How is life in Canada for immigrants?

1 Answer

Answer :

Canada may be very different from your home country, which means there is going to be a lot to learn and explore before you arrive in Canada as a newcomer. Get Visa from Novus Immigration.After you get to Canada, you’ll need to find a temporary place to stay until you can rent or buy a home. One option is to stay at a hotel or hostel.You can also contact an immigrant-serving organization in the city or town where you plan to settle. Ask if there is temporary housing for newcomers and how much it costs.The Canadian Government help refugees find temporary housing as part of the Resettlement Assistance Program.In Canada, parents have to make sure their children get an education. Provincial and territorial governments set up and run their own school systems. They’re much the same across Canada

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Last Answer : answer:I think you’re right. It’s been suggested but like every solution someone always shoots it down calling it racism.

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Last Answer : I thought illegal immigrants are not allowed to participate in the new health plan?

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Last Answer : The Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed citizenship to children born in the U.S.

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Last Answer : Good Q, even if it WAS a Y/N question! Yes, I think so. And we’re expected to conform to their rules…as it should be. Unlike real immigrants to America who expects America to change for them…..

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Last Answer : Nice try, ICE

Description : Immigrants of : How long did it take you to feel at home in a foreign country?

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Last Answer : The answer is 'Bobby Jindal'

Description : Which Indian origin immigrants became the Governor of Louisiana province of the USA in 2007 ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which Indian origin immigrants became the Governor of Louisiana province of the USA in 2007 ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : what word fits in the blankMany corrupt politicians try to pass laws that ___._____.______ illegal immigrants from getting decent paying jobs or good housing?

Last Answer : the periods dont mean anything

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Last Answer : The Statue of Liberty

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Last Answer : Natives disliked the new immigrants because they (took jobs fromwhite Americans).

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Last Answer : The creation of the Know-Nothings...apex

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Last Answer : When immigrants have come to the United States, many ended upliving in deplorable conditions, enduring poverty while theylearned English and acquired job skills. In many cases, as ... mobilizedby candidates who understood their concerns and spoke their nativelanguage.Historically, not all politician

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Last Answer : Europe~Apex

Last Answer : At present the total number of immigrants in the world is 26 crore 20 lakhs.

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Last Answer : Need answer