While exploring the wilds of Canada, George was captured by hostile wood fairies. Zion, the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be boiled in water. If the statement were true, he would be fried in oil. George found neither of this options too his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could have made? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

George said: 'You will boil me in water.' The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fried in oil. They can only fry him in oil if he makes a true statement, but if they do, it would make his final statement false. The fairies had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set George free.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Wild Man Dave said: 'You will boil me in water.' The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fried in oil ... false. The fairies had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set Wild Man Dave free.

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Last Answer : The queen was the white queen, and the servant who was sacrificed was a white pawn who had reached the back row of the black chess pieces—and was subsequently promoted/exchanged for the captured white queen.

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Last Answer : The daughter should pick envelope 1. Unfortunately she picked envelope 3. Statements 1 and 2 were false, and the only true statement was statement 3. If the check was in envelope 1, that would make statement 1 ... both be true. If the check was in envelope 3, statements 1 and 3 would both be true.

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Last Answer : General Gasslefield said: 'I will be shot.' If this statement was true, he would have been hung and thus not be shot. But then his statement would be false, which implies that he should be ... . In other words: the verdict of the court-martial could not be executed and the general was released.

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Last Answer : The man had tormented the dog in the park in the past by telling the dog to fetch the crooked stick (wooden boomerang) he carried with him in his knapsack. The dog could never catch the boomerang, ... who only wanted to play. What goes around comes around, as they say, with boomerangs and in life.

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Last Answer : He told Don to let some air out of his tires. This would make the truck lower and allow him to pass through.

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Last Answer : The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.

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Last Answer : The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.

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Last Answer : D) Learning is effective to the extent that it involves the goals and purposes of individual children

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Last Answer : The son had showed his father a match. When he lit the match, it filled the entire room, yet it was still small enough to fit inside his pocket.

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Last Answer : cause they are crazy or just busy

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Last Answer : The Doctor was the son's mom.

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Last Answer : Under your plan, it's slavery. The owners can pay the rookie next to nothing, and the player can choose to not play, or be underpaid. The current system forces the owner to put forth a contract ... , so the Chargers set up a trade for him that gave them two strong picks. Nothing nefarious here.

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Last Answer : I think you need to report the incident to the Match.com customer service department. You should also try to get a refund on the amount you paid.

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Last Answer : And drew = ANDREW.

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Last Answer : There are two ways she figured out: 1. He would have had to hear her to know she was talking as he was focusing on driving. 2. He would not have heard her directions if he was deaf and wouldn't have nodded in response as a way to confirm he got the directions.

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Last Answer : The internet did not exist when the doctor was a little boy.

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Last Answer : First and formost..find a good lawyer. That's a truely sad story. I would definitely look into Canada's laws regarding destitute and/or abandoned children. If an organization or charity has money to ... they should also have funds to hire a good lawyer to help with all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

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Last Answer : The milkman was the only male. The doctor and lawyer were females, so the cop knew that 'John' was the milkman.

Description : A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip. He told her she would find enough dollar bills for the purchase in an envolope on his desk. She found the note with 98 ... time to pay she not only did have $8 left over but she was short.By how much and why? -Riddles

Last Answer : (A). $4. She had read 86 upside down. (B). Turn 9 upside down and exchange it with the 8. Both columms will add to 18.

Description : A great banquet was prepared for a Roman emperor and his courtiers. 22 Dormice, 40 Larks' Tongues, 30 Flamingos and 40 Roast Parrots were served.How many portions of Boiled Ostrich were served? -Riddles

Last Answer : 42. Each vowel is worth 2 and each consonant 4, so Dormice gives 22, ect.

Description : This thing devours all things. All man, all beasts, all flowers and trees. Even the fiery sun, and the shadowy moon, will one day be devoured by this thing. Stone it grinds, metal it bites. And it ... kills powerful things a lot. Its immortal yet it is not some type of god. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Time.

Description : An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something ... filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought? -Riddles

Last Answer : The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

Description : An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something ... filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought? -Riddles

Last Answer : The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

Description : An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something ... filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought? -Riddles

Last Answer : The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

Description : A man is discovered dead sitting at his desk, alone in the locked office. He did not commit suicide and there was no weapons in the room. The only clue is a sealed envelope on the desk in front of him.How did he die? -Riddles

Last Answer : The envelope glue was poisoned and when the man licked the envelope to seal it, he died.

Description : One morning a man is leaving on business trip and finds he left some paperwork at his office. He runs into his office to get it and the night watchman stops him and says, 'Sir, don't get on the ... for saving his life and then fires him. Why did he fire the watchman that saved his life? -Riddles

Last Answer : He was fired for sleeping on the job!

Description : What kind of personality disorder does Venterloquin have when he had a conversation with his partner? Venterloquin: partner is it you that kill my friend out of jealousy? If so , I understand forgive ... your friend after you caught your wife red handed while she is cheating at your back. -Riddles

Last Answer : Split personality or Associative Identity Disorder.

Description : Wireless networks are extremely hostile and random nature of radio channel. a) True b) False

Last Answer : a) True

Description : How did Zion National Park get its name?

Last Answer : The Mormons had a penchant for using biblical place names. Not only Zion, but also Moab, Goshen, Jordan River, Mt. Carmel. Looking outside Utah, the Strangite Mormons who settled Beaver Island, Michigan gave it Lake Geneserath, Mt. Pisgah, and another Jordan River.

Description : You and Hector are in the car. You are in the passenger seat while Hector is driving. Hector is very good at driving. He closes his eyes to scare you as he is driving.You look at him and see ... whole time. How is that possible that he knew something was in the way with his eyes closed? -Riddles

Last Answer : Since you are in the passenger seat, when you look at Hector all you see is the right side of his face, only his right eye. He had his right eye closed and his left eye opened. You just could't see it.

Description : Suppose your principal is penalizing you deliberately. You do your best efforts to make him happy. But he deals with you as his enemy. What would you do under this situation? Options: A) You will always abuse ... him C) You will always find faults in him D) You will never bow to his wrong will

Last Answer : D) You will never bow to his wrong will

Description : A Queen has twins by Caesarean section so it's impossible to tell who was born first. Now the twins are adults and ready to rule. One is intensely stupid, while the other is highly intelligent, well loved and charismatic. Yet the unintelligent one is chosen as the next ruler.Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : He is a male.

Description : Once upon a time, in a temple, there were three deities: Truth, Lie and Wisdom. The Truth Deity always told the truth. The Lie Deity always told the lie. The Wisdom Deity sometimes told the ... the middle deitie?'- 'Lie', the deity answered.How could the sage distinguish the three deities? -Riddles

Last Answer : The left deity is Wisdom; the middle one is Lie, and the right one is Truth. Explain: The left deity (L) said that the middle one (M) is Truth; therefore, L cannot be Truth (because there cannot be two ... cannot be Truth. Thus, R is Truth. According to him, M is Lie and as a result, L is Wisdom.

Description : Has it been proven or disproven that George Washington had false teeth made of wood?

Last Answer : The Smithsonian Institution has a set of George Washington’s false teeth. They were made of elephant ivory, as was usual for the times.