What tissue is found in the trunk of a dandelion ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cholenoma tissue is found in the trunk of the dandelion.

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Last Answer : (b) lateral meristem

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Last Answer : It isn't the same. Extra legs are a deformity. Multiple tree trunks are a form of branching to get more sunlight and water so more leaves produce chlorophyll to feed the tree. It isn't a ... And, there is a fungus in Oregon that is essentially a single organism that covers over 2,200 acres

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Last Answer : Right now…golf bag

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Last Answer : Get thee an Arborist.

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Last Answer : I don’t think that is one.

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Last Answer : answer:Your link didn't work for me. I know you want to turn it into a piece of usable furniture, but, depending on the history and condition, it may be worth far more as it is. Before you ... or killz, which should kill the musty odor. From then, you could cover it with fabric, or whatever.

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Last Answer : IMO it take away from the asthetics of the car to have the licence on the trunk.

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Last Answer : I keep random bottles of various car fluids in my trunk like washer fluid, antifreeze etc. I just don’t want to run out of some fluid one day, so I have most of them in the trunk to replace right when it runs out.

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Last Answer : I think it’s whatever direction it’s get the most sunlight from. A plant needs light to make sugars, which help it to grow. damn I can’t remember what the process is called

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Last Answer : Jailtime! At least that’s what it used to be. I think

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Last Answer : never heard of it but seems like a good idea.

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Last Answer : Two glow sticks. One pizza box. A rake. A over-sized box of ready-to-make egg drop soup. Some duct tape. I even think there is some Halloween candy tucked in the crevices.

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Last Answer : answer:What is a Trunk Show? A trunk is a special event that gives brides the opportunity to view and try on the latest collection of dresses from a specific designer. Trunk shows are generally hosted by a ... what dress you want to purchase, it's a good idea to buy your dress during a trunk show.

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Last Answer : Silence. Talking to the police isn't going to help one bit. Let the lawyer talk

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Last Answer : There used to be an agency in the bay area that coupled cars which needed to be driven somewhere with riders/drivers that had to reach the same destination. Can’t recall the name of the agency, but if you did a bit of googlng you may be able to fnd it.

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Last Answer : sounds like fungus and trees should not be planted that close to a/c

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Last Answer : sounds like bore bugs, check to see which chemical is best for that tree..........don't wait.............please.

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Last Answer : Could be carpenter ants............they do the same damage as termites...........you need to spray something safe for that tree...........

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Last Answer : I would take that all up and use wood chips...........leave room around the trunk for it to breathe. I would ask someone living there what kind of tree it is and then look up care of it on the computer. Watering after the sun goes down

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : It may have been hit by lightning. It does not sound good for that tree. Bugs can enter and cause more problems.

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Last Answer : I would use neem spray first make sure nothing is in the hole.................then use tree repair Spectracide..for trees.........shake the can good and spray the whole....you have to let it dry before you spray again. Not knowing how deep the whole is, you might need to do it again.

Description : Japanese Maple appears to be dead except there are small branches and leaves coming out of the lower trunk.

Last Answer : We just recently had a strange frost that travelled in bands............hit some of our trees but not all. I would wait and see. In june after the danger of frost has past you should see more leaves.

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Last Answer : Carpenter ants have 3 distinct bodies, they make holes in trees. They do a lot of damage. You might need to take that down for safety. Only other thing is to spray it with dormant oil for summer use. I don't know at this point if it will save the tree.

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Last Answer : You should get new leaves..............ph 5.5-7.0

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Last Answer : That tree has to come down. I am afraid that sap could cause a fire. You might need a backhoe to clean that up and replace the dirt.


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Last Answer : NO that will kill it.....................leave it alone, when it starts to produce it's leaves, next year a frost warning and cover or wrap it overnight. Unwrap it when over 32 degrees.

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Last Answer : It reflects the sun so the trees don't sunscald. If they ger a lot of direct sun, the back dies and peals.

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