.) 1801, “a story of a house,” from Scottish flat “floor or story of a house,” from Old English flett “a dwelling; floor, ground,” from the same source as flat (adj.). Meaning “floor or part of a floor set up as an apartment” is from 1824.” Online Etymology Dictionary

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Last Answer : Tommy. (Rock Opera) link

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Last Answer : answer:Huh? I don't remember that ever being a rule. Saying An H' is correct because it's pronounced aych , hence it begins in a vowel sound and so is preceded by an'. Most words that start ... decades), it's only ever been that a' precedes a consonant sound, and an' precedes a vowel sound.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve had good luck with Google. Of course you must now reveal the other place you moderate.

Description : Language difference between English vs American English?

Last Answer : answer:No, I would use them in very different ways. Antisocial behaviour is a common phrase especially since there is now an AntiSocial Behaviour Order or ASBO. To say someone is antisocial means that they ... they are both to do with behaviour but are quite different I am a Scot living in England

Description : What are some common English and Irish slang?

Last Answer : Boy=lad Male more generally=bloke, chap Girl=lass (especially northern England) General exclamation= oh my god/goodness; you're kidding/joking; what do you mean? Frustration= oh sh*t/f*ck (probably ... for salesman). For rookie' we would probably use beginner, or schoolboy (as in schoolboy error)

Description : Native English Speakers: How do you feel about the American use of English?

Last Answer : answer:Listening to young Americans talk and using the word like' intermittently sounds very odd and confusing to me. She had this, like, red dress, and it was all, like, tight and stuff.' and then ... what proper English is these days, but I know poor English when I hear it, if that makes sense.

Description : Native English speakers, why is such an "offensive" word used widely as a first name (details inside)?

Last Answer : answer:The name Richard is very old, although its origin is disputed. Richard and Ricard were equally popular in the Middle Ages, and the abbreviations led naturally to diminutives-such as Rich, Richie ... associated with penis is not known, although the riding whip may have pointed the way. Source

Description : In grade school or high school did your English teacher ever give you heck for not putting a space after a comma?

Last Answer : The problem appears to be that you are putting a space before the comma, not after the comma. And yes, of course my teachers insisted on proper punctuation. That was their job.

Description : (Stupid question) Native English speakers, when do people use someone's first name, middle name and last name?

Last Answer : I’m fairly casual. If you’re using my full name it should be for a formal occasion. But I can see in a school situation maybe Mr first name or Mr last name.

Description : Has, like, "as well" overtaken the word "like" as the most overused English in the US?

Last Answer : Well hopefully people will stop comedians from putting ,” in bed” at the end of every sentence.