Which is an example of racial equality?

1 Answer

Answer :

A restaurant that will seat anyone but does not allow smoking.

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Last Answer : This video clearly explains the difference between bein black and being white in the USA.

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Last Answer : answer:Um, he is a grown man who shot a little unarmed boy. He is very guilty of at least manslaughter. The trial has taken on racist overtones as people have insisted Zimmerman may have some kind ... person asks, and Fox News says, Come on. You know why Zimmerman should have been nervous.

Description : Would it be legal to open a restaraunt that practiced voluntary racial segregation?

Last Answer : That’s a really interesting idea. I’m sure you’ll catch all kind of crap from everyone, but I’d try it just to see how it felt to be discriminated against because of my race. I think it would be a good learning experience. Now I’ll run for a corner and hide.

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Last Answer : Research in the Netherlands, recently, showed that judges punish people with a North-African complexion harsher (than they do white Dutch people). How this is in the USA I don't know, but I wouldn't ... is punished more severe will think (rightly so, I think) that the injustice is bigger on them.

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Last Answer : Racial discrimination implies some sort of act. Racism is a belief.

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Last Answer : Racial discrimination will never cease to exist becauase it’s part of us, when someone is doing so well, we will jealous of them, so we will search to find something that they have and use it to against them to protect our pride.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh now that is funny as hell. I once said that, if I was a terrorist and was plotting some destruction, I would recruit average white citizens to do the job. I would avoid people who ... true. I doubt that it exists everywhere, in every police district or other authority, but it does exist.

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Last Answer : Ugh, this again? Before civil rights if you had one drop of black blood, you were black. You couldn't use white water fountains or lunch counters and heaven help you if you fraternized with ... s daughter and ask if she's African-American. Or any of Thomas Jefferson's African-American descendants.

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t say “good” or “bad”, but as soon as I see the word “all” in a statement about a group of people, I know it’s bullshit.

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Last Answer : No – it’s clearly time to stop flying planes.

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Last Answer : I don’t react, because it doesn’t bother me.

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Last Answer : Why are you watching Fox? It’s all crap!

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Last Answer : Not at all. People are way too touchy about being “PC” 24/7.

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Last Answer : As a rule I say what I want as long as it isn’t aimed to insight hatred, of course other factors come into play with this.

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Last Answer : I don't know if these are too far since that's the definition of a racial joke -they're offensive, but here's a couple: Q: What happens to an Asian man who runs into a wall and has ... : How do you know when Chinese are moving into your neighborhood? A: When the Mexicans start getting car insurance.

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Last Answer : I don't believe in being color blind'. I believe in seeing others differences and accepting them. It's the difference between the two common themes: Salad Bowl and Mixing Pot. In the ... but we are mixed together into something enjoyable. We accept each others differences but they still exist.

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Last Answer : I can’t think of a racial joke that doesn’t play off of a stereotype.

Description : what is your most racial encounter!?

Last Answer : How do you mean? I’ve dated a black man and I think that’s about as racial as it gets…but do you mean something negative?

Description : Mention the important racial groups found in South America. -Geography

Last Answer : The inhabitants of South America belong to mixed racial groups. Europeans settled here in search of gold and other natural resources. Slaves were brought from Africa to work in plantations. The natives are Red Indians. Inter marriage among these groups formed mixed races.

Description : Describe the consequences of Smith and Carlos reaction to the racial discrimination. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Carlos and Smith were held guilty for violating the Olympic spirit by making political statement. (ii) Medals were taken back. (iii) Norman was not included in Australian team. (iv) Action helped in gaining international attention for Civil Rights Movement.

Description : With reference to the revolt of 1857 explain briefly about the British policy of racial discrimination. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The British considered themselves racially superior to Indians. Educated Indians were not given appointment to high posts. In Civil Services they could rise to the post of Sardar or an Amin, in military service to the rank of a Subedar. They were hated and humiliated in their own country.

Description : Briefly explain the contribution of racial pride of the British rulers towards Indian nationalism. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Racial pride of the British rulers: The British rulers maintained a deep gulf between themselves (rulers) and the subjects under them. They were proud of their blood and culture. Hence, they ... the British against the Indians. They were filled with rage and joined the main stream of nationalism.

Description : What is meant by Racial Discrimination? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Social Discrimination has been defined by Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent ... freedoms in the political, economic, social cultural or any other field of public life.'

Description : What did the Declaration on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination stand for? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was adopted by the General Assembly in 1963 to combat racism and Apartheid in the world with special emphasis in ... Universal Declaration of Human Rights and an obstruction in development of peaceful relations among people.

Description : When was the ‘International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Dis-crimination’ adopted and to what purpose? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' in December, 1965. The convention came into force in 1969 and as its name suggests ... to Racial Discrimination in all its forms. It was mandatory for the States who ratified it.

Description : State two steps taken by the UN for elimination of racial discrimination in South Africa. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The UN passed several resolutions banning Racial Discrimination. In 1974 the Assembly established an 18 member committee known as Special Committee against Apartheid . It implemented resolutions of ... for the imposition of sanctions against South Africa and international action to isolate her.

Description : Bring out the differences between Racial Discrimination and Apartheid. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Racial Discrimination means any distinction, exclusion or restriction based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition or ... In short the whites considered themselves the master race and the non-whites as inferior beings.

Description : In which olympics tommie smith and john carlos shoe there apposition for racial discrimination -SST 10th

Last Answer : 'This answer was deleted by our moderators...

Description : What kind of racial segregation was practised by Hitler? -History 9th

Last Answer : Adolf Hitler practiced racial segregation by giving speeches in public and by spreading the idea of the pure German race. Discrimination began immediately after the national seizure of power in 1933 when Hitler became the Chancellor of German.

Description : How was a 'Racial State' established by Hitler in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : the racial state’ examines Hitler's rise to power. From 1929 on, Nazi propaganda was targeted at conservative voters, and this paid off with electoral breakthrough in 1930. The Nazis ... as unrepresentative. For want of alternatives, the conservatives made Hitler chancellor on 30 January 1933.

Description : State any five measures taken by the Nazis to create a pure German racial state. Or Explain any three steps taken by Hitler to establish racial state. Or Explain the Nazi idea of a racial state. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler's most cherished dream was to create an exclusive racial community of pure Germans. So the moment he came into power, he began to implement his dream. He wanted to physically eliminate ... they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanages where most perished.

Description : Who according to Hitler topped the racial hierarchy? Who formed the lowest rung of the hierarchy? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Nordic German Aryans were at the top, while the Jews were located at the lowest rung of the racial hierarchy.

Last Answer : A noun term that refers to the race of an animal or object is called a genitive noun. Such as: people , Muslims , Hindus etc.

Last Answer : International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination .

Description : What is a black racial group of Africa?

Last Answer : there are none dont exist

Description : How did the NAACP and Marcus Garvey and followers respond to racial discrimination?

Last Answer : i don't noSpell check your answer