What are Aryan Symmetrical Animals ?

1 Answer

Answer :

: Animals which can be divided into two equal parts more than once along the central axis of their body are called Aryan symmetrical animals.

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Last Answer : Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic A. Sponges ... Aschelminthes ( round worms ) D. Ctenophores

Description : Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic

Last Answer : Which one of the following groups of animals is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic A. Sponges ... ( Cnidarians) D. Aschelminthes (Roundworms )

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Last Answer : (b) platyhelminthes

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Last Answer : (a) Aschelminthes (roundworms)

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Last Answer : Well, here's a definition that comprises several groups of people. Aryan -noun 1. Ethnology. a member or descendant of the prehistoric people who spoke Indo-European. 2. (in Nazi doctrine) a non-Jewish ... pertaining to an Aryan or the Aryans. 6. (formerly) Indo-European. 7. (formerly) Indo-Iranian.

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Last Answer : Networking Engineer will best describe his job profile.

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Last Answer : According to Nazis, the strongest race world survive and the weak world perish. The Aryan race was the finest, it had to retain its purity, become stronger and dominate the world.

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Last Answer : Christianity or Islam

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Last Answer : The oldest literary language of the Aryan Indian group is Vedic and Sanskrit.

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Last Answer : There are three levels of ancient Indian Aryan language.

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Last Answer : : A small amount of ointment should be applied on the painful or itchy area with the help of fingers in the morning and evening and after each bowel movement. To insert the drug deep into the ... to the back of the tube. Suppository: Use daily in the morning and afternoon and after defecation.

Description : What is the function of Aryan ointment ?

Last Answer : Hemorrhoid treatment inside and outside the anus. Treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids. Treatment of anal pruritus , perineal eczema , anal fissure and proctitis . Hemorrhoids relieve pain and discomfort after surgery.

Last Answer : The language of the passers-by is called Aryan language.

Last Answer : The languages that were prevalent among the people living in India before the arrival of the Aryans were the non-Aryan languages or the local natural languages.

Last Answer : The name of Aryan language is ancient Vedic.

Last Answer : The Aryan race came from Iran.

Last Answer : Aryan name means maximum power

Description : What does Aryan literature tell us about Indian thinking and history?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the link between Aryan and HINDUISM?

Last Answer : Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.

Description : What is the link between Aryan and HINDUISM?

Last Answer : Hinduism grew out of the ancient beliefs of the Aryans.

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Last Answer : A desire for more cows

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Last Answer : Ans: (a)

Description : The group of languages spoken by the largest number of people in India is : (a) Austro-Asiatic (b) Indo-Aryan (c) Dravidian (d) none of these

Last Answer : Ans: (b)

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B

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Last Answer : Sapta Sindhavah

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Last Answer : Because it was urban

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Last Answer : Perhaps not designed but evolved symmetry. Humans have bilateral symmetry as opposed to things like starfish that have radial. I suppose the answer has to do with what the starting point was in addition to the obvious advantages. Without symmetry how would protozoa or fish swim properly.

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Last Answer : First of all, less data is required to build the body – just mirror whatever is on the opposite side. Chromosomes can thus start out simpler. Easier to travel straight – both sides do the same thing = straight forward.

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Last Answer : hossman ducks as unintelligible to hossman question whooshes by, narrowly avoiding cranial damage and parting hossman’s hair.

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Last Answer : Bill Clinton

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Last Answer : The starfish creature is symmetrical.

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Last Answer : Symmetrical Fault: The same amount in each phase due to the float in the electrical system. The fault that causes hot current to flow is called semantic fault. Circuit breaker ratings are determined by ... through each fan is called an asymmetrical fault. The relay is set via asymmetrical font.

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Last Answer : : Synchronous radius: When two atoms of the same element are connected to each other by a synchronous bond, half of the distance between their two nuclei is called synchronous radius. For example, in the case of hydrogen atoms, the internuclear distance = 0.74A

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Last Answer : rhombus Symmetry Line Number 2 is two.

Last Answer : that Line Any Balanced Objects Or To the figure Two Symmetrical In part Divided By That's it Symmetrical Line. Such as : circle Diameter.

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Last Answer : A radially symmetrical diploblastic animal is A. Round worm B. Earthworm C. Hydra D. Liver fluke

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Last Answer : Alkali metal hydrogen fluorides have a formula `M[HF_2]`. They are found to contain a linear symmetrical ... F-atoms through two T bonds in the anion.

Description : What English letters are symmetrical?

Last Answer : Symmetrical letters are those that may be divided into twoidentical "mirror images", or rotated to provide the sameappearance.Assuming our letters are simple and unadorned (such as thistypeface), the vertically ... X Z are point symmetrical (they can be "reflected"through a point in their center).

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Last Answer : A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry

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Last Answer : First, not all snowflakes are perfectly symmetrical. In fact,the vast majority of snowflakes are asymmetrical. However theyappear to be because on a microscopic scale, each ... other will produce similarresults because each molecule was formed under the sameenvironmental conditions simultaneously.

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Last Answer : The mean being equal to the range has nothing to do withsymmetry.

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Last Answer : A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry

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Last Answer : Asymmetrical breaking current is the rms value of the combined sum of the dc and ac components of the short circuit current at the instant of separation of the breaker contacts while ... the ac component alone. Thus asymmetrical breaking current is higher than the symmetrical breaking current.

Description : What are symmetrical components?

Last Answer : It is a mathematical tool to resolve unbalanced components into balanced components.

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Last Answer : The fault is called symmetrical fault if the fault current is equal in all the phases. The fault is called unsymmetrical fault if the fault current is not equal in all the phases.

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Last Answer : 1.positive sequence components 3. negative sequence components. 4. zero sequence components.

Description : What are symmetrical components?

Last Answer : An unbalanced system of N related vectors can be resolved into N systems of balanced vectors. The N sets of balanced vectors are called symmetrical components.